Friday, October 16, 2020

21 Best Running Instagram Accounts to Follow Now

You MUST Follow these Running Instagram Accounts. Check out this top 21 List of the Best Runners to Follow on Instagram for Running Tips, Inspiration, Motivation and more! This list is a great mix of professional runners, new runners, running companies, funny memes and more. And I made it super easy to follow them in ... Read More about 21 Best Running Instagram Accounts to Follow Now

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from Run Eat Repeat

SV: Today marks my lowest weight in at least 9 years. SW: 224.7 CW: 192.6 GW1:165

34/F, 5'9.5" (I've given up on saying 5'10", but dammit I'm taking that half-inch.)

This go-around of weight loss began in July, and is brought to you by fear of COVID complications from being obese, experiencing symptoms from high-blood sugar, and the very real fear of being diagnosed with diabetes (was one point below the cut off number in two criteria on the fasting glucose tolerance test, grandmother had diabetes).

Four days ago I weighed 197.5, the high point of a 5-pound fluctuating plateau (oxymoron, but also completely describes my situation). I've done my best to stick to a low-carb 1440cal/day diet with very few cheat days, and while I know weight loss isn't directly linear, seeing that high number (again) was not making me happy.

Getting below 200lbs was a milestone, sure, but as I can see roughly 9 years of MyFitnessPal data, I can also see that I'd been below it 4 times previously, and gone back up after each. I think I even vowed to stay under it the time before this, 3.5 years ago. This time, I have a new goal: Get below 190. Nowhere in my tracking history am I below that lowest line. I want to make the graph have to zoom out to show my progress.

Thankfully after that high point, my downward trend resumed, and I got curious about the other low valleys on my report. I looked them up, and I'm 0.4lbs below the lowest. Will I be above it tomorrow? There's a good chance. Am I celebrating prematurely? Likely. Would it make more sense to wait and post about going below 190 when that happens? Yep. But I needed a win today, and I got it, so here I am.

9 years of MFP weight data

submitted by /u/emilyj0y
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can’t bring myself to step on the scales

Hi all. So I’ve been trying to lose weight for the last couple of years. I do CICO and normally lose 20-25 before I cave and put it all back on.

Anyway this time around I’ve been in a much better mindset, I’ve got a decent deficit whilst not starving myself and I feel really positive about actually getting the weight off and keeping it off this time around.

But here’s the thing. I weighed myself on day 1 so I know my starting weight, but I haven’t been able to bring myself to get on the scales since. I know daily weigh ins are best for accurately tracking weight loss. But I don’t want to watch the number slowly climb down through the same figures I’ve seen so many time’s before. And now I feel like I’ve left it too long (nearly 3 weeks) that if I step on the scales now I won’t have lost any/ as much as I’d expected and I’ll get disheartened and fall off the rails.

How do I get back into the routine of daily weigh ins without affecting my mental health or motivation?

submitted by /u/Bill-Door-64
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

15 pounds from goal weight!

Woke up today and was shocked I dropped over 3 pounds the last two days. I was kind of stagnant so usually once a week i'd finally see a weight drop. Down to 215 and 15 pound to go to my goal weight. I've gotten some nice compliments at places as well.

I went out with a friend to a casino where I was carded before I was allowed to enter. I didn't say anything but the lady that carded me said, 'wow, you look at least 10 years younger.' I'm 35 and guess she thought I was no holder than 25. Looking younger as a result of weight loss is a plus.

I know when I got out of the Army the nurses at the VA would always say stuff like, 'wow, you look like you're 16, not 24.' At the time mentally I took it as a jab or just older people being weird. I guess at least now that I look younger no one will question why a 35 year old is acting like a 20 year old, lol.

submitted by /u/Delta5o1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost my first 3lbs!

I’ve been lurking here on this sub for a few weeks and it really inspired me to get started on my weight loss journey.

Some background on myself. Female, 5”5, SW 172 CW169, GW 145. Most of my life I’ve been thin / normal BMI without watching what I ate and just eating when hungry. That’s because I played basketball in high school and used a bike as my mode of transportation in college. I weighed about 130 in high school and unintentionally got down to 118 my freshman year of college (no disordered eating or anything, just a lot of stress and no meal plan at that time). Well I graduated about 5 years ago and slowly the pounds packed on to ~172. I guess I kept waiting to unintentionally lose weight again haha.

I finally realized I needed to make some changes. First cut out alcohol during the week. During COVID I had gotten into a bad habit of a glass or two of wine per night out of boredom. Then started adding on daily 30-60 min walks. I had already been doing spin class 3x per week so I kept that going. I tried this routine for a few weeks but still wasn’t seeing progress. Oct 1 I stumbled on this sub and decided to get serious about calorie and weight tracking. Ordered new batteries for my bathroom scale and downloaded my fitness pal. 2 weeks into CICO at 1400 cals per day and observing my weight trend line and I’m finally seeing progress!

I love that with CICO I can still eat ice cream, Mac and cheese, wine, Mexican food, etc. I just have to budget for it. It’s worth it to eat healthy ~80% of the time because that keeps you fuller and more energized but I sure do love not feeling guilty about that other 20% because I know I’ve saved room for it.

A few things I’ve learned: oatmeal is insanely filling for not that many calories, drinking calories is (almost always) not worth it, giving yourself permission to ‘eat back’ calories from exercising gives you motivation to exercise in the first place which in turn gives you more energy, my kitchen spoons are actually a tablespoon and a teaspoon respectively as long as it’s not heaping, I can ‘bank’ calories during the week and save them for some extra weekend eating as long as my weekly calories are on pace. So far, I’ve learned losing weight doesn’t have to be miserable.

I know I haven’t yet made the insane progress some of you have (hats off to those of you who have lost like 100lbs!!!), but this is a big moment for me because it’s the first time I’ve intentionally and successfully moved the needle down. Thanks for inspiring me and for all the tips so far!!

submitted by /u/kuzzy235
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss nightmares

Who else gets nightmares to do with their weight? So many times, I've had dreams where I'd binge and then wake up, thankful that it wasn't reality. I actually just woke up from a nap and the dream was I stepped on the scale, saw that I gained and I got frustrated so I binged like crazy. A pretty realistic scenario. I think most people here experience this too if you get hungry/cravings, you will get food dreams. It wouldn't be too bad if it didn't feel so vivid. Sometimes I wake up and I need to spend a few minutes wondering if it actually happened because it felt so real. The uncertainty is what makes it scary. Glad that I did not binge today though!

submitted by /u/magicsuns
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What are the downsides/complications of attempting to lose weight without exercising?

Hello! Sorry for the throwaway, but I signed up exclusively to ask something. I started the "losing weight" like 4 days ago, and I saw something on this subreddit that interested me; and that's basically saying that exercise isn't required to losing weight. As someone with both mental and physical chronic illnesses, this in theory sounds great, because when I needed to do exercise, I would often need to push myself a lot. For the last week, I've been trying to search on Google about this to see what I could find, and I found conflicting statements; some said that it was perfectly okay, others said that it could lead to losing more muscle than weight, so now I'm unsure as to what to think. Is it okay to attempt a weight loss by just reducing by calorie intake and nothing else?

submitted by /u/AdMost2836
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from loseit - Lose the Fat