Tuesday, December 1, 2020

What helped me lose 10.7kg in 40 days (~23lbs)

Hi, I'm F22, SW 100kg (~220lbs), CW 89kg (~196lbs), GW 70kg (154lbs). I still have a loooong way to go until my goal weight, but I've lost almost 11kg so far which is a huge amount, so I'll think of myself as qualified to give out some small tips/changes in habits that have helped me:

  • First of all, I lost my weight thanks to a very strict CICO - very low carb diet, plus 16:8 intermittent fasting. I used to exercise 3-5 times a week but haven't been able to for 1 month now because my gym is closed, but I never lost any weight when I was exercising hardcore anyway. I only started losing weight when I changed my diet. So yeah, don't rely completely on exercising. There's no way to lose weight other than adjusting your eating habits.

  • Meal prep. Please, I beg you, start meal prepping. As a college student I'm normally too lazy to cook and that results in me ordering in all the damn time or eating snacks like chips or sweets as meals. But since I started meal prepping - cooking my lunches and dinners for 4 days at once, I completely stopped getting take aways or ordering in and I can control my food intake much, much better now.

  • Buy a food scale. Weigh your food, don't be lazy. If you plan on trying the magical CICO method, a food scale is a must. You will never be able to eyeball calories, so invest in a food scale and you can leave the calculating part to so many convenient apps like MyFitnessPal etc.

  • If you often cook with oil, measure the oil into a separate bowl beforehand (for me I measure out 2 tablespoons when I meal prep for 4 lunches + 4 dinners and only allow myself to use that much oil). Use a silicone food brush to brush your oil on the surface of the pan instead of just pouring straight in from the bottle. You need less oil than you think, trust me.

  • Brush your teeth right after your last meal. This prevents me from late night snacking when there's something binge-able in the house. Also brushing my teeth kind of sends a signal to my brain that I'm done eating for the day, so I don't even have the urge to snack at all.

  • Stop watching food related videos on Youtube, TikTok, Instagram, etc. I can't even count how many times my diet was ruined just because I watched some cooking tutorials or mukbang videos and got irresistible cravings.

  • Only go grocery shopping when you're FULL. Whenever I go grocery with an empty stomach, I fall into the trap of the variety of snacks and processed food at the supermarket and before I know it, I already grabbed 163726282 bags of chips and 927383 chocolate bars. Make a shopping list, buy exactly what you need and get the hell out of the supermarket as fast as you can.

  • Get rid of sugar, completely. No sugary drinks, no sugar in coffee or tea, no sweets, no sugar in cooking. Be strict to yourself, because sugar is addictive. I cut out sugar completely from my diet and when I'm really, REALLY craving something sweet, I go for grapes. Which, of course I will weigh before I eat so I don't accidentally consume 1000 calories worth of grapes in one go.

  • Drink! Water!!! I drink 2l of water everyday.

  • Portion control with the help of food containers with compartments (so I can see the ratio of carb-protein-fiber I'm eating), or simply reduce the size of your eating plates. Plus, EAT SLOWLY. Eat two grains of rice at once and your tiny portion will seem much, much more than it is.

  • Invest in an air fryer. Trust me, it's worth it.

  • If you MUST snack (like me), I recommend the air popper to make plain, oil free sugar free popcorn. Snack on them, they're healthy and low in calories compared to any snacks out there.

  • Don't trust nuts, they are not as innocent as they look. I gained 4kg from macadamia nuts. Oh boy.

  • Konjac (shirataki) noodles have changed my life. Almost no nutrient value other than fiber, but very low in calories and keep you full for a long time. Do some research on it, it's worth it.

That's pretty much all I've been doing. I haven't exercised properly in a month, but I do take long, leisure walks (6-8km) about 3 times a week. Honestly these tips are not groundbreaking or even new to anyone, but if you have the self discipline to stick to it, you'll definitely see results.

I wish everyone success on this weight loss journey!

submitted by /u/j__ani
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/36qACNi

I am setting an intention

Today I am starting what will hopefully be the beginning of an actual weight loss journey. Not just yo-yo-ing. I have my plan, which includes CICO, IF and low carb(under 100g net carbs).

I have my exercise/lifestyle battle-plan as well.

I’m just finally at a point in my life where enough is enough. I am sick of this weight!! I want my original body shape back. I want to be able to go hike or do any physical activity at a moments notice without dread of how Im going to keep up physically. I want to be able to wear a bikini and look good again. I want to post a full body shot on my dating profile and not have to disclaimer when i first talk to guys that I’m ‘bigger’. Mainly tho, I want to do it for me. It’s time. I’ve done so much self-improvement on my mental health, my career opportunities. It’s time to take care of my body and do what’s right for it.

submitted by /u/adeleidavega
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/33yEMkw

From 450lbs to 170lbs - 3.5 year update. The journey doesn't end once you hit your goal weight, but you can do it!

Hey everyone,

It has been 6 months since my last update, so I just wanted to post and let everyone know how maintenance is going for me and what it looks like. I think it is important that people get to see what happens after you are "done" with your weight loss journey.

Here's my previous post as a refresher: https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/gumowa/from_450lbs_to_170lbs_in_3_years_imagine_where/

Here's a look at how my weight has fluctuated over the past 6 months and month: https://imgur.com/a/1RwyMtE

I have been able to maintain my weight well while at home in my normal routine, but I went back to my hometown 3 times in the past 6 months and whenever I do, I tend to binge and go overboard without a good routine. As you can see, that leads to some major weight gain over just a few days that can take a month or more to lose again. I just completely throw my usual healthy eating and exercise out the window and eat whatever I want, including fast foods, snacks, desserts, and honestly everything. I am trying to learn to relax while visiting back home without completely losing it and eating 5,000+ calories a day. I feel comfortable with not bingeing while at home in my normal routine, but I do still struggle with overeating peanut butter sometimes and will binge on protein bars. I recently bought 5-6 jars of peanut butter and 100's of protein bars from Black Friday sales that I am hoping I will be able to eat slowly throughout the next year.


Breakfast: 6 eggs and a handful of cheese, two slice of toast with peanut butter or avocado, an apple, carrots

Lunch: healthy choice microwave meal, can of tuna, two scoops protein shake, a big plate of broccoli and cauliflower dipped in hummus, and then another piece of peanut butter toast or a protein bar or two, or 5 lol.

Dinner: Chicken and veggies, BBQ meatballs, Turkey and Gravy, or some other small protein based meal.

Snack: before bed I usually have a casein shake and some cottage cheese or peanut butter

Exercise: I lift weights 1-2 hours in the morning, 1 hour run/jog at lunch and then a 2 hour run/jog after dinner.

I am happy to answer any questions anyone has. I visit this reddit frequently, but don't post that often since I am just kind of living my life now. I eat very healthy and exercise a lot.

submitted by /u/FreethoughtChris
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2KRQIXT

From 230 to 155 and back to 200

I posted this on another subreddit, both are weight loss oriented so I figured this story could be shared here.

Hey y’all, I’ve been on a weight loss journey since 2018, and have done some pretty incredible feats and the weight loss communities have been so supportive. I want to share my experience along with my current struggle.

Like many people I have been overweight most of my life. About two years ago I took control into my own hands. I counted calories, ate clean, lifted weights and did cardio. It worked! It really did! I got down to 155 by my 28th birthday and I had never felt so strong, healthy and sexy in my life.

The physical stuff, although there was struggle, was easy. The mental change I didn’t pay attention to. And as I did this drastic change, my mental health hadn’t changed at all.

People noticed me. For the first time I didn’t have to wait for someone to “look past my fat”, I would just initially get hit on. Family, friends and strangers would either give me (what felt like) an absurd amount of praise or be hostile towards me. Being fat, I understand hostility, right? People are typically hostile towards fat people, but as a thin person? It stems from jealousy and envy, and that feels worse. Because I worked so hard for all this and these strangers either thirst or hate me because of my body. What I had worked so hard for.

I went to Mardi Gras in New Orleans this past year (right before the lockdowns hit). I dressed up every day, in outfits that I never in a million years would have felt comfortable in. I like dressing up! I felt so beautiful and confident. Until everywhere I went, it felt like I was getting eaten by eyes. I found myself in a lot of uneasy situations, people were way too forward than I was prepared for. There were a handful of times I had to go back to my air bnb because I couldn’t handle the attention.

Over the summer I dated someone. We were very physical early on and things were fine until I realized that he never asked anything about me. Throughout the few months we were together it became clearer that he was just dating me to sleep with me because he found me “hot”. I broke it off and I tried dating a little bit but the next two dates I went on unfolded into situations I wouldn’t wish on anybody.

I’m really sad. Through all this I’ve gotten myself back up to 200, and as upset as I have been I’ve had to really think about why I allowed myself to do this.

The conclusion I came up with is I feel safer from people when I’m heavier. I’m not prey when I’m invisible. I don’t want to be fat but I can’t seem to kick myself out of the uneasiness I was in when I was thinner. I want to be healthy. I want to be able to do what I was able to before.

I want to be healthy, I felt so good when I was healthier. I’m now making steps everyday towards a healthier life but I keep thinking of all the crap I dealt with before. Can anyone relate to this? Honestly I’m embarrassed and ashamed to be back at this point, but I know I can get out of it.

I’m not sure if advice, validation or just the need to cry about what I haven’t been able to talk about is why I posted this. If anyone else feels the same or has gone through a similar path, I’m there with you. We’ll get back to it.

Thank you for reading.

submitted by /u/sepiatonednightmare
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3lusaAO

Reminder that indulging during the holidays is OKAY! Everything in moderation

I LOVE the holidays, but for the past few weeks i’ve been feeling stressed out about gaining weight during thanksgiving and the holidays. When I first started my weight loss journey I was SUPER strict about what I ate and I constricted a lot. I didn’t realize how horrible I was treating my body til the beginning of November. The whole point of weight loss is to make it sustainable and make healthy changes that are manageable. I’m still working on it, but to those of you who are like me and are “all or nothing” kind of people, trying to find a balance is key. For thanksgiving I ate 2 and a half servings of mac and cheese AND a slice of pumpkin pie and was over my daily calorie limit by 200 calories. I definitely did feel guilty, but if you’re eating healthy 80% of the time then treating yourself is OKAY. I reminded myself that I deserve to eat unhealthy food every now and then. I didn’t eat breakfast or lunch that day because I knew I wanted to eat a bunch of unhealthy food for dinner. The next day I had leftovers, but was able to fit it into my calorie needs/goal. Same thing on Sunday. It was not the healthiest food and I definitely went over my macros, but it’s progress. I’m glad I didn’t over eat like crazy, but was still able to enjoy myself this past weekend. The amount I eat fluctuates and some days I meet my calorie intake/macros, but some days I barely meet 1000 calories due to being a busy college student/stress from midterms, finals, work, etc so I try to drink protein shakes, nuts, etc. These past 5 months i’ve implemented intuitive eating and it has helped me a lot. To those of you who are scared about the holidays and gaining weight, don’t be. You deserve to nourish your body and enjoy yourself and all the yummy food. Remember that balance is key and you just need to figure out what works for you.

submitted by /u/simplys96
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3mwsdxt

Weight loss: the good, the bad, and the ugly

Excessive weight loss: the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I’m posting this, absolutely terrified. For years I’d never show my body. Not even to close friends or family members. It was something to be hidden under clothing.

And as I sit here, at 138 lbs I still feel that need to hide it.

My body didn’t recover, in that I have a lot of excess skin.

New insecurities have arisen. I’ve got fuckin bat wings for Christ’s sake, and not the cool kind.

My tummy sags and my legs wrinkle.

I went from being a large woman who is now often referred to as tiny.

I’m desperately trying to love this new me. I worked hard for it. I remind myself each day that this body has been to hell and back. It has loved me and carried me through despite my self loathing and years of punishment.

This sagging skin though, is a reminder of how far I’ve come. Despite how much I might dislike looking at it, it could still be all of that heavy weight.

I can breathe now. I can walk without a slight waddle. I can trek across 4 countries and only feel mildly of death rather than knocking on the devils door. Sex is awesome now. Hiking is a breeze. Sleeping is far more comfortable. My skin is clearer and glowing. My knees don’t hurt like the used to. My feet don’t ache after only a few hours. That flight of stairs doesn’t look so daunting.

I feel better. In so many ways, and each day as I look in the mirror and say “you’re a deflated balloon” I try my best to counter it. You aren’t your appearance. You are your strength, your perseverance, your ability to adapt and to grow.

Maybe one day I’ll get surgery to remove this excess stuff, but until then I must remain proud of myself. I must love myself for who I am and who I have become.

Thank you body, for never giving up on me. Thank you mind, for trying to overcome the overwhelming and intrusive thoughts of self loathing.

I am here and I am imperfect.

My body deserves nothing less than god damn respect.NSFW/Progress Pics

submitted by /u/roolyons32711
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/37qpAXz

Short Rant Ahead: Struggling to Stay on Track

So I've started trying to lose weight recently and I am currently struggling with the contradictions born from it. I've started getting the compliments from family who can see the weight loss: "Are you losing weight?" "Your face is thinner." "I've trying to be like you." "Look at you! You getting so cute." And I haven't even lost that much weight! Honestly, these "compliments" have added a pressure to succeed. To go farther than I originally planned. They've made this decision harder because now I feel like I HAVE to keep losing weight. Because if I don't I've failed myself and their expectations. What started as me doing this for me has now turned into, I can't fail and I HAVE to lose weight. I've always been a body positive person, even before I started trying to lose weight. I've always loved myself and my body. But I've been struggling the past few weeks to stay on a course I've set for myself. What happens to those compliments if I stop now? What if I gain the little weight I've lost back? I've realized now that my original motivation is struggling to stay afloat. I'm not doing this solely for myself anymore. I'm doing it to please others and to be pleasing to others. At the same time, I still want to get back into my size 16 jeans (I'm wearing the only two pairs of size 20 jeans I have) cause I ain't got the money for new clothes, and the bridesmaid dress in my closet set for an April wedding is a size 18, and I'll be damned if I gotta buy a new one. My motivation is slipping and it didn't start until people started noticing and commenting on my weight loss ( as meager as it is). I'm getting back on track, but now in the back of my head, I feel like I'm not losing weight fast enough. I'm not sure how to hold these contradictions without feeling the weight of them (pun not intended).

submitted by /u/AlwaysTime4Cake
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/39x96Qk