Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Why is calorie counting so hated in pop culture?

(27F, 5”7, SW: 135, GW: 125)

Background on me: I have a naturally lean physique and was underweight for most of my life due to genetics combined with my very active lifestyle. Recently (end of 2018 until present) I started my career which is consultancy/desk job within long hours, meaning I’m sedentary for 10+ hrs a day. This combined with getting older and my metabolism slowing, means I started to gain weight. Though I am still within the healthy/average range for my height, the weight I’ve gained is all fat and doesn’t look good where I store it. I’ve picked up running again and calorie counting with myfitnesspal.

In person, women colleagues and friends criticize my calorie counting as being part of “toxic diet culture” and that it’s completely unnecessary/a myth that it is a beneficial thing to do when losing weight. When I look up articles on calorie counting the first to come up is “why you shouldn’t calorie count” and “calorie counting is unhealthy” etc.

So, I ran an experiment on myself: I didn’t count calories but generally “felt” like I was eating well in a day and not overeating. I exercised by running 5 miles every other day. No weight loss at all. Did this for like 4 months and was only able to maintain my weight.

Then I started counting calories (1350 to lose 1lb per week) combined with running 5 miles every other day and immediately lost a pound, then another and another (I was 135 before I started this experiment).

Counting calories has made me realize how unnecessary much of my eating was. I still factor in treats like pop tarts every now and then, but it’s incredible to me how much I was overeating by before, while thinking I was eating well.

Why do people in general (e.g friends, the media) discount calorie counting so much? I feel bad for being a part of “toxic diet culture” just because I want to maintain a certain weight that isn’t unhealthy or underweight.

submitted by /u/laiiovlyvacuous
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

New starter looking for advice please

I’m a 30 year old female, 5’4 and I’m around 210lbs

I have decided, for the first time in my life, that I’d like to lose weight the healthy way. Unfortunately I have no idea what I’m doing. I’ve tried reading about weight loss but it really seems so complicated to me.

I thought I’d try to set some limits for myself which are eating no more than 1500 calories per day and doing 1 hour of aerobic exercise every day for 5 days a week. Is that any good? I’m also hearing that it may not work for me because I have PCOS? I have lost weight in the past without even trying so surely I will lose weight when I’m trying to?

submitted by /u/raisingwildflowers
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing the weight 5pounds at a time

I have 45+ pounds to get to my goal weight However the number 45 looks too scary to attempt so my plan is to focus on 5 lbs at a time it's less intimidating . I'm down 6lbs already which feels nice so off to the next 5. I don't really have a fixed plan in place yet and I can't have a fixed eating plan till the 15th but I am just watching what I eat for now and trying 20mins of low intensity work out . I have been on over 100 different weight loss journeys like most people here, the plus side of my many failed attempts is I know what will not work . I plan on taking time even if it means all 12 months this year to shed the weight. And make my journey simple yet very effective .

submitted by /u/dawn500
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wondering how to combat a confirmed low RMR/BMR but still lose weight?

I recently went for a DEXA and RMR breath test. I've done a DEXA before but it was my first RMR.

For context I'm female, 5' 7", 191 pounds (the day of), 123 pounds of lean body mass. I've never been an athlete or anything but I walk around a lot and do an active hobby but never more than once a week for a few months at a time and that was primarily in college. The amount of muscle was a surprise to me and the administrator the first time I did it (186 lbs and 126 lbs of LBM; 28% body fat). With COVID I've been walking around way less so the increase in fat to 31-32% wasn't a huge shock.

The calculators would indicate I should have a BMR/RMR of around 1700 kcal a day but mine is at 1368 kcal according to the breath test (17% lower than expected or net 7% too low when you factor in the +/- 10%). The person administering it said it looked like I had been restrictive dieting for a while so she recommended I eat 1800 everyday for 3 to 4 months to get it back out of the slow range. I've been working out so I guess it explains why I haven't been seeing the weight loss results I was expecting but her advice kind of threw me for a loop.

Has anyone been in this situation before? I'd like to keep losing weight but I'm trying to figure out whether or not I can just eat under what my current BMR/RMR is or if that'll just make it drop even lower?

submitted by /u/BendyLikeCandy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Question about fruits

This may sound a bit silly, but are fruits good for weight loss? I am personally a huge fan of pineapple and I can eat it all day. I ate some today but I feel guilty because of the fact that is has a lot of sugar and carbs. It’s not even just pineapple, I’m asking about fruits in general. Are there some fruits that I should specifically avoid? I usually go to fruits (like pineapple) because I have a sweet tooth but I also don’t want to go to actual sweets like candy or other junk. I think i CAN go without fruits if it comes to that point, but i’m not so sure. I’m currently trying to eat around 1,300 calories a day (although i don’t really eat as much as that, currently tracking with MyFitnessPal). Thanks!

submitted by /u/dr-dre4
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Should I stop drinking coffee?

I am kind of in a pickle with this one. I love coffee, especially in the mornings to get me going. But I feel like it is dragging my down on my weight loss journey. I put creamer in is as well (like french vanilla or others that are definitely full of sugar), but I feel like it will be a hard habit to break. I mean, I think i eventually CAN do it but I just would rather not.

Usually I feel kind of guilty when I drink it, because I feel like I just drank a whole cup of sugar water or something. But I will stop drinking it if it is actually really bad for me. Also, what else should I drink in replacement? I’ve heard that green tea is also a good energy source, but it doesn’t do it for me the way coffee does. I also cannot stand coffee without creamer, it is so bitter and gross.

Any suggestions? Thanks!

submitted by /u/dr-dre4
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Started my road to weight loss yesterday and feel great!

I'm a 26 year old Male at 115kg and 6ft3 after been around 93kg a couple of years ago. Alcohol and no exercise has really hit me hard so I thought I'd post on here just to get myself motivated.

Since lockdown has now hit in the UK (again) and I've been furloughed until atleast February, I've just started my road to weight loss. I put about 12kg on last year when I was off for 6 months so really need to start losing weight.

Just started the couch to 5K on the BBC app and its great, I've completed the first 2 runs and I'm feeling motivated. Bit of a random post but I thought If I posted it would keep me motivated to stick to the plan. I do struggle with temptation and often just eat alot of chocolate and bad foods when I get bored, so any advice would be appreciated on how to keep motivated and in control of my eating habits. Hopefully this is the start of many posts!

submitted by /u/justropertobeat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat