Saturday, February 27, 2021

Where was the first and last place you lost fat?

Hey guys. I posted about my weight loss journey so far (down 20lbs!). Just was curious as to wear you lost fat first, and where was the last place you lost it. For me, I really haven’t seen any difference in my before and after photos, it’s only my face that has got more defined and less round so hey I’m not complaining. The parts I want to lose the most is my tummy, and my thighs, so because of that I reckon they’ll be the last to go. Did you start to notice a difference when you entered a healthy BMI? I’m currently 6lbs away from a healthy weight and I’m really hoping each pound from there on I will really start to see the fat loss in those areas. I can’t work out whether I have an hour glass shape or a pear shape, I have larger thighs so I’m guessing in pear shaped but of course I might just carry a lot of fat on my thighs. I do hope they slim down though because I would love a thigh gap lol. Let me know where you first and last saw your fat loss! Thanks guys :)

submitted by /u/lurkerec123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Best Peloton class types for someone looking to lose body fat (not body weight) and retain as much muscle mass as possible (I’ll be resistance training 3 x a week as well) - Any advice for a beginner would be amazing! 😊

Hi all,

I’m due to have my new Peloton bike delivered next weekend and I’m really excited for it! 😊

I wanted some advice from anyone more experienced and in the know as I’m a beginner with Peloton/Spin bikes, etc

I’m currently on a weight loss journey/body recomposition journey and want to incorporate my Peloton bike into my lifestyle as a way to assist with the fact that my job is heavily desk/sitting based, meaning I can’t get a healthy amount of movement or steps in at all! It’s genuinely 100% sitting all day! 🙁

I want to incorporate my Peloton bike into my regime, to assist with general cardio and health but also fat loss.

I’m 31, male, 6’5, and around 225lbs (27% body fat. I resistance train 3 x a week and have a good base in terms of my frame and muscle mass naturally.

Now I want to use my Peloton because I love cycling and just love the idea of being able to get up in the morning and start the day with a class/cycle to be honest.

I don’t want to risk following the wrong class types and hinder my ability to retain the muscle mass I have/build, and want to find a balance where the Peloton can aid in burning body fat, not body weight (if that makes sense).

Does anyone have any tips for what sort of class types to follow or maybe a suggested weekly plan based on what I’ve explained and what my goals are?

Any help would be massively appreciated! Thank you in advance! 😊

submitted by /u/JonnyBro25
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I finally went back to the gym today!

I started my weight loss journey right after Christmas 2020. Overall it’s been going well. It started out really strong. I had been going to the gym at least 3 times a week for an aqua fit class and sometimes even more than that to walk on the treadmill and sometimes even do the weight machines.

But then we got hit with a huge blizzard here on the east coast. We made the mistake of not shoveling my vehicle out (I work from home and haven’t needed to drive very much lately). And it kept melting and then snowing again so the snow froze into ice and it was impossible to dig my truck out. Then it finally got nicer out and melted enough to get it out but it was really difficult to get in and out because the driveway isn’t paved so it’s all mud right now, and I would get stuck every time I tried, so I was super hesitant to ever want to drive anywhere. I don’t drive my husbands car because I have a phobia of driving small cars due to being in a traumatic accident.

So all this is to say I stopped going to the gym for almost 3 weeks. And my weight loss slowed down. Even though I’m working really hard to only eat 1400 calories a day, I’m just staying flat at 288 lbs and I’ve been stuck there for over a week.

Well yesterday it was super nice out and more of the ice melted so today I bit the bullet and went to the aqua fit class for the first time in however long. I had anxiety about going because I didn’t know if someone was going to say something about how I haven’t been there in a while. But nobody did, it was perfectly fine. I’m really glad I went. I’m going to get back into the swing of going again.

I hope this jump starts my weight loss and gets me out of my plateau.

submitted by /u/292to137
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is it still water weight?

First time poster, long time lurker! My stats are F22, 5’3, SW 246, CW 237, GW 146. After MANY half-hearted attempts to lose weight (only to gain back twice as much as I lost) I feel like I’m in it to win it now. No more excuses! But I also want to do sustainably, because that’s what I’ve been missing in past fad diets. I started my exercise journey at the end of January, and have been doing consistent cardio (either indoor cycling or elliptical) every day. In the last few days, I added daily yoga to that routine, so in total I burn between 600-800 calories from exercise. However, it took me a bit longer to hop on the food train, but I soon learned that no matter how much I exercised, my diet would be the lions share of weight gain AND loss. My TDEE is around 2100, and I eat between 1600 and 1800 depending on the day. I’ve done 4 weeks of weekly weigh-ins: 246, 246, 242.2, and today’s weight of 237(!!!). My question is: 5.2 pounds is an awful lot for one week. Love to see the number, but is it possible that it’s water weight even though I’ve been exercising daily for over a month? I did recently up my water intake from 60 oz to 120 oz, so that might also explain it. But again I want to SUSTAIN weight loss, and so I don’t want to drop too rapidly, so if y’all don’t think it’s water weight, do I need to up my caloric intake? Would appreciate any thoughts!!

submitted by /u/whyrose99
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any help / advice appreciated!

Any advice welcome!

Hello all 5’3’’ and was 133lbs Monday and now 127.6. I’m trying to do the typical lose the gut and gain the butt. I have a Versa 3 and I’m thinking about getting one of those BMI scales bc I think that would help motivate me bc I think I’m getting into that plateau point (I feel like I need numbers or something or I’ll lose motivation and quit). I’m usually at 800 to 900 calories a day or else I don’t really see weight loss progress. I eat healthy (eggs, apples, nuts, chicken, avocado, tangerines, fish and vegetables and I juice celery like crazy. I drink mostly water with lemon otherwise) I’ll be honest, I power walk / jog the 10,000 steps a day and do a few squats but that’s about it. I still have the gut (the gut is bc I drink which I have also cut back a lot) gut is going down albeit slowly. I’m asking for any and all advice from this knowledgeable community to attain that coveted tiny waist and nice booty. Thank you!!!

submitted by /u/SnooPeanuts925
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: Coworkers didn’t believe old photo was me!

Stats: 30F 5’7” HW 200 CW 133

Background: I started my weight loss journey 5 years ago but I yo-yo’d for the first couple of years. I finally got to my goal weight last year (around summer). I’ve been maintaining/losing vanity pounds since. I started a new job in Oct of last year, so my co-workers only know my current weight and diet. They have actually made nice comments about how healthy I eat. Which is funny to me since at my old job I was basically a candy dispenser. Today everyone was showing their wedding photos and so I pulled out mine as well. My wedding was 6 years ago, right before my journey and I was at my heaviest if not heavier (didn’t weigh myself then). They were so shocked and could not believe it was me!! One of them accused me of lying!

It’s pretty interesting because I don’t notice such a huge difference myself but even my old co-workers that were in my wedding are in disbelief of photos of me now! What is also interesting is I used to look at those photos and hate how I looked. Any old photos I was disgusted at what I saw. Now I see them and I love them! They are my wedding photos and they remind me of one of the happiest days of my life.

submitted by /u/lenadita
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

16 Fish Recipes for a Fresh and Filling Dinner

A weight loss plan calls for fresh and filling dinners. What better way to satisfy your hunger than with flavorful fish recipes? Whether you have a fish fry on Friday or eat fish tacos on Tuesday, putting fish on your dinner plate could help you live longer, get healthier and even lose weight.

Though they’re not quite as celebrated as they once were for protecting your heart, fatty fishes still have benefits for your ticker: A study, published in the Journal of Internal Medicine, found that higher fish and long-chain omega-3 fatty acid intake can reduce the risk of cardiac-related death by 10 percent, says Science Daily. According to the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements, fatty fishes also pack in more vitamin D than any other food, activating calcium for stronger bones and boosting immune system function.

Eating healthy fish recipes can also help with weight loss: A study of 481 postmenopausal women, published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, found that eating more fish meant losing more weight. The Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the American Heart Association (AHA) recommend eating two servings of fish per week for better health. According to the AHA, fish is a low-calorie source of high-quality protein that’s the perfect addition to a dieter’s menu.

Seafood like fish is a wonderful PowerFuel for your Nutrisystem plan and Flex meal recipes. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), three ounces of cooked tilapia delivers a whopping 21 grams of protein and just 108 calories! A high-protein diet has been shown to decrease hunger and appetite while increasing muscle mass and metabolism, says Healthline. It’s a weight loss win-win!

Put that protein-packed power to good use: Schedule a weekly fish night and make it delicious—and Nutrisystem-friendly—with one of these 16 easy fish recipes.

7 of the Healthiest Fish to Eat for Weight Loss

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1. Shrimp-Stuffed Fish >

stuffed fish with spinach. The Leaf fresh fish recipes.

Calories per Serving: 228

On Nutrisystem, Counts As: 1 ½ PowerFuels and 2 Extras

Double your protein—and your decadence—with this stuffed fish recipe. It’s got a flavor that’s straight out of a high-end seafood restaurant, but oh-so-easy to make at home. Complete with lemon-y flavor and rich creaminess from a homemade cream cheese stuffing, you’ll never believe this stuffed fish fillet is only 228 calories per serving! Pair it with your favorite SmartCarb for a perfect Flex Meal.

2. Air Fryer Fish Sticks with Tartar Sauce >

air fryer recipe. fish sticks

Calories per Serving: 273

On Nutrisystem, Counts As: 1 SmartCarb, 1 ½ PowerFuels and 1 Extra

Air fryer meals and fish recipes belong together. The magic of an air fryer makes these fish sticks as crunchy as anything you’ll find in the freezer case. The natural tang from nonfat plain Greek yogurt means the homemade tartar sauce tastes better than bottled—and with more protein and fewer calories. These fish sticks will be a hit with your whole family! At just 273 calories per serving, they’re a comfort food recipe that only feels like a cheat meal.

3. Miso Salmon with Kale and Beets >


Calories per Serving: 236

On Nutrisystem, Counts As: 1 PowerFuel, 3 Extras and 1 Vegetable

This dinner is a plate filled with superfoods: Salmon delivers fatty acids and vitamin D, kale comes in with filling fiber and beets bring along several vitamins and minerals. Even the miso packs a probiotic punch! The best part? This meal is also loaded with one more thing: Flavor. It’s great for your health but even better for your taste buds!

Superfood Saturday: Salmon the Great

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4. Blackened Fish Sandwich >

fish sandwich. The Leaf fresh fish recipes.

Calories per Serving: 302

On Nutrisystem, Counts As: 1 SmartCarb, 1 PowerFuel, 1 Extra and 1 Vegetable

Flaky cod fillets, Cajun spices and crunchy cabbage slaw come together to make this perfect, protein-packed fish sandwich recipe. You’ll create your own seasoning mixture for the fish—don’t worry, it’s easy! Plus, you’ll whip up a creamy, yogurt-based sriracha sauce that’s great for many fish recipes. It’s a colorful, filling meal that you’ll love to make again and again.

5. Fish Tacos >

fish tacos. The Leaf fresh fish recipes.

Calories per Serving: 363

On Nutrisystem, Counts As: 1 SmartCarb, 1 PowerFuel, 2 Vegetables and 3 Extras

Who doesn’t love fish tacos? This healthy fish taco recipe hits the spot, with spicy flavors from a simple fish marinade, zesty citrus juices and creamy avocado. To top it all off, a secret sauce—a homemade tomatillo drizzle with onions, jalapeno and garlic. It’s a salsa that’s perfect for these tasty fish tacos and may even become your go-to for chips, burrito bowls and more.

6. Open-Faced Tuna Melt >

tuna salad on toast with cheese

Calories per Serving: 293

On Nutrisystem, Counts As: 1 SmartCarb and 2 PowerFuels

This tasty take on a customer favorite transforms a package of Nutrisystem Tuna Salad into a magnificent, melty meal with just five ingredients and a few minutes under the broiler. Just top sourdough bread with the tuna salad, tomatoes, red onion and a slice of reduced-fat provolone for a delicious dish that’s perfect for lunch or an ultra-quick, no-fuss dinner. Click here to stock up on our tasty Tuna Salad! >

7 Simple Ways to Make a Healthy Sandwich

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7. Sushi Tuna Tower >

sushi tuna tower

Calories per Serving: 295

On Nutrisystem, Counts As: 1 SmartCarb, 1 PowerFuel and 2 Extras

Sushi calories usually add up quickly: From the sticky rice to sauces on the side, a little meal can put a big dent in your daily diet plan. This tuna tower solves it all—you get the sushi you love in a portion that satisfies, all for just 295 calories. It’s not magic… it’s math: Swapping in light mayo for full-fat and reducing the amount of rice in favor of high-protein fish saves calories without sacrificing flavor. Just press the ingredients into a bowl, refrigerate for 30 minutes and dig in to this health fish recipe.

8. Air Fryer Fish and Chips >

air fryer fish and chips

Calories per Serving: 391

On Nutrisystem, Counts As: 2 SmartCarbs, 1 ½ PowerFuels and 1 Extra

More miracles from the air fryer! This time, it does double-duty: In less than 15 minutes, the little countertop wonder will cook both impossibly crisp fish and crunchy potatoes worthy of any pub. The only difference is the calories—instead of using oil to add loads of fat to this delicious meal, the air fryer circulates super-heated air to create the same crunchy exterior without any added guilt. Want to make this meal even more diet-friendly? Swap out the chips for veggies—by itself, the fish clocks in at just 205 calories per serving. Learn more ways an air fryer can help you lose weight and be healthier in this wellness post on The Leaf! >

9. 3-Step Tuna Patties >

tuna patties on a plate. The Leaf fresh fish recipes.

Calories per Serving: 125

On Nutrisystem, Counts As: 1 PowerFuel and 1 Extra

In just three simple steps, you can elevate canned tuna from a humble pantry staple to a gourmet meal worthy of fancy dinner. To make these perfect, flavorful patties, you’ll just mix together drained tuna with some simple ingredients like Dijon mustard, egg and parsley, then pan-fry hand-formed patties for three minutes on each side. They’re perfect for a sandwich, on top of a salad or paired with roasted vegetables for an easy, low-calorie centerpiece that will make any dinner delicious.

What Your Plate Means for Your Weight Loss

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10. Air Fryer Catfish >

air fryer catfish recipe

Calories per Serving: 230

On Nutrisystem, Counts As: 2 PowerFuels and 1 Extra

We’ve said it before: Our members and followers are geniuses, and this delicious air fryer fish recipe proves it. Barbara, a Leaf reader, created this delectable dish that you need to try ASAP! In just 20 minutes, your air fryer turns catfish, a little bit of oil and some spices into a flavor-packed main course that pairs perfectly with crunchy coleslaw, roasted green beans and your other favorite go-to vegetables.

11. Avocado Tuna Melt Panini >

tuna melt panini

Calories per Serving: 344

On Nutrisystem, Counts As: 1 SmartCarb, 1 PowerFuel, ½ Vegetable and 3 Extras

Swapping out mayo for creamy avocado in tuna salad is a calorie-saving, weight loss classic: The avocado adds flavor and healthy fats that make the salad even more satisfying. This Tuna Melt Panini cranks it up to a whole new level, featuring melty, reduced-fat cheese and a crunchy exterior created by a panini press. You can also use a countertop grill or even just a frying pan—by placing another heavy pan on top of the sandwich, you’ll get the same panini press effect.

12. Salmon Sushi Bowl >

salmon sushi bowl with veggies. The Leaf fresh fish recipes.

Calories per Serving: 425

On Nutrisystem, Counts As: 1 SmartCarb, 1 PowerFuel and 3 Extras

The recipe says “sushi” but the fish is cooked—you can use pre-cooked salmon or bake some of your own to top this protein-packed power bowl. And you’ll have much more than fish to enjoy: This decadent fish recipe has crunchy carrots and cucumber, spicy sushi ginger slices and an easy, flavorful ginger soy sauce that comes together with just four simple ingredients. Make two bowls—one for dinner tonight and another to take for lunch tomorrow for a perfect grab-and-go meal. This is one of our favorite fish recipes for meal prepping!

How to Build the Best Power Bowl Ever

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13. Spicy Teriyaki Tuna Steak >

teriyaki tuna steak. The Leaf fresh fish recipes

Calories per Serving: 120

On Nutrisystem, Counts As: 1 PowerFuel and 1 Extra

Tuna steak is flaky, hearty and incredibly easy to make well: Just bake for about 10 minutes at 400 degrees and it’s ready for the dinner plate. Topping it with a mixture of teriyaki sauce, honey and a few other ingredients gives this tuna steak a tasty bonus—a sticky, slightly sweet glaze that makes the fish recipe even more delicious. At an astoundingly low 120 calories per serving, it’s a perfect start to a filling, well-rounded meal for your health and wellness goals. Pair it with brown rice or potatoes and a heaping helping of your favorite non-starchy, high fiber vegetables for a colorful, flavorful dinner.

14. Crispy Salmon with Pomegranate Salsa >

salmon with salsa. The Leaf fresh fish recipes.

Calories per Serving: 232

On Nutrisystem, Counts As: 2 PowerFuels and 2 Extras

This simply-prepared salmon takes on a unique, tangy flavor from a simple pomegranate salsa that’s a snap to mix together. Don’t be intimidated: You don’t even need to cut the pomegranate yourself. If you haven’t seen them, your grocery store has pomegranate seeds (or arils) in the refrigerated area with sliced fruits—so you can get the zip of the antioxidant-loaded superfood without the mess. Mix it with spicy jalapeno, crunchy jicama and a few other ingredients for a salmon topper you won’t soon forget.

15. Mahi Mahi with Pineapple Mango Salsa >

 mahi mahi with salsa. The Leaf fresh fish recipes.

Calories per Serving: 182

On Nutrisystem, Counts As: 1 PowerFuel and 2 Extras

This homemade salsa will give you a taste of vacation, even if you can’t leave home: With pineapple and mango mixed with jalapeno, cilantro, red onion and lime, the fruity salsa in this dish is like a trip to a bar with tables in the sand. But you don’t have to go far—or be on a cheat day—to enjoy this healthy fish recipe. In just eight short minutes, you can get the taste of vacation fast… and guilt-free.

6 Delicious Ways to Eat Mango

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16. Instant Pot Salmon with Chili Lime Sauce >

Instant Pot fish recipes

Calories per Serving: 342

On Nutrisystem, Counts As: 1 SmartCarb, 1 PowerFuel, ½ Vegetable and 3 Extras

Your Instant Pot makes fish recipes easy as can be! This fish recipe really is almost done in an instant: In just three minutes, the Instant Pot will cook your salmon to perfection, making it ready for the recipe’s real star: a simple, low-calorie, homemade chili lime sauce. By mixing together a little oil, honey, lime juice and fresh herbs and spices, you’ll have a simple sauce that goes perfectly with your ready-already fish and vegetables. It’s a citrusy, spicy accompaniment that loads up the flavor without packing your plate with extra fat or calories.

To see more healthy fish recipes, be sure to visit The Leaf recipe page! You can also learn helpful wellness tips from our nutrition and recipe experts covering a variety of weight loss topics, such as the top five fish to add to your grocery list this week! >

The post 16 Fish Recipes for a Fresh and Filling Dinner appeared first on The Leaf.

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