Wednesday, November 6, 2019

how do i beat my skinny fat?

hi there !!! im not really sure how to introduce this, so here are my stats!

im 5'5, 112-115lbs (my weight fluctuates alot) and im a lightly active female student who burns around 230 calories a day being active and i burn 1300 naturally. im currently maintaining my weight at 1500 calories!

i really love my body, all of it except one part. the dreaded skinny fat. i have a small tummy pouch! it's gotten less visible but it's still there. a tiny little tummy line that bothered me aloot. i thought that it would go away with my weight loss (30lbs) but boy o boy was i wrong.

it's pretty much the only thing im insecure about, and i was wondering if you guys have any tips and tricks to lose the fat? sorry if these types of questions aren't allowed here!

submitted by /u/sickratbitch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How many people here had to quit smoking weed?

I see a lot of posts about quitting/lowering alcohol use going hand in hand with weight loss, but for me, no longer smoking weed was a HUGE factor. I was a daily smoker for many, many years and tried a lot of ways to combine being a stoner with losing weight. Waiting to smoke weed until the end of the day when I was in bed, making sure there were healthy foods in the house, telling myself that this time I just WASN'T GOING TO, trying different strains to see if there was one that didn't give me the munchies.

And in the end, that shit just did not work. Sometimes I'd eat the fruit I'd cut up... but usually afterwards, I'd go snooping through the cupboards for everything else I had. I could keep just healthy food in the house, but stoned me could turn ANYTHING into a binge food, and if there wasn't anything at home I'd figure out a way to get takeout.

In the end, I just had to accept that stoned missingpixie did not give a shit about me, my goals, my weight, or how I felt waking up the next day. If I wanted to be healthy and lose weight I couldn't let her pilot my body every night.

It's a lot easier now. I don't really think about it much. But it was really tough at first. Smoking weed was a big part of my life since my early teens and in a sad way, had really become part of my identity. I struggled making friends without drugs and to a certain extent still do. It was one less coping mechanism. I had to get readjusted to going to sleep sober which was fucking ROUGH at first.

I still very occasionally smoke weed, but do so with the mindset of "are you okay with having a night of eating too much", and only smoke weed if I'm okay with that. I don't keep it in the house. I'm the type to smoke it every day until it's gone if I have it around.

Quitting weed has been one of the most important steps for weight loss, and I think staying that way is probably the only way my weight loss is going to be permanent. How about y'all?

submitted by /u/missingpixie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It stopped hurting so much.

So I’m fortunate enough to have an awesome roommate who is a physical science major and made me a specialized plan for weight loss. I started doing it- and the cardio portion was running at 3.0-.5 and two or three minutes of 5.5 (mph) speed in intervals. I started, and I fell of the wagon because each time I did it- it felt like I was going to die. Just the one minute of 5.5 would take everything out of me. I could feel my body aching, and begging for me to stop. I compared it to machinery to my friend. She exercises often and is in good shape and she says she likes to exercise. I told her it was like she was running an oiled well kept machine - in comparison to my body that Rusted, and malfunctioning. This sent me into a like three week depression, and two nights ago- the depression was getting even worse so I grabbed a friend and we went to the gym at 6am,so it could be just the two of us. I was shocked when I went into the 5.5 that it didn’t hurt nearly as much as it did before- and I wasn’t continuing the seconds until it stopped, or gasping for air like a fish or something. Then I went again today, and it was easier- tiring but doable. I have some more hope again.

TLDR; after falling off of the wagon- I found it’s getting easier to exercise.

submitted by /u/ColdChildhood8
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Do not deny yourself the food you love!!

My daily eating habits are very healthy, I weigh and track every calorie, i count my macros(most days), and do OMAD. BUT, i do not deny myself the food i love. Last night i was craving pizza. So what did i do? I got pizza of course. not saying get pizza and ruin a whole weeks worth of work on one meal. I was able to have 3 thick slices and a salad and was able to stay within my daily calorie limit. I was also able to have a reeses peanut butter cup :) (i have a major sweet tooth). Having a meal where you give in to your cravings but have it in moderation will do wonders on your psyche and prevent binging down the road. Restricting the food I loved is 100% the reason i have fell off the wagon so many times in the past.. Good luck everyone on your weight loss journey! Its definitely an exciting process!

submitted by /u/DsmitZ1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Your friendly reminder

To be kind to yourself this time of year. Lots of holidays, seasonal depression issues, the ol’ “Ah, I can just get restarted as a New Year’s Resolution” syndrome...

It’s easy to backtrack is what I’m saying. I’ve decided my new strategy is to slow my weight loss down a bit, plan some extra calories. That way, when the scale isn’t moving the way it was when I started, it’s expected instead of panic time.

I’m planning just below maintenance, with a goal of .5 lbs per week. I plan on going back to 1-1.5 lbs per week after New Years for the last 10-15 lbs to my goal.

Keep being awesome friends!

submitted by /u/zoso9008
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

No Daylight? No Problem! 5 Ways to Work In Your Workout

We get it: Its chilly outside, it gets darker so much faster—and for many, that can make working out a little (or a lot) tougher. Part of the sluggishness has to do with how your body is wired: “Our brains are stimulated by light, which in turn wakes up our bodies,” says Lyssie Lakatos, nutrition expert and certified fitness trainer. More sunlight makes you alert; less daylight hours leave you more tired. To help you push through, stay motivated and keep your fitness goals on track, try these expert-recommended tips:

1. Schedule exercise appointments.
And treat them that way, like you would unmissable doctor appointments, says Lakatos. Plus, consistent exercise can help fight winter fatigue: Researchers at the University of Georgia found that sedentary, otherwise healthy adults who did 20 minutes of low-to-moderate aerobic exercise, three days a week for six weeks, reported feeling less tired and more energized.

How to Fit Fitness in Your Day

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2. Consider group classes.
Particularly during winter months, exercising with other people is not only a bonding experience but can also boost your mood, says Lakatos. You can also try online live classes through websites and apps.

3. Maximize lunch breaks.
Take advantage of the time when the sun is at its peak to get in some exercise outdoors, suggests Lakatos: “Fresh air and exercise is invigorating, and vitamin D can help lift your mood.”

7 Pain-Free Lunch Habits That Melt Pounds (and Burn Calories!)

Read More

4. Sip on tea.
Not only can it help keep you hydrated, but tea naturally contains a little bit of caffeine to help perk you up. Choose green, black or oolong, suggests Lakatos. These teas contain theanine, an amino acid that helps calm your mind as well as boost alertness.

5. Set a spring goal.
Sign up for a 5K or charity walk in the early spring to help keep your workouts in track in the winter. Or, use mini-goals as motivation, suggests the Mayo Clinic, such as the number of minutes you walk in a week or how many workouts you fit into seven days—make them simple and realistic, but also specific and measurable, so you can track your progress and reward your results.

The post No Daylight? No Problem! 5 Ways to Work In Your Workout appeared first on The Leaf.

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Busy Week? 11 Piping Hot, One Dish Meals

Busy weeknight meals shouldn’t be a challenge–and they shouldn’t be an excuse to fall off of the wagon, either. Nutrisystem has a collection of recipes that require no more than one dish. Convenient and easy, minimal clean up? Yes, please!

All of these one dish meals follow Nutrisystem’s flex meal guidelines, incorporating the perfect portion of SmartCarbs and PowerFuels. Recipes balanced with protein, fiber and complex carbohydrates are the key to keeping you on your weight loss plan for a lifetime, and enjoying it, too!

One pan. One pot. One dish. However you refer to them, these easy recipes cut down on clean up and are easy to throw together in a flash. Plus, they’ll help you learn how to incorporate healthy habits into your busy schedule and maintain your weight loss for a lifetime.

Here are 11 one dish meals everyone should be using:

1. Seafood Paella >

One Pot Meals Seafood Paella One Dish Meals
Paella is a Spanish dish of rice, seafood and spices, served in a single large shallow pan. Nutrisystem has the perfect healthy take on the delicious dish! Shrimp and mussels dance in flavorful spices together in one pot, making the dish a complete meal with little mess. Shrimp is a wonderful addition to your healthy eating plan since it’s loaded with flavor, protein and vitamin B12. But the best part: Shrimp are low in calories and fat. This recipe delivers one SmartCarb, one Powerfuel, one Vegetable and one Extra for those following the Nutrisystem program—and one serving will deliver just 311 calories. Click here for the full recipe >

2. Greek Fish and Vegetables >

One Pot Meals One Pan Meal Greek Fish and Vegetables One Dish Meals
Mediterranean food has all sorts of cancer fighting, heart healthy, waist friendly benefits that cannot be ignored. Packing fish and vegetables together in every meal can provide the nutrients your body needs to support a healthy weight. This tasty flex meal recipe combines fresh white fish, delicious olives, chickpeas and plump, nutritious tomatoes. Change the dish by changing the fish! It’s simple to make this a weekly staple by rotating between tilapia, halibut, cod and flounder. Olive oil provides the healthy fats you need in your diet, keeping this meal well-balanced. Each serving provides one SmartCarb, a couple PowerFuels, a Vegetable and two Extras in just 364 calories. Click here for the full recipe >

3. Feijoada (Brazilian Black Bean Stew) >

One Pot Meals Feijoada (Brazilian Black Bean Stew) One Dish Meals
Feijoada is pronounced (fay-ZHWA-dah) and is a traditional Brazilian stew. All you need is one large saucepan to cook up this flavorful meal. Black beans are loaded with folate, B6, potassium and our weight loss secret… fiber! The tiny little nutrient-packed bean helps with satiety and provides plant-based nutrients that are heart healthy and waist friendly. Chicken sausage is added to this meal along with onion, garlic, heart healthy olive oil, chicken broth, tomatoes and brown rice. Things even get zesty with orange. This Nutrisystem flex meal counts as one SmartCarb, a PowerFuel, a Vegetable and one Extra. This is an easy recipe that goes like this: Sauté, cook, simmer and simmer! Click here for the full recipe >

4. Chicken and Broccoli Stir-Fry >

One Pot Meals Chicken and Broccoli Stir-Fry One Dish Meals
Skip the takeout with a one pan meal that is easy to cook and even easier to clean! Eat your broccoli, and enjoy it! Broccoli is loaded with fiber and is known to be a great inflammation fighter. It’s rich in vitamin K, A, C and plant-based compounds called phytonutrients. Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli fill you up with little calories. Combine this vegetable powerhouse with chicken breast for lean protein, and brown rice for complex carbohydrates and you have a well-balanced, well portioned, perfectly satisfying week night meal. This meal counts as a SmartCarb, two PowerFuels, two Vegetables, and two Extras for those following the Nutrisystem program. No thinking required. Really! Click here for the full recipe >

5. Savory Turkey Chili >

One Pot Meals Savory Turkey Chili One Dish Meals
No need to give up your warm hearty chili when you’re on a weight loss plan. Just a few changes to an old favorite can boost the nutrition and your weight loss. This Nutrisystem flex-meal-friendly recipe can be done in one pot for easy clean up during your weeknight rush. Turkey breast is a low fat meat option full of protein and lower in calories than ground beef. Add in the green bell peppers, onions, celery, spinach, tomato sauce, pinto beans, kidney beans and you have plethora of nutrition—a rainbow of vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients. Just cook your turkey, add your vegetables, season and simmer for a delicious meal ready in under 20 minutes. You can make that less than 15 if you’re a wizard at dicing, or buy store cut containers. Click here for the full recipe >

6. Turkey Cranberry Salad >

Turkey Cranberry Salad One Pot Meals One Dish Meals
This make ahead one dish meal could not be any easier. Combine shredded turkey with nonfat plain Greek yogurt, dried cranberries and pepper to taste. Add to a salad or enjoy on a whole grain roll. The lean protein found in the turkey and Greek yogurt are weight-loss-promoting kitchen staples. One serving counts as a SmartCarb and a Powerfuel on the Nutrisystem program, so dress this combo up to your liking for flex meal perfection. Click here for the full recipe >

7. Butternut Squash Turkey Chili >

One Pot Meals Butternut Squash Turkey Chili One Dish Meals
Make this one ahead and freeze it for later because it’s an easy one pot dish you’ll have ready in a heartbeat! Protein rich lean ground turkey combines with butternut squash for a vegetable-packed chili that will be the perfect ending to a cold winter day. One large pot is all you need to cook your turkey. Add in the rest to simmer and serve in less than an hour! One cup counts as one SmartCarb, PowerFuel, Vegetable and Extra. Click here for the full recipe >

8. Sloppy Joe >

One Pot Meals Sloppy Joe One Dish Meals
Combine the freedom of the flex meal with the convenience of Nutrisystem’s meal plan for the perfect weeknight meal–sloppy joe. Take the already prepared Nutrisystem Hamburger and combine it into one dish with onion, carrot, tomato sauce, tomato paste, a splash of maple syrup and some other tasty additions. This counts as one Nutrisystem Lunch, a Vegetable and an Extra! Click here for the full recipe >

9. Slow Cooker Chicken Gumbo >

One Pot Meals Slow Cooker Chicken Gumbo One Dish Meals
Cook your dinner while you’re at work and come home to a well-balanced, heart healthy meal ready to eat at the end of your day! This chicken gumbo provides lean protein perfect to fuel your body and keep your diet on track. Loads of vegetables provide the fiber, vitamins, minerals and nutrients your body craves. It’s easy to add these ingredients to the slow cooker, and set it on low. One serving, or two flavor-bursting cups counts as a SmartCarb and a PowerFuel. Add creole seasoning to the grocery list! Click here for the full recipe >

10. Slow Cooker Chicken Fajitas >

One Pot Meals Slow Cooker Chicken Fajitas One Dish Meals
Mexican night made easy: Just add chicken breast, your favorite salsa, onion, spices and black beans to your slow cooker. Shred the chicken, simmer on low and, once the day has come to a close, you’re ready to feed your whole family! This one dish meal is perfectly balanced counting as a SmartCarb and a PowerFuel on Nutrisystem. Add to a whole wheat tortilla and you have a complete meal ready in a flash! Click here for the full recipe >

11. One Dish Pork Tenderloin >

Dish Herb Pork Tenderloin
There is nothing quite like One Dish Herb Pork Tenderloin with potatoes and carrots. It’s got all the savory flavor of a staple hearty meal, with none of the guilt. Plus, when you add in potatoes and carrots, you get the added boost your body needs to stay healthy while you chow down!

Hungry for more? Explore our healthy fast food recipes (burgers, shakes and more!) >

Rather not cook? Check out our top grab-and-go lunches right here.

The post Busy Week? 11 Piping Hot, One Dish Meals appeared first on The Leaf.

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