Wednesday, March 16, 2022

Looking into Fitbit to help with weight loss, which products do you guys suggest?

I've been using myfitnesspal to track calories and weight loss but have never used a device to help with tracking the calories I burn exercising. I'm not sure when I'll buy a device due to my budget seeing how so many people use fitbits (especially jump rope dudes who I follow for my jump rope training) I'm wondering if you guys recommend one Fitbit device over the others? I've never used one so I have zero experience. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/Robthechamp22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Want to lose that last 20lbs/9KG's

Hi All,

Looking for some help in regards of my weight loss

At the moment I'm 5'7 and weighing in at 81.6 KGs/180lbs, and I'm aiming to get to 160lbs/73KGs

I'm currently doing 3 Muay Thai lessons a week and one Ji Jitsu lesson and 2 days of light resistance training on the side so roughly 4+ hours of exercise

I just wanted advice in regards of how to diet and what important things do I need to implement as I've finally caved in and had to admit to myself you can't outrun a bad diet.

I know they say you should pace your weight loss but I really want to reach my goal in 16 weeks

Any advice would be appreciated from.this amazing community regarding what I can do.

submitted by /u/renegadephoenix1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

End goal in sight

Hi r/loseit! Long time listener, first time caller. I am starting to get close to my weight loss goal (5’5” female, 25 y/o, SW: 168, CW: 145, GW: 135) through CICO and light cardio, mostly walking and jogging. I’ve been starting to think about how to adjust my diet when I start eating at maintenance (~1630 cal/day) instead of at a deficit (~1200-1350 cal/day). I’ve been eating pretty vegetable dense meals, a lot of salads, veggies, yogurt dip, and clean protein. I’ve noticed that when I have a cheat meal or just a less healthy meal that fits within my calorie budget, like something salty, carb-heavy, etc, I can notice a small but direct uptick in my weight. Here’s what I’m wondering: Does it make sense to overshoot my weight lose by around 5 pounds or so to create a “buffer zone” to allow for things like this as I adjust to eating at maintenance once I reach my goal? Let me know any thoughts/strategies!

submitted by /u/Low-Nectarine2069
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Question on tracking calories and exercise.

So, I am currently on a weight loss plan - exercising and targeting 1,700 calories (I'm 5'11 and weight 200lbs). My question is - when I am tracking calories and food and I enter my exercise into my calorie tracking app I get more calories to hit my 1,700 calorie goal as it counts the ones I burned. Should I try to eat and hit the 1,700 net calories including exercise, or ignore the "extra" calories I get and just stick to 1,700 total no matter my exercise? Is doing either harmful?


submitted by /u/ObviousDust
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Plateau For 3 months, Help Or Advice??

M/17-6'5-319lbs. Been in a plateau for the last 3 months. Cannot fall below 310 Along with getting weaker in the gym. I started my weight loss journey last April and since dropped 64lbs. Started with just 4 day a week weight lifting and some morning walking. September comes around i join football, down to about 330 at this point. calories in/out are being tracked through tdee calculators and my fitbit(i don't think it was accurate, saying i was burning close to 7k cals a day between 2 hour practices and morning workouts). After basketball comes around in January, down to about 315 at this time. Since January I've struggled getting out of this. I've been consistent and patient to the best of my abilities. My maintenance is between 3.6-3.9k Cals according to different calculators and my fitbit currently has me burning about 4900 cals a day. again not sure how accurate. I walk about 10k steps a day and i weight train after school. These sessions last 45min to a hour and a half with high intensity. i prep my meals and currently eating 3200 cals a day. This hasnt always been the case, i tried eating maintenance for a 2 weeks and then go into a hard deficit for me which is 2000 calories and i was still stagnet. Any advice or literally anything to help me would be much appreciated, any questions are welcome. Thanks.

submitted by /u/jayl0047
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

2nd day on my weight loss journey Any tips?

2 days ago i decided I didn't want to live like this and I have started my weight loss journey do you guys have any tips for me or things that nobody talks about that I should know.

Also nobody told me how amazing this would feel I just went out for a walk then took a shower and I feel amazing and I still have so much free time although I'll probably do more walks when I get used to it. :)

Also also Anyone know what to do with the oats I just have lying around. I was going to have them for lunch tomorrow but it's kinda a boring food on its own

submitted by /u/Hazelllllllllll
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

One year - 80 lbs down - My story

TLDR: personal post. Random tips at bottom

Progress pics

Today or tomorrow is my cake day. I’m hoping people can find advice or inspiration from this horribly long post. One full year of losing weight. Best I can figure it has been one full year of following this sub, on April 17th it will be one full year of logging and counting calories. For the first few weeks I was just eating better and trying to figure this all out. Honestly I thought I’d be further along by this point but I’m definitely not disappointed. 52 weeks in a year, 2 lbs a week. That was my goal. Turns out that isn’t sustainable for me. So I went with what was sustainable. The biggest thing I learned is that each of us has to do what works for us. Yes losing weight is simple thermodynamics, but there are 100 different ways to get there. Find what works for you.

I started with a big deficit. A 1000 calorie deficit which put me eating 1200-1500 calories. With a few simple swaps and cutting out sodas and some extra snacks, this was actually pretty easy for me. I’m blessed enough to not have an eating disorder or anything major that stands in my way. I was on a roll and I was losing my rolls.

But as I lost the weight, my calorie needs lowered too. If I wanted to keep a 1000 calorie deficit and stay healthy, I would have to up the exercise. I’m lazy, I exercise only about 3 times a week and that’s not every week. So I went for a smaller deficit. I run a 500-750 calorie deficit. Still eating the same foods for the most part. I’m always so amazed at how good we can make vegetables and chicken taste. Yes I eat a lot of other things but my staple go to is chicken breast and vegetables.

I also got a bit tired of weighing every thing. I still go back to weighing some things to keep an eye on portions. But I do a lot of eyeballing, which means some weeks my calorie counts are off. But I do what works for me. I log everything and guesstimate my amounts, just always round up.

Some pieces of advice: -swaps: •Look for lower calorie options •Plain Greek yogurt is a great substitute for mayo in recipes •Light and fit greek yogurt has amazing dessert flavors ~80 calories •Unsweetened vanilla almond milk is 30 cal and works great for shakes and smoothies.

-Mental Health •Adjust your expectations and make sure you are being healthy •Work on not having an emotional reaction to the scale or to food •Celebrate yourself and your accomplishments •Stop “dieting” stop “cheating” these words do nothing for you. Talk to yourself in positive ways. You are not dieting you are eating healthier, you don’t cheat on a diet you have days where you don’t eat as healthy as you could have.

-General Health •Make sure you are eating enough •Take vitamins (you likely aren’t getting everything you need in diet alone) •Drink your water

For my next year of weight loss, I expect much slower results. But I will continue to log everything, and I’m gonna work on getting better at drinking water and exercising. I expect to hit maintenance this year and start working on gaining more muscle.

submitted by /u/Contemplating_emu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat