Wednesday, September 28, 2022

As a man in my mid forties, I am starting to feel like weight loss and healthy habits are a matter of life or death.

I have created a blog to help hold myself accountable and possibly inspire someone along the way! I make nothing from my blog. It truly comes from the best of intentions. I want to share advice and help anyone else on a journey along the way. is where I have been sharing my day to day challenges along with anything that I find helpful. The power of community is something that can help motivate and inspire. By blogging each day, it motivates me to reach for my personal goals as well. I'd love to have you stop by!

submitted by /u/RChild77
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Weight loss YouTubers

Hi there! I'm trying to lose weight and have been my entire life, it's so annoying especially because I feel insecure to talk about it with anyone. All the different view points and advice just ends up confusing me so I prefer to just do things my own way. But I do wish I could find more fat women on youtube who are documenting their weight loss, showing what they eat in a day, and discussing mental health struggles/binge eating disorder. I'd really love some recommendations, I think following people who are on the same path as me will help me to stay on track. <3

submitted by /u/Belatryx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm just confused

I had gained about 15 lbs earlier this year when I switched to a desk job for only a month and a half, before getting a very physically demanding job that has me walking 15k to 30k almost every day. Eating habits have just about stayed the same since before the desk job. How have I not seen any weight loss progress. It's just stayed the same fluctuating about 2ish lbs.

I can give more details if I need to clarify anything. I'm honestly legitimately confused.

Also also any advice is welcomed and appreciated.

submitted by /u/missmadrabbit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Healthy meals while recovering from an injury

Hi all, first time posting here! I’m a 21F currently on a weight loss journey.

I was recently injured, and as a result I can only stand for short periods at a time and cannot twist or bend well. As a result, the last couple of days I have not been eating the “best” meals, as I am typically someone who enjoys cooking and doesn’t typically stock up on prepared meals. I’m not a picky eater, but I don’t want to halt my progress if I can help it! Does anyone have any go-to meals that don’t require a lot of effort? Thanks in advance for any responses 😊

submitted by /u/ImaginationWorried11
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Such a Proud Hubby

So in April, my wife, let's call her Mongoose. Inside joke. Anyway in April, we decided to start a weight loss change in our lifestyle. I (43m) started at 236lbs. Mongoose (35f) started I believe around 160lbs. In June we decided to add weightlifting to our plan. We got a trainer to make sure we were doing it right. Today we got our second measurements. I could not be more proud of the progress my wife has made. She's stuck with it even when she plateaus, when the cravings hit, and when she didn't want to go to the gym. So today she's down to 123lbs!!!!

I want to make clear that she has been, and always will be, the most beautiful woman. I am eternally grateful that she chose to be with me, and I will love her no matter what. I think the reason she is even more stunning to me now is her confidence. She wears things that she used to avoid, and she wears it well.

So that's pretty much it. Just wanted to take a moment to share how proud I am of my Mongoose. Love you!!!

submitted by /u/Cerebus_of_Fenris
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What's your regime like? Both for weight loss and muscle gain.

Hey guys,

so I started my weight loss journey 4 months ago, and I already see huge progress. I'll admit, I haven't been solid on my diet sometimes, and I think it's because it's very mundane/boring (also because I'm very inexperienced when it comes to making diets), hence why I'm making this post.

I'm trying to look for good advice on what a good diet should be (both for weight loss and muscle gain.) If you would be down to tell me what your diet plan is like, that would be awesome. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Leafs_Benek
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anyone sought therapy for their relationship with food?

Hi all, hoping this is the right place (feel free to direct me elsewhere).

I’ve been trying to lose weight for a while, and for health reasons I have been trying especially hard for the past 6 weeks. This has felt like the most serious attempt I’ve had in a long time.

But I really struggle. I know what I need to do and I know where I’m going wrong but I just can’t seem to change.

I know I have a problem with boredom and stress eating or just general comfort eating. I’ve fallen out of love with my job which has led to both boredom and stress and I’m just generally not in a great place currently, so I fix it with food.

Ironically I know that losing weight and eating healthily would help some of these issues - I’ve been single for a while and I think some of it is weight related but also when I am doing well with my weight loss I do feel a sense of achievement so I don’t fully understand why I’m self sabotaging!

Anyway it would be good to know if anyone has gone to a therapist specifically to discuss their relationship with food and if they found it helpful. If anyone has also found themselves in a similar situation any advice is appreciated! Thanks!

submitted by /u/atemythrowaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat