Wednesday, October 7, 2020

I’m starting a weight loss journey intentionally this time. SW: 167 GW:130-135

So I have celiac. My symptoms made me gain weight instead of lose it like others who suffer from celiac. I was 200 lbs before I started going to doctors because my body kept gaining no matter how much I exercised or counted calories (I was doing 1200 religiously).

So after being shamed by doctor after doctor and having accusations of me eating junk food when my parents weren’t looking, a nurse told me I need to get tested for celiac. If it weren’t for her than I probably would gained more weight, gotten more depressed, and probably died from the disease being left untreated.

So I went gluten free after being diagnosed and went down to 110 lbs. My metabolism was all out of wack and eventually my weight stayed stationary between 125-130 lbs.

I then started college so I walked every where and my weight was maintained and I was getting muscles.

Then the last year I stopped walking cuz classes went online...and I ate and I drank without any restrictions. I probably had 4000 calories or more a day. I didn’t restrict myself at all and ate everything in sight. Idk what came over me but I ended up gaining 30 lbs this past year.

Now I have to actually work to lose weight and it’s hard to get myself over that crutch. I walk my dog that I recently adopted but the fires make it difficult to walk everyday. So I try and chase my dog through the house and vice versa. Other days, I don’t do any exercise.

I even bought a small waist trainer to force myself to not want to eat or drink anything. It’s helped and I like what it does to my body. I just hate how it pinches cuz it’s too small(crazy to think that 27 inches used to be my waist size).

when I started losing weight three months ago I was 157. Ended up gaining and now I’m 167. I hate it. I’m uncomfortable in my own body. My skin rubs weird and my clothes don’t fit. I can only fit into two out of 7 pairs of pants I have now.

I’m going to lose weight. I need to restrict and change my mindset. I’m not 130 lbs anymore and I can’t eat 4000 calories a day. I need to at least walk or run 30 minutes a day with my dog when the smoke isn’t terrible. When I’m inside I need to do strength training or dance.

I know how to lose weight in a safe manner and how to eat healthy but why can’t I? What’s wrong with me? Why did I go on a year long binge? I wish I could afford a therapist and that I’d be able to go into their office face to face. Zoom makes me too uncomfortable to even wanna talk. I feel all messed up mentally which made me messed up physically

submitted by /u/SuspiciousAboutMoon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

For those who don't have massive amounts of weight to lose, how do you do it?

I'm 26 years old and have been trying to lose weight for the better part of most of my life. My mother worked in the fashion industry in the 80s and 90s so she has passed on an (un)healthy dose of body dysmorphia and an obsession with the scales.

I currently weigh 68kg (149 pounds) and have the ability to lose a few pounds through calorie counting but always seem to put it back on, and I am so, so disheartened. Every year I say I'm going to finally get my goal body but I never do, and then I proceed to blame everything that goes wrong on my weight.

What confuses me is that I only seem to lose weight when I eat between 700-800 calories a day. I am a petite woman (5'2 and my goal is to weigh around 120 pounds) but I feel as if this may be quite unhealthy. I have insulin resistance but I don't think that should prohibit my weight loss that much, and the contraceptive I take does not list weight gain as a side effect.

Last month I was down to 67.3 and losing weight rapidly (1.5 pounds a week) but I've recently moved up to 1200 calories per day + 1 cheat day and I put all the weight back on. I am confused and disappointed, I also am concerned about cutting my calories to a point where I engage in severely disordered eating as I have a family history of it.

Am I counting incorrectly? Or should I be seeing a doctor and what advice do you have for petite women. I am sick of promising myself that I'll be thin soon and want to start making the right changes now.

submitted by /u/endofcarrots
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting my weight loss journey

Hello everyone I am a 21 year old male 6’ tall 250lbs. I have been eating super unhealthy and I almost passed out today from blood sugar issues. I am starting my weight loss journey immediately. I have done it before and I know I can do it again. I just appreciate any support and tips. Mainly on diet. My dad is formerly a body builder and he will help me with my exercise portion, but all suggestions are welcome. I would like to lose fat and gain muscle mass. My doctor has told me 200lbs is a good weight for me so my goal is to lose 50lbs. I hope to do this by summer 2021. I will post updates on this sub and any tips I learn along the way.

submitted by /u/thekingofrock452
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Left the 200s. No looking back! If you’re going through something emotionally-mentally-physically: YOU/WE can do it!

I’ve been through it all. Depression, anxiety ( still am) and through emotional rollercoasters. Finally last month I decided to stop sitting and start acting. Start loving your body. Let your body move and appreciate being active in any way, shape and form. Whether we feed ourselves healthier or we take a few minutes of our days to be productive is already a win!

I wasn’t happy with my body since the start of the year. I felt lazy and unappealing. I joined a weight loss program about 1.2 months ago that has inspired better eating habits for me. I was a huge snack lover ( popcorn with butter, chocolates, cookies, high calorie smoothies, chips etc) never ate full meals and skipped a lot.

Since Covid happened, you can find so many outlets to stream. I found YouTube to start small cardio workouts right from my living room. 10 minute ones or 20 min ones or even 30 min ones. I work out at least 3 days per week. But within time I started to notice my body picking up slack and tolerating such movements.

Here I’am now with my latest weigh in ( yesterday) and I’m officially out of the 200s. I have so much more to go! I promise, you are not alone. Keep it up. Inspire others and those that see results in you will make you feel proud. I am proud of you all! Set your goal and don’t give up

submitted by /u/lakingsgrl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What do you wish you knew sooner?

What tips, tricks, or knowledge do you wish you had learned earlier in your weight loss journey?

For me:

  1. How bad added sugar is. So many foods I thought were healthy are not at all good. Like yogurt (flavored or fruit on bottom), oatmeal (flavored), granola, and many energy bars.
  2. Psyllium fiber! u/maclyr88 recommended this is another thread about hunger and food obsession and it was a game changer for me. A glass with breakfast and I am no longer starving by lunch, which means my small lunch feels satisfying, and I can easily make it to dinner. Not being hungry all the time has really reduced my cravings and food obsession.
submitted by /u/susandavidseligman91
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Posting here for some self accountability

5'10, 36 years old, 241 lbs. Been struggling with weight loss for over 6 years. It's hard to maintain consistency with diet and exercise. I'm posting here to mainly hold myself accountable. I'll be posting weekly so I can have somewhere to share my progress, keep myself motivated and have a log of my progress.

My exercise plan is to do weightlifting Monday, Wednesday, and Fridays and some type of Cardio (typically cycling or hiking) Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. On the diet front I'm mostly focusing on Calories in and Calories out.


submitted by /u/savageneighbor
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hit my first milestone...and eh?

I have lost 35lbs as of this morning, going from 285-250 since the beginning of May. So....about five months. I set 250 as my first goal because it seemed doable and it is kind of the weight that I haven't gotten under in the last three years. But I hit it today and I feel nothing. My clothes seem to fit the same, I can't tell a difference in my progress pics, I don't feel any more or less energy, I'm not any more or less fit, I just feel exactly the same as five months ago.

Guess I just thought I'd be more stoked, but all it makes me realize is that I have sooooo much longer to go. My goal weight is 160 (I'm 5'10F) so I have 90lbs to lose which is like 2 and a half times more what I just did. I'm not miserable or deprived or anything like that, I just wish I had not let myself get so bad in the first place. This has been the most sustainable and easy weight loss but I'm still coming to terms with the fact that it is going to take a long time and that my normal eating will take just as long to get used to my thin self's calories.

It's humbling and freeing to realize that I'm doing average. Not bad, not great but I am making progress and learning about myself and my habits. I'm feeling like it's getting to be time to incorporate exercise into my routine as calorie counting is now pretty much a habit, I have a 156 day streak and it feels natural.

So here's to five months down and 15 or more to go 😅

submitted by /u/aridyin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat