Monday, February 1, 2021

At what point do you say “I’m at a healthy weight”?

I’m in my early twenties, and I think I kind of messed up my image of “healthy weight” and “good looking body” when I was a teen. I was skinny all my young life, and once I started high school I started gaining muscle. By the end of high school I weighed 155lb, and had amazing physique with definitive muscles. I loved it. A few years go by and I slowly start to put on some weight. Last year I weighed 180 and decided to start dieting for the first time in my life. The problem is that calorie counting consumed me and I became obsessed with it and with my weight. I dropped over 30 pounds and ended up starting to weigh less at 22 than I did at 18 (I was skinny at 18). I didn’t realize how unhealthy not only my obsession with weight loss, but my own weight had become until looking back on it recently. I fell off that eventually and gained some weight back. But now I feel like I’m on the border of healthy weight and overweight. It seems I only think I’m overweight because I’m just not used to having any extra fat on me at all. But in reality I look more my age, I look stronger and larger (in a good way), and I don’t look like I’m starving myself and on the edge of life. Where do you find that balance? Where do you get that weight number where you tell yourself you’ll stick to that number?

submitted by /u/The_Paper_Cut
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Started calorie deficit again - Haven't lost anything in 3 weeks

I'm a veteran at weight loss. Many times over I've been fat and skinny. I know what it takes to lose weight, but due to depression I gain it all back. I started 5 weeks ago, for the first 2 weeks I just ate normally, eating between 1700 to 2000 calories simply so I get my depressed self used to logging all my food and weight. - Regiment is extremely important for depressed people.

For the passed 3 weeks I've been keeping to 1500, sometimes under, sometimes over, but 9/10 days it's 1500. I weigh and log absolutely everything I eat, down to the gram, and use MyFittnessPal to log everything.

I started weighing myself out of pure determination so that I could see a trend eventually but not so I could see immediate weight loss. I log every day, weigh once a week.

I have not lost even 100 grams. I'm 35. I also have a massive history of medical issues. Do I need to cut down even further? To 1000 calories? I'm 116kg so I have PLENTY to lose.
I do zero exercise because of my extreme depression. I've done this many times before, I wasn't expecting any loss after 1 week, but after 3? I'm very much used to seeing results by then.

I'm fine with cutting down if my body demands it but I've never experienced this before. Usually the first few weeks has the largest results.

I'm perfectly fine at ignoring this and just going on for another month, but if my body is unique and requires even more of a deficit to lose weight then I can try that.

submitted by /u/a-mighty-stranger
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Doctor ignored signs of cancer because of weight.

I can provide proof to the mods if they request it.

Two years ago I started jumping through hoops to get approved for a gastric bypass. I was 425lbs. Every month for almost a year I had to go to my doctor and discuss weight loss. In October 2019 I mentioned to my doctor that I had a lump on my neck. I wasn’t terribly worried. My mother made jokes about it being my secret adult Adam’s apple (I’m a woman). I told my doctor that I thought it was getting bigger and causing pain and complications with swallowing larger bites. She said it was most likely a fatty cyst that would decrease in size with weight loss and that the swallowing shouldn’t be an issue, considering how fine I needed to chew my food post-surgery. She told me my insurance wouldn’t cover any testing unless I lost weight first, anyway.

In October of 2020, I went back to my doctor purely because of my worry over my neck. It went from being a mass the size of a golf ball to being the size of a grapefruit. The kicker? I was down 126lbs.(YAY! 200 CLUB!!) Doctor’s now worried. After testing, I get sent to a specialist. Results came back today that not only is it cancer, it’s most likely spread to my lymph nodes.

This isn’t my only health problem attributed to my weight. When I shattered my ankle, a previous doctor told me that it wasn’t broken but that it hurt because of the weight of my body standing on it. Six months later and still in pain, sent to a specialist to find it healed incorrectly and I’ll be in pain the rest of my life. For years I’ve spent at least two days a month every single month passing out and vomiting, completely bedridden due to my periods. I know it’s not normal. I can’t take birth control so I am told to “tough it out” and that it will all get easier when I lose weight. It’s been 136lbs. How much weight is enough to be taken seriously? How much do I need to lose before I won’t hurt anymore? I’m so angry. I’m so scared. I’ve worked my ass off, literally and figuratively to become a healthier person and I’m still ignored and tutted, like an ignorant child. If you read this, I appreciate it. I just want to be seen as a patient, not a fat blob by a doctor.

Edit: I wanted to say I’m only 30.

submitted by /u/samladyjam
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing it... again. And keeping it off.

F26/5'6"/SW: 196lb/CW: 181lb/ GW: 168lb

Hi all, I just wanted somewhere to talk, really. I began my weight loss journey in December 2018 at 196lb. I got down to my initial goal weight of 168lb in September 2019 through jogging and CICO. The combination of hitting my first goal and running my 2nd ever 10k in the same month did something weird to my psyche. I stopped counting calories, stopped being mindful of what I ate, and always convinced myself that I was fine, I wouldn't put the weight back on.

Obviously, that wasn't true.

I avoided weighing myself until May 2020, at which point I was back up to 190lbs. I continued to creep back up until Nov 2020, at which point I hit a high of 197lbs. I panicked about not wanting to get over 200lb, and downloaded MyFitnessPal again, and started back up at ~1740cal per day (I don't do well being too restricted!). Thankfully, I haven't found it too hard being back in the swing of things, and have re-lost 16lb since November and am down to 181lb (it definitely helps me with all the restaurants being closed!)

So I now find myself 13lb shy of my first goal weight (again), which I am determined to hit (again). Has anyone got any similar stories of losing it, putting it back on, then losing it again and sticking with it?! It'll really help my struggling brain 🥺 thanks in advance

submitted by /u/lizardschwartz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Proud of my progress!

First time posting! F/33/5’7 here. My weight loss journey has been all over the place for many years. I could go into all of it, but it’s in the past.

Around this time last year, I was around 370 lbs. and I found out that I was pregnant with my and my husband’s second son. We had been trying for years, but was told my weight was the issue. Finally got back to the gym and eating right and bam...pregnant. I wasn’t too active during the pregnancy and gained about 40 lbs. When I gave birth on 10/31/2020, I was about 425 lbs. On 11/9/2020, I weighed in at 398 lbs. I started doing VERY light chair exercises that day and have progressed back to my normal cardio and strength training workouts. As of today, I’m 382.6- down another 15.4 lbs. and have lost 42.4 lbs. since having my baby. A lot of this has been a mental battle and I’m finally in a healthy place, mentally, and can focus on improving myself not only for me, but for my family. They deserve a wife and Mom who is at her best.

No matter where you’re at, just start. It’s so hard to start, but once you do, things will fall into place. Took me forever to get to where I am now, but I’m moving forward one day at a time!

I took progress pictures and was hoping to show them with this post, but I can’t seem to find where to put the picture. Can a more seasoned redditor help me? Thanks!

submitted by /u/New-Perspective7587
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

This unhealthy habits commercial made me cry and is making me get serious about my weight loss

I(M20) saw this commercial last week and towards the end, I started crying. I've been in this character's situation. I used food as a coping mechanism and never took losing weight seriously. My parents gave me junk food all the time and i just took it for granted. I was raised off that stuff. I did manage to lose weight back when I was a junior in high school but I ended up gaining it back.

I'm personally glad I saw this video. It's kind of a wake up for me. I lost almost 50 last time and I know I can do it again.

submitted by /u/roboticman64
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

People treating you like crap because you’re fat

Hi all. I’m just starting my weight loss journey. I’ve been an emotional eater for a few years. Happy, sad, angry, accomplished.. why not eat? I noticed quickly a change in how strangers interacted with me. No more holding open the door, no more smiles in your direction, even lack of basic decencies. It sucks honestly. I’m the kind of person who is nice to retail workers, and people in general. I ask how they’re doing, always say thank you, all that. I’m at the heaviest I’ve ever been, and it’s been real hard dealing with people lately. I don’t even want to leave the house. I’ll go out and be talked down too, people will expect me to move out of the way for them, I get dirty looks, these kind of things.

I went to UPS today and a pretty, skinny girl in front of me had on a big oversized sweatshirt and I’m assuming shorts, but you couldn’t see. The clerk was super nice to her. I walk up, am very nice and he just stares at me, never replies to my “hello”, or my “thanks have a great day”...barely acknowledges my existence. It just makes me want to go home and binge. I try to not care, it just wears me down after a while. Does anyone have advice how to overcome these situations when you’re an emotional eater? Thanks, I really appreciate it. I just know this will be a struggle for me as I’m pretty insecure at this weight.

submitted by /u/Pomegranate_Scared
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from loseit - Lose the Fat