Monday, February 1, 2021

Proud of my progress!

First time posting! F/33/5’7 here. My weight loss journey has been all over the place for many years. I could go into all of it, but it’s in the past.

Around this time last year, I was around 370 lbs. and I found out that I was pregnant with my and my husband’s second son. We had been trying for years, but was told my weight was the issue. Finally got back to the gym and eating right and bam...pregnant. I wasn’t too active during the pregnancy and gained about 40 lbs. When I gave birth on 10/31/2020, I was about 425 lbs. On 11/9/2020, I weighed in at 398 lbs. I started doing VERY light chair exercises that day and have progressed back to my normal cardio and strength training workouts. As of today, I’m 382.6- down another 15.4 lbs. and have lost 42.4 lbs. since having my baby. A lot of this has been a mental battle and I’m finally in a healthy place, mentally, and can focus on improving myself not only for me, but for my family. They deserve a wife and Mom who is at her best.

No matter where you’re at, just start. It’s so hard to start, but once you do, things will fall into place. Took me forever to get to where I am now, but I’m moving forward one day at a time!

I took progress pictures and was hoping to show them with this post, but I can’t seem to find where to put the picture. Can a more seasoned redditor help me? Thanks!

submitted by /u/New-Perspective7587
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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