Monday, February 1, 2021

People treating you like crap because you’re fat

Hi all. I’m just starting my weight loss journey. I’ve been an emotional eater for a few years. Happy, sad, angry, accomplished.. why not eat? I noticed quickly a change in how strangers interacted with me. No more holding open the door, no more smiles in your direction, even lack of basic decencies. It sucks honestly. I’m the kind of person who is nice to retail workers, and people in general. I ask how they’re doing, always say thank you, all that. I’m at the heaviest I’ve ever been, and it’s been real hard dealing with people lately. I don’t even want to leave the house. I’ll go out and be talked down too, people will expect me to move out of the way for them, I get dirty looks, these kind of things.

I went to UPS today and a pretty, skinny girl in front of me had on a big oversized sweatshirt and I’m assuming shorts, but you couldn’t see. The clerk was super nice to her. I walk up, am very nice and he just stares at me, never replies to my “hello”, or my “thanks have a great day”...barely acknowledges my existence. It just makes me want to go home and binge. I try to not care, it just wears me down after a while. Does anyone have advice how to overcome these situations when you’re an emotional eater? Thanks, I really appreciate it. I just know this will be a struggle for me as I’m pretty insecure at this weight.

submitted by /u/Pomegranate_Scared
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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