Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Went from aneroxic to obese, trying to lose the last 40 pounds

For context I'm a 24 yo male and currently weigh around 210. About 4 years ago I was aneroxic and weighed around 120-130 but that was only for a few months and eventually I got to a normal weight of about 160. The reason I was so skinny was because basically I never ate over 1700 calories and I followed a vegitarian diet. In 2020 I stopped being a vegitarian and immediately started going up on the scale. At my heaviest I was around 225 but so far I've managed to shed that first 15 in a month and a half. I think I'm gonna cut meat out again and also really reduce my calorie intake. For me weight loss is easy and never requires exercise as long as I eat roughly 1700 calories and avoid meat. I've noticed that exercise does not contribute to weight loss and usually leads to people wanting to eat more. Now of course light exercise or exercising intensely for a days of the week is good for the body but I've noticed exercising excessively usually leads to increased appetite and weight gain from muscle. Over the years having fluctuated in weight my advice is to cut calories and maybe do some light exercise for health purposes but not to rely on it to burn calories because often times it leads to people being more hungry and consuming worse foods. The key is healthy eating. Mostly fruits and vegetables and counting calories like a stickler. If anyone has any professional advice to add that would be awesome! Feel free to share your journey, what works for you and what I might have gotten worng in my post!

submitted by /u/Paulette1997
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3qmrPWZ

I’m stuck

I’m stuck. I have 0 motivation. Everyday I say today will be the day where I get on board with weight loss. I’ve been successful at it before. But only during times where I am not in school/no stress. I need my dopamine fix with food when I’m stressed out. I don’t know how to get out of it. I use social media (scrolling) and food as a shot of dopamine to feel good.

I know I can do it but just don’t know what’s going on. I really want to go on a liquid diet. Like buy pre made supplement drinks packed with the necessary nutrition and protein, that will allow me to log them and lose weight. Does anyone know of any reliable and premium drink brand like this?

Cooking takes too much time, and now that I live alone, I really can’t cook tbh. Any help would be great.

submitted by /u/throwawaybugsting
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/30hLxbP

Advice for post weight loss surgical procedures

Over the last 3 years I lost over 80Kgs in body weight and made lots of progress in terms of mental heath ( especially self esteem, body image issues etc). I am stable at a reasonable BMI so I am planning to undergo several cosmetic procedures to get rid of the excess skin.

I was wondering if there are any people on here that have gone through these procedures and could talk about their experiences.

I will be undergoing an abdominoplasty, arm, thigh and chest lift and then a follow up surgery to correct scars. The expectation is that these will be three separate procedures 4 months apart.

I will be asking the questions to the surgeons as well but it would be nice to hear about other peoples experiences.

Questions I have are:

  • Reasonably how long do I have to take off from work after each procedure?
  • How long did you have to spend doing rehab exercises per day
  • How long were you unable to drive for?
  • What support did you need after the initial 2 weeks? Could you have managed on your own?

I live on my own so any other general advice?

I am planning to pick up some new hobbies and have structured plans to keep myself accoupled.

I am very active so I know that not being able to exercise is going to hit me quite badly but there is no way to deal with that so will have to find distractions.

submitted by /u/d33war
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3odqPBV

I’m ashamed of being overweight. Help me with the mental side of weight loss.

For ideal health, I should lose at least 15 pounds. 20 would be better. I have a hard time with balance. I’ll save up my calories all day to reward myself with something incredibly delicious. I hate being deprived of good food and drink. Eating small and nutritious meals through the day sounds super boring. I’ll literally walk 10 miles on an empty stomach so I can make my appetite ravenous and “earn” some Taco Bell. When I was 28 (I’m 36 now) I successfully lost over 30 pounds by counting calories. I was starving- had hunger pains at night and was obsessed the caloric content of everything. I can’t do that again. I feel mostly healthy right now despite being overweight- I can run a 5k in about 28 minutes, I lift weights and do push ups, and I walk outside about 25-30 miles a week. I do feel a lot of shame for not being able to successfully manage my diet though and I’m afraid I’m missing out on a better life that could be achieved if I was at a healthier weight. Also, I drink two beers at night (130 calories each). This is a terrible habit but when I stop drinking I wake up feeling like I didn’t sleep.

I’m a 5 9” male who this morning weighed 191 pounds. I hate myself for that number, for not having the self control to not be overweight, and for how those extra pounds steal the energy I need to be a better person.

submitted by /u/Blackacex222
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3BTHvmU

Is this body dysmorphia?

I have lost 36 lbs in the last 6 mos. I should feel proud of this accomplishment, however I am not.

I still feel large.. When I look in the mirror at first I am happy. Then I continue to look and I swear its like I can see my body expanding...

When l get ready to go out and put on a cute outfit. I feel sexy and stylish when I walk out of the door. However when I am in public my confidence dies. Someone will happen to take a picture and when I look at it I swear I see Shamu looking back at me.

Am I delusional. I genuinely don't know what I look like.... I feel like I need to keep losing more and more.

Does anyone else deal with this after weight loss ??

Some details about me :

I am 33f , I am 5'5 and my current weight is 164 lbs. I am black ( I say this because my body composition. I carry my weight in my bottom and thighs and hips ) I am very curvy .

My hip bones stick out- this makes me feel skinny.

I wear a size 8 US - this makes me feel average.

My BMI is still in obese catagory - this makes me feel ..well obese.

I should also add I had my 2nd baby 6 months ago .

submitted by /u/MarionberryNo1572
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3bWGgJ6

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!

The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3kllcjQ

[F24 / 5'4" / SW: 62kg / CW: 56.7kg] How fast is too fast to lose weight?

I've lost 5.3kg in 3 months. That's 0.4kg a week, it seems quite fast? (For the Americans, that's a lb a week). I was already a healthy weight to start with (BMI was 23.3 and is now 21.3) and I know this rate of weight loss is okay when there's lots to lose, but I don't.

I'm not counting calories, just eating intuitively, as I had issues with calorie counting and restrictive eating and I want to stay far away from the possibility that I might spiral back into the ED. I thought my weight loss would come from the exercise I'm doing and I'd eat calories at roughly maintenance by just eating according to my body/when i'm hungry. I walk 4km each way to the gym five times a week and follow a low volume weightlifting plan. I don't do any cardio beyond the ~40km a week (25 miles) of walking.

Is this too fast? Will I encounter problems?

submitted by /u/paprikustjornur
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Yv6tLL