For context I'm a 24 yo male and currently weigh around 210. About 4 years ago I was aneroxic and weighed around 120-130 but that was only for a few months and eventually I got to a normal weight of about 160. The reason I was so skinny was because basically I never ate over 1700 calories and I followed a vegitarian diet. In 2020 I stopped being a vegitarian and immediately started going up on the scale. At my heaviest I was around 225 but so far I've managed to shed that first 15 in a month and a half. I think I'm gonna cut meat out again and also really reduce my calorie intake. For me weight loss is easy and never requires exercise as long as I eat roughly 1700 calories and avoid meat. I've noticed that exercise does not contribute to weight loss and usually leads to people wanting to eat more. Now of course light exercise or exercising intensely for a days of the week is good for the body but I've noticed exercising excessively usually leads to increased appetite and weight gain from muscle. Over the years having fluctuated in weight my advice is to cut calories and maybe do some light exercise for health purposes but not to rely on it to burn calories because often times it leads to people being more hungry and consuming worse foods. The key is healthy eating. Mostly fruits and vegetables and counting calories like a stickler. If anyone has any professional advice to add that would be awesome! Feel free to share your journey, what works for you and what I might have gotten worng in my post!
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from loseit - Lose the Fat