Monday, February 20, 2023

I accidentally went past my goal weight without realizing it

First off: I don’t weigh myself because of my ED history. The last time I was weighed was at my gynecologist about a year ago. I was maintaining around that weight (75 kg/165.3 lbs) for about a few months.

I‘m at the end of a four week vacation and went to a water park yesterday. Before going on the slide, everyone must be weighed. I was dreading the weigh-in a bit because I was afraid it would trigger my ED and I was on vacation, so I was eating whatever I wanted, including softdrinks and snacks which I don‘t consume at home. Anyway, when I stepped on the scale, I was 68 kg (149.9 lbs), so 4 kg (8.8 lbs) lighter than my goal weight (72 kg/158.7 kbs), 7 kg (15.4 lbs) lighter than my last weigh-in at the doctor. I was a bit in shock. I thought: „Yeah, that scale is obviously not working right“. But then I weighed the same at the next four scales and reality hit. I was on the brink of tears, happy tears, of course. I haven‘t been under 70 kg (154.3 lbs) since my bachelor studies 15 years ago.

I’ve been struggling with my body image and weight for more than 20 years. The first time I was dieting, I was 14 years old. I was a normal weight but on the chubbier side. My mom set me on my first diet then. She was a bit overweight for most of her adult life and wanted me to lose the baby fat so I wouldn‘t be struggling like she did. She came from a place of love but it backfired and she laid the ground work for what would become a 15+ year long battle with a binge eating disorder.

I was thin at the end of high school but the weight gain started during my bachelor studies when a combination of three things happened: (1) I was being bullied in university and fell into depression/anxiety, (2) I was living on my own and therefore out of my mom‘s constant supervision and commentary of my food consumption, (3) the first waves of Hashimoto kicked in although I didn‘t release it was Hashimoto until a few years later. In an effort to mitigate the weight gain, I tried every diet that I came across. That‘s when the binge-restrict-cycle started.

Over the years, I saw therapists for my depression, a nutritionist for my binge eating, personal trainers for my fitness. I once lost 10 kg (22 lbs) with nine months of keto so my insurance would pay for my breast reduction surgery. I gained it all back a year after surgery. I was a successful dieter, until I wasn‘t. I was incredibly disciplined until life came in the way, I hit a plateau, or depression set in. I was so sick and tired of my constant struggle and my fight against my body.

I put my personal life on hold, never dated, avoided going out with friends. I put all my energy into work and my „health journey“. During my depressive phases, all my energy was used to „function“. I didn‘t have the energy to diet then. I self-medicated with food. I was 88 kg (194 lbs) at my highest weight. Once I was out of the depressive phase, I put all my energy into getting rid of the weight I had gained during my depressive phase.

Everything changed when I decided to stop trying to lose weight. Through Abby Sharp‘s Youtube channel, I came across the book Intuitive Eating by Tribole and Resch. It helped me tremendously to change my mindset. I was starting to accept my body and listen to it. I also used the initial drive that came with reading the book to address some health issues. I have suffered from IBS as long as I can remember. I took the opportunity of one of the Covid lockdowns (no eating out, no family gatherings, always eating at home) to change my diet to low FODMAP to find the foods that trigger my IBS. I not only cured my IBS but also lost 4 kg (8.8 lbs) without even trying. Once lockdown was over, I went to the gym 2-3 times a week because I felt that my osteoarthritis improved with the movement. Within a year, I was down at 75 kg (165.3 lbs) just by listening to my hunger and fullness cues. I was comfortable where I was at. I wanted to be at a healthy BMI but if 75 kg (165.3 lbs) was where my body maintained, I was okay with that. My body felt good. My bowels were calm. My depression was much better. I haven‘t had a binge episode in two years. I finally had the energy to focus on my personal life. I went on dates. I tried new sports. I found new hobbies. I went on this big vacation on my own.

Now, I‘m even a bit upset that my surprise weight loss upset me so much. It shouldn‘t matter anymore, shouldn‘t it? But I‘m still human with hidden desires after all. I‘ll appreciate my body for being at a healthy BMI now and will continue with my healthy mindset to nurture it.

I started out with: PCOS, Hashimoto, depression, IBS, osteoarthritis, BED. Healthwise, I‘ve been given a terrible hand of cards. I have accepted my body and its flaws and have come out stronger than ever. I hope you guys can do the same!

submitted by /u/Milli-Marilli
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

weight loss without the self hate!

So around 8 years ago I started my 1st weight loss journey. Long story short I went from 280lbs to 190lbs. I did this because I absolutely hated who I was and my life. Going to the gym was more of a way to punish myself. I was eating well under 1000 calories. I was going through a bad batch of depression, self hate. "Anger is a gift" was my main mentality, I absolutely wanted to destroy who I was. Eventually things got better, but I stopped working out and started eating for fun. I am in a way better situation mentally. I have gained weight again. I'm currently at 290lbs, and want to lose at least 60lbs. I've been trying to psyche myself up but it's been hard. I have cut back on what I eat and have lost weight. I know what I have to do, but it's been a challenge. Any advice or even similar stories. I'm really just reaching out to see if anyone else has had similar stories.

submitted by /u/Galaxieguy66
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do people get weight loss meds?

Relative is obese and it has contributed to numerous health issues over the years. I sometimes help him with pet care when he is dealing with his medical issues. Knee replacements, hormones unbalanced, and recently he said elevated glucose levels. He is barely 50 and mentioned this weekend “it’s time to get serious about losing weight”. I brought up the latest weight loss medications and he said “I asked- my doctor told me they are out of stock everywhere and he can’t get them. It could be a year or more before I can get them. They offered me something else but told me success isn’t as likely as the recent drugs.”

I guess I’m just surprised and feeling bad for him. Like he has bad knees so walking far is hard. He is basically pre diabetic. If he doesn’t qualify to get his hands on these meds who does?

submitted by /u/Katd75
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

“One day”…”One piece of cake,” mini rant. I’m sick of stupid justifications.

Mini rant incoming. This is not about anyone in this sub, more family who try to force food and treats on me.

I very rarely have cake and cookies anymore. I don’t really have a sweet tooth anymore. I used to inhale candy bars like they were water. But I said enough is enough and quit the excess sugar. Best decision I’ve ever made. Very infrequently I will have a half piece of cake during a special event, so long as it’s not too sweet, and then give the rest to my wife.

Usually, these events are coupled by people/family telling me “one piece of cake won’t kill you,” or “one day won’t ruin all your progress.”

And yes, they’re right. One piece of cake won’t kill me, and one day won’t derail everything I’ve worked for.

However. I made a lifestyle change. Sweets and treats are not a large part of that lifestyle change.

Here’s my rant:



Just because you have no will power, doesn’t mean you need to try to guilt me into having something I don’t want.

When I am ready and have planned for it, I will indulge in a small amount of something that I want. It might be a Quest protein cookie like I had yesterday, or frozen yogurt, who knows, maybe an ice cream sandwich. BUT THAT WILL ONLY HAPPEN WHEN, AND IN THE AMOUNT, I WANT IT TO.

The only way this works is if I’m in control of when and what I put into my body. I’ve been really putting my foot down on saying no to people. I make a plan and stick to it. I don’t let other people sway my decision. I do not eat unplanned food. If I’m not sure of what will be available, I bring or arrange my own meal.

This is my life, my body, my weight loss. I’ve kept this up for over a year now and I’ve lost a tenth of a pound away from 140 pounds. I’m 20-30 lbs from my goal weight. I don’t need anyone telling me that “one piece of cake won’t hurt you.” I should know. What I do know is that one piece of cake during a social event can very easily lead to two…..then three. Then you’re back craving sugar…if I indulge, which is rare, it is on my own terms.

Anyway, mini rant over.

submitted by /u/Undercover500
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Will not being able to exercise for a while because of a bad knee affect my weight loss?

So today I went to the gym and while I could still lift weights fine, I couldn't use the treadmill due to a bad knee. I thought it had gone by now but it came back with a vengeance when I tried to use the treadmill, I had to stop immediately. I must've overexerted myself on there the other week. I can still do the weights just fine and walking is still OK, though a bit painful, but jogging or running is out of the question for the next few days/weeks. However this was pretty much the only exercise I was getting, except for the weights and walking (I have to walk quite a long distance sometimes, but not every day). Is this going to slow/delay my weight loss? I'm also doing it to get fit (I'm pretty unfit right now and can't run much), is this going to be a big deal for that? I'm so annoyed right now.

submitted by /u/Legitimate_One_7259
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Did anyone else lose the weight just to end up... not looking that much better? Does it affect your motivation in maintaining?

I'm currently 115lbs (52kgs), 5'6 (167cm), 32F. I've maintained in roughly this ballpark for the last 10 years, after losing approx. 45lbs (20kgs).

One of the biggest reasons I lost the weight (if I'm being perfectly honest with myself, just about the only reason) was to look better. However, I'm a naturally unattractive woman. People talk about their weight loss transformation, and how they started being noticed and treated well by others - no longer invisible, and no longer blatantly excluded. That didn't happen to me. Unlike what feels like everyone else's experiences here, I didn't have a pleasant face hidden under all that baby fat. I'm still the goofy outcast.

I also never stopped being hungry. One of my main loves in life is food, and while I got better at controlling my intake and eating healthier, I was never one of those people who could eat half a sandwich and complain about being sooooo full. Maintenance has always been about denial and self-control; about watching my friends munch away at their fifth pizza slice, while my stomach growls and I tell myself I'm satisfied with two.

I often find myself wondering why I'm depriving myself, if it's not like I'll actually ever look nice enough to fit in. In fact, that's probably one of the main factors that shakes my motivation in maintaining. Sometimes I'll look at that extra taco and just think, well, what's the point in resisting?

I won't lie - it's this mentality that has seen me go through more than a few extra donuts these last couple of days, which is why I suppose I'm posting here. I'm wondering if anyone else has a similar experience?

submitted by /u/ramence
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone else in a more medically complex weight loss situation that just CICO can't help with? How do you deal?

Posting on behalf of my mother with her permission. She's about 300 pounds, 50 years old, and desperately needs to lose weight. She may need a kidney transplant within the next 5 years. She has stage 3 kidney disease. She's a T1 diabetic (NOT type 2. It's an autoimmune disorder and did not come from a poor diet.) She is physically disabled and can not exercise to any meaningful degree, since she broke her ankles years ago and never fully recovered from a botched surgery, among other issues, so she is extremely sedentary whether she likes it or not. She has high cholesterol and triglycerides. She's post-menopausal. (Shit, even that alone almost killed her, but that's a story for another day.)

Kidney disease means low protein. High cholesterol means low fat. Diabetes means low carb. Low sodium. Low potassium. Low fluids. All of the advice contacts each other. She can't win.

She's seen multiple nutritionists over the years (dieticians? They came recommended by her doctors, so they weren't some rando). None of them have ever known what it's like to be a T1 diabetic or seemed to have any idea how to help her lose weight. The things they've told us are absurd. Things that sound good on paper but would never work in real life. Frankly, we've never met any medical professional that can manage her diabetes. Every hospital stay, her blood sugar is all over the place.

Everything is so complicated. We're so overwhelmed. I lost 60 pounds just counting my calories, and nothing I did has worked for her.

We're fighting for her life at this point, and we're getting extremely frustrated. I know we can't be alone though. There has to be others on this sub who have these kinds of extensive health issues making it difficult to lose weight.

submitted by /u/It_is_Katy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat