Monday, January 14, 2019

Motivation to get started. What was yours?

Hi! This may be a stupid question but... For those who have been successful but who have previously struggled with starting on your weightloss journey or sticking to your plan to hit your weightloss goals, what was the thing that finally gave you the motivation to get started on your weight loss journey and stay on your path (no matter how long it takes?). I see these one year... two year... three year stories and I'm in complete awe and admiration.

A bit of a background, I've yo-yoed give or take about 30 pounds over the last 5 years or so. Recently, i lost about 25 pounds, only to gain 15 pounds back. I've tried to talk myself into getting started again. Only to find my hand in the cookie jar (literally) by lunchtime.

I try my best to get into the routine of working out and getting healthy. After a few weeks it gets easier and easier. Then, out of nowhere I break my habit and find myself never quite hopping back on the horse after I've fallen off.

I also feel like, the more "social" I get, the most I fall off my path on my diet. Do you find yourself skipping events (happy hours, dinners, etc) as to not fall off?

I'm trying to figure out what has made me not commit and just go in "fuck it mode" after doing so well for an short amount of time and end up never sticking to my health/weightloss journey.

What keeps you going????

submitted by /u/Sharbubbles972
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Depression and weight loss

Hello Reddit, I need help.

I've been battling severe depression for over two years now and finally landed in a mental health clinic for three months this summer. I'm on my way to getting better but it's very important that I don't set expectations for myself that are too high or too intense. I won't be able to fulfill them the way I imagine and give up, spiraling back down.

Here's the problem: Over the course of becoming more depressed I've gained 20 pounds. I am an adamant believer that anybody can be beautiful no matter what the scale says, but the weight I am at now is not my ideal weight. I don't feel at all comfortable in my body with the excess and am always appalled when I see myself in the mirror because I am just not used to seeing myself this way.

I've tried many times to lose weight but I set my goals too high, buy too many ingridients for complex recipes at the grocery store and can't manage to cook for myself most days because it's just too much of a hassle with graduating school at the moment. The food ends up rotting and I reach for the phone to order takeout or just boiling a pot of noodles instead. I end up weighing more than when I started and as a result feel terrible.

I grew up in a household where my father is severely overweight and an emotional eater and my mother has struggled with anorexia all her life. I have never learned how to eat well and I don't know what to do.

Do you have any tips for me? Simple, healthy meals that will taste good but not take ages to prepare? Good sustainable foods to buy at the store? Has anyone had similar experiences?

I'm grateful for all and any replies, thank you:)

submitted by /u/OxygenBag
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Losing weight with hypothyroidism - Advice is very welcome!

Hi guys, so I have started my weight loss journey (again) and think I have finally found a good combination that I can do long term. I do 16/8 (so intermittent fasting) plus calorie counting, plus trying to eat as healthy as possible while still allowing me now and then "treats" as long as they fit into the calories I consumed. I am trying to do about -700 calories a day and bought a fitbit to track how much I approximately burn. I am doing this since the 2nd of January (not 1st as I don't believe in new years resolutions ;P). However even though I am eating every day a lot less than what I burn, I barely lose weight (600 grams in total so far). Which is the experience I made with every weight loss so far. I know a lot about nutrition and when I say I eat healthy, I mean I eat really very healthy and a cheat meal for me is a home made pizza (I don't like fast-food nor am I big into sweets). I love vegetables and I was vegan for a long time where I informed myself a lot about nutrition, what's in what and what the body needs and I use Chronometer to track my intake, as I like the way it tracks the micro-nutrition. My diet is pretty good, if I may say so :) Sport is something I am working on. Currently I am trying to find a gym I can afford (they are very expensive here) and I am planning to take up running again (well 40 seconds running, 1 minute walking to recover :P), I am just not very good with bad weather and right now it's not looking good over here. I even revived my youtube channel again to motivate myself and keep at it.

Now whenever I did diets with people together they lost weight much faster than me, even though diet and exercise was pretty much the same. I do have an under-active thyroid though and I think this might be the reason I am not able to lose weight the same as other people. I find it very frustrating putting in the work, being hungry, restricting myself from foods I like (mainly rice and bread :P) and not seeing the results. I watched some youtubers who all said increasing their medicine helped them, but my doctor said my blood looks fine and there is no reason to increase my meds. Does anyone have any experience with this and has a tip besides increasing the medicine?

submitted by /u/RhonaVarek
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A new approach to my weight loss

I love this place and all the positivity that comes from here so thought I would share my new plans that I am proud of. A little about me, I have been an unhealthy weight for as long as I can remember, trying to lose weight doing all kinds of fad diets then just putting the weight right back on and some. The only times I can remember managing to lose weight and feel fitter were when I was extremely stressed and I want to feel fit without all the stress that I have always associated with it in the past. The way I lose weight has always been to reward my self with something good related once I reach my target weight. This always backfires. I am done with this pan. I have 83 lb to lose and after each 10 lb I will give myself a reward, for example, a new top or haircut or, once I reach my end goal, a weekend away. I am excited to treat myself but also excited to feel healthier and fitter!

submitted by /u/mima-mo
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I need your help today Reddit. I’m 88lbs down but I feel myself slipping because I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get to goal weight , 20 year old habits feel impossible to break .

Ok I’ll post a progress picture for fun . 286 down to 198 So I am actually trying guys . This is about 8 months of progress . Before pic was Halloween 2017, best I could find . I don’t have any photos of myself from early 2018. Anyway ....

I want to be in the 150/160lb range. I’m 5’7”. I feel like I’m never going to get to goal weight because I can’t fix being a volume eater . I’m stuck right around 200 and I can’t fix my self control to stop stuffing my face . Yea I’m eating veggies and fruit but I’m still eating too much . Those calories add up when I can easily eat half a pound of steamed broccoli in one sitting and still put away a bag of mini carrots an hour later .

No, I’m not hungry . But I don’t know what full is either . I can always eat more . Is my stomach broken ? I’m eating it’s just something I like to do every time I have a spare second . I do great all day when I’m busy/distracted but in the evenings all veggie hell breaks loose and I’m back at the fridge 100x before bed . I can not stop myself from grabbing things and eating them when there is food available. I was able to fix what foods I am shoveling down but I can’t fix how much/often . Help ?! This is worse than quitting smoking . ((However I did quit that by using food , sucking mints instead ))

My mom taught me to eat for entertainment when I was super young - like 8 . She owned a small business and I got off the school bus there . She used food to get me to sit quietly at a desk behind the counter from 3pm until 7 or 8 when she closed up shop . Then we’d go home and eat dinner too . And she was a “don’t get up until your plate is empty” kind of mom . So it is really hard to break a habit I’ve had for 20 years .

Weight loss is not sustainable if I’m sitting around thinking about food all day feeling like a tortured soul . Am I trying for nothing ? Soon I’m going to hit my limit and say “fuck it “ and stop trying . This has got to get easier . I’m that human that can eat so much I can stay fat off vegetables. I hate myself .

Advice welcome on impulse control . Tired of going to bed and waking up angry . Either because I’m disgusted for how much I ate or pissed at the fact I can’t have what I want if I want to be a healthy size .

submitted by /u/NotYourMom119
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Looking for an Accountability Partner

Hi everyone,

First post here, hopefully tomorrow will be the start of a long term change and to help I'd to try an idea I got from r/Artbudy . In short I'd like to share with somebody pictures of everything I/we eat and drink in order to keep our diets/calorie control in check. I've found having a buddy really helps with providing external motivation. It's both carrot and stick. "Carrot", from that shot of dopamine you get when you see that orange icon saying someone's sent you a message, and "stick" from the guilt of not having anything to show when the deadline comes. To me it's like that game where four people simultaneously sit down on each other's laps, without a chair. Enforcing your own "made up" goals and deadlines is hard, so you do it for each other.

About me, I'm 28, M, live in Japan (though my Japanese is terrible), 183cm/6"1' and currently roughly 105kg/231.5 lbs. My goal is to get to 85kg, which should just put me in the "healthy weight," category of the BMI scale, for my height. Last year I lost a lot of weight. Over about seven months, I went from my highest weight of 116kg to around 95kg (I can't quite remember what I got down to exactly). I watched what I ate, (at first counting and then guestimating calories) and cycled a fair distance to work and back everyday. I felt great, clothes that had been too small now fit. And for the first time, since I was 18/19 years old, I had a jawline. No longer did my head look like it merged into my neck like a tree trunk when I looked in the mirror.

But then winter came, long, cold, snowy winter. So the cycling stopped and I used the cold as an excuse to start eating crap again. Traditional Japanese food might be healthy, sushi, tofu, miso soup, some rice and multiple vegetable side dishes. But in the words of a meme, "Ain't no-one got time for that." Around every street corner are convenience stores that sell all manner of fast tasty junk, chips, deep fried chicken, soft drinks, cakes, ice cream and bento boxes loaded with rice or noodles and more deep fried things. I kept telling myself I'd get back on track but never did. This subsequent year where I lived and where I worked was much closer, so I didn't cycle. And the work itself much busier and more stressful. (I learned last year that I eat my emotions. Every time I felt tired, sick, or sorry for myself I wanted to go to the convenience store and buy something to eat.)

So my weight has gone back to where it is now. I'm kind of surprised it hasn't gone up higher. I've tried restarting my weight loss a few times, lost a kilo or two, but not managed to stick with it for more than a few weeks.I don't want this year to be like last year. But, from my experience, my will power alone isn't going to cut it. I need to try something different.

So as I mentioned, what I'm proposing is taking photos of everything we eat and drink (that isn't water) and sending them to each other via reddit dm. With a simple response of "Well done," or something being okay if all is well, but talking to each other a bit more if something is wrong, like having a shitty day and binge eating for example. This could be daily or weekly, depending on whatever works for you. I'd like to try daily, but understand that work schedules are busy and uploading pictures and writing messages takes time. My only caveat is that I'd prefer whoever I talk to to be 20+ years old. Don't want to be that creepy old guy who talks to teenagers on the internet. Someone in a close time zone to my own (GMT+9) would be preferable. But I'm not going to be too fussy about that.

So if you are interested, please leave a message below.


submitted by /u/Peteman22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Day 1] I actually started!

Hi everyone :)
I (24/F) just started what I hope will be my last weight loss journey.
I've been overweight my whole life, and since I started high school my weight has been going up slowly but steadily. I have struggled with bulimia in the past, and I still have a hard time dealing with my emotions when it comes to food: I guess you could say I'm an emotional eater. I love food and I love cooking, but I also turn to food for comfort and to ease my anxiety. In the past few years I worked a lot on accepting my body and its "flaws", so I'm not starting this journey because I hate my body, or because it disgusts me, but because I want to take better care of it, instead of neglecting it and trying to hide it.
I now weight 86 kg (189 lbs) and I plan to reach my goal weight (60 kg/ 132 lbs) by the end of the year.
I'm planning to watch my calorie intake, to watch my portions and to avoid certain foods that I know are not good for me (diary, refined carbs and sugar) every time I can. I'd also like to be more active, so I'm trying to incorporate 30 minutes of cardio in my everyday routine, given the fact I don't like sports at all but feel very good when I move my body more.

I hope this sub will keep me motivated, and I hope I can help someone here too!

submitted by /u/leavethesunshineout
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