Saturday, June 29, 2019

Weight loss

Don’t know how to do this. I’ve tried everything. WW, keto, CICO, more exercise, you name it. I’m considering Bariatric surgery. I have no support system. I have no one to talk to. No one to help me, so I do it alone. My one refuge and comfort is food. Celebration? Eat! Depression? Eat more! It’s truly the only thing in life that gives me pleasure in life. It’s sad, really. Other people plan vacations? I plan where to go out to eat and look forward to it. I don’t know where else to turn. Am I weak for looking into surgery? (For the record, I’m a nurse, and worked on a bariatric unit, so I know both the mechanics and risks associated with the procedures)

submitted by /u/aerin34
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Binge eating and weight loss

Hello, I’m 13 female and I want to try to lose weight. The thing is I have binge eating (diagnosed by a doctor not by myself) and it’s super hard to control how much I eat even if I eat healthy things (which is mostly what I try to eat but it can be expensive and my mom doesn’t have a lot of money right now) it is still difficult so it’s been super hard to lose weight. I’m getting really upset with my weight and I need to lose weight as I don’t want it to make my health bad and I don’t wanna look like this. It’s really embarrassing and I don’t even like to go outside anymore because of it. I would not really like to mention my weight but let’s just say it’s A LOT more than it should be and I’m 5’4. So...any advice? Maybe from someone who has/had the same issues? Sorry if this doesn’t belong here. And I will try to see a nutritionist if I can but that probably won’t happen for a while so that’s why I came here.

submitted by /u/Mimikyu0612
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It’s so hard to eat at maintenance...

Hey guys. Not sure if this is the right place for this. Please let me know and I’ll remove it.

I’m at my goal weight and have been for awhile ( weight fluctuates a lot because of my eating habits). My problem is maintenance. I’m so used to eating 1,200 calories a day. And I feel full on that (when I’m eating healthy). I have no problem eating at maintenance when I’m eating like shit. But I obviously don’t want to get back in the habit of eating shitty.

Now, throughout my weight loss I ate low carb. For the past few weeks I’ve been trying to eat more carbs and I have been...but carbs just make me so hungry and I end up binge eating/eating shitty. So I went back to low carb and have been doing that again for the past few days. When eating low carb, I get full fast and cannot eat enough calories for maintenance. See the problem? So now I’m worried I won’t be getting enough calories that my body needs. I really don’t want to go back to eating high carbs because in all honestly carbs just make me feel crappy now.

Also, I am in the process of trying to build muscle. I know that isn’t going to happen at a deficit and I can’t even eat at maintenance. How do I do this? Anyone else struggle with this? Ugh. This is honestly tougher than the weight loss.

submitted by /u/sar-castic-ah
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Sunday, 30 June 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I need help getting started on my weight loss journey

Okay so I just created a reddit account for this post and I need your help. For as long as I can remember I’ve been a big guy. In fact the last time I was skinny I was in the fourth grade. I’m 20 now and I finally want to get back on track with my health and my life. But here’s the thing, I know nothing, literally not one single fucking thing about losing weight (not really true but I don’t know that much). As I said before i’m 20 years old and male. I weight 226 and am 5’6”. My BMI is 35.6 or something close to it so I’m obese. My goal is to lose fat and build muscle, but primarily lose fat. And I’ve also tried google but to no avail which is why I have turned to the people of reddit. So here’s what I want to know :

1) What is the best or how can I can create the best workout routine to lose fat and build muscle?

2) What is the best meal plan or how can I create the best meal plan? What foods should I avoid?

3) How important are progress pics? Should I take them at the start of my journey? Or do I wait a couple of weeks before?

That’s pretty much it. I appreciate any and all feedback!! Thank you!!!

submitted by /u/UziiiQ
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need advice

So as it currently stands, I am a 5’10”, 261 pound 15M. I am looking to be down to 240 or 230 (if not further, but I’ll dream realistically to my understandings) by my birthday which is in just over a month, and essentially a rather quick way to weight loss. As it stands right now, I see a few paths that I might be able to sustain;

IF 23:1 (KETO)

IF 16:8 (KETO) Working out 5-6 days a week

I do not think I would be able to sustain OMAD with working out, at least not at first, so I want your suggestions. Things beyond what I have mentioned would also be fantastic, and I would be much appreciative. Thank you all in advance, and have a nice day.

submitted by /u/MustAye
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The Journey Starts Now!!!

Hello everyone,

I am starting my weight loss journey as of tomorrow and I wanted some help from anyone that can provide some advise. I will be starting from 289 at 5'10 and will be looking to get down to 200 or lower by the end of the year. I was wondering if anyone can offer some workout plans or things to do while in the gym. Even diet plans or even just food groups to avoid and or eat a lot of. I would like to maintain as much muscle or even grow some while just losing the fat and work on my posture. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance to everyone who helps me achieve my goal!

submitted by /u/jdaugherty64
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from loseit - Lose the Fat