Wednesday, January 22, 2020

[Question] Is this an accurate way of measuring TDEE (considering caloric intake)?

So I've been on this weight loss journey for half a year now and I've lost just about 30 kgs! Yay me! I have never felt better, but still not the way I want to!
Aside from that though, I always felt like TDEE calculators always gave me way too high a number. Even when entering my lifestyle as sendentary (even when I workout 3x a week) I still felt like if I ate that much calories I would not only not lose weight but gain it!

So I tried to calculate my TDEE on my own, I wanna know from you guys if this is at all useful or just nonsense?

I compared the earliest weighing I ever did to the latest weighing I did, and then used a website that tells me how many days are between these two dates. I multiplied the amount of kgs I lost with 7700 because I read that that is the required amount of calories to have as a deficit so that you lose 1 kg of fat! I then divided that kgs-lost*7700 by the number of days between the starting weight and weight right now and it came out to about 1075 calories. That I think means that I had a caloric deficit of about 1075 calories on average this whole time. Is this accurate? Or am I missing something really big here that makes this obsolete?

Can I now just add all the calories I ate over the day plus calories burned by exercise and then I have my TDEE? (Though its impossible to know how much calories I burn while exercise... sadly)

submitted by /u/_Niroc_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Officially a Member of the 100 lb Club (A Long Story)

Hey loseit,

I have made a few posts updating my progress, but I will start at the beginning. I have always been big for as long as I can remember. Going back to early elementary school, I always had a gut. After graduating from high school, I tried doing a few diets and stuff, but I never lost more than 20 lbs before giving up and gaining it all back (plus more usually). Early college I was probably around 240 lbs. I worked a lot in college so I felt like I never had time to go to the gym or anything and so I gradually gained weight. In June 2016, I graduated with my Master's in math education and became a teacher. Unfortunately, I ended up at a not so great school where I disliked my job, especially the first year. I would come home every day and drink beer, eat crap all night, go sleep, and do it again the next day. I knew I was getting bigger but I was too afraid to weigh myself due to fear of what it would say.

Fast forward to the the summer before the start of my 3rd year teaching (2018). I still didn't love my job but it was ok at this point. I wasn't binging as much, but I was still not eating very well. The guy that I student taught with remained good friends with me and he goes to the gym a lot. He played football in college and just always has kept in great shape. He convinced me to start going to the gym with him, so I agreed. I wasn't doing much, just kind of going through the motions, but he got me on a regiment where I felt like I was starting to get stronger. He also convinced me to get on Match to start dating more. I had never had much of a dating life because I always felt that I was too fat and ugly for girls to want to date me. I tried using tinder and stuff but there wasn't much there that I was interested in.

Fast forward again to the end of summer. I was hitting the gym a few days a week and had finally weighed myself to get a starting point. 325. That number really hurt to see but I knew I needed a starting point. I wasn't really concerned with weight loss at that point, I just wanted to get into the gym and start getting stronger and getting a good routine down. I hadn't really had much luck on Match yet either. I went to a concert with a buddy and got a message from a girl on Match out of the blue. So we started chatting and ended up going on a date. It went really well so we went on another one and very quickly I noticed that it felt very different from anyone else that I had gone on dates with. We dated for awhile and in January of 2019 I proposed and she said yes.

At this point, I was still kind of just going through the motions at the gym. I was maintaining my weight, but not losing any. This stayed the same for awhile until we get to June 2019. My fiances sister was getting married, so I went and bought nice clothes for the wedding. I took a picture standing in front of the mirror and didn't like how big the person was looking back. We had some pictures taken of us at the wedding and that is when it hit me how big I really was. That night I finally decided to make a change. The next day, I contacted my gym buddy and told him I wanted to get more serious about the weight loss. Before teaching, he was a personal trainer for a while so I figured he would be the perfect fit since we went to the gym together anyways. We decided that I was going to continue my regiment at the gym, but I was going to adjust my diet. I just started counting calories and tried to stay within a budget. I didn't just start eating salad and nothing else, I was still eating good food. If I ate a bad meal with my fiance, I didn't punish myself for it, I just tried to not let it happen two days in a row. The pounds started coming off. I set a goal of 75 pounds to lose before my wedding (March 31st)

Another bit of good news happened, I get hired at the same school he teaches at, which is also the high school that I attended. I got to quit the job that I didn't like to finally be at a school that I felt I would enjoy. This gives me even more motivation, so I start incorporating a little bit of cardio into my workouts as well, as well as on the weekends (I was lifting Monday-Friday) and the pounds just started melting away. By the beginning of the school year, I was down about 40 lbs and was really happy with that. I kept eating well and going to the gym every day and the pounds just kept creeping down. I hit a few plateaus along the way, but usually nothing longer than a few days. Early November I ended up hitting my 75 lb goal and I was so happy. I had finally accomplished something, I was looking better, but I still had a gut so I knew I wasn't done. I decided to adjust and make my goal an even 100 lbs by the wedding. The weight loss slowed a bit around the holidays but I was still losing overall. January 1 I weighed in at 230. I was 5 lbs away from my goal. After that, those last 5 lbs did not want to come off. I would decrease and increase on and off until finally, I managed to see that magic number on the scale this morning: 225. I was blown away.

I have decided that I am still not done yet, but I don't really have a final weight set in mind. I still have a little bit of a gut that I would like to get rid of, but I am very happy with where I am. I finally have a good job, an absolutely amazing woman that I still do not believe that I get to marry, and I am finally happy with myself. I look a lot better now, I have more energy, and I am a lot stronger. I guess I just wanted to share because honestly, if I can do it, anybody can. I know everyone says that, but I was pretty down for a long time with my weight, appearance, lack of love life, and hating my job and less than 2 years later, I am happy, healthy, and ready to get married. Don't be afraid to start and don't be like me and put it off forever. Tomorrow may sound like a good day to start, but today is a better day to start.


submitted by /u/theberry10
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Taking the leap!

At the end of last year I lost eight pounds, which for me was huge. No matter how many times I tried to lose weight before, it never stuck. So in November, (when I saw the weight loss) I decided to take it seriously. I started calorie counting, I went to the gym once a week (I didn’t want myself to lose momentum, small steps for me.) and started incorporating more movement in my general life. Christmas came around, and let’s be real, I did enjoy myself however I didn’t over eat and missed out on most of the desserts. But the first few weeks of January have been horrendous!! I know I’ve put weight on cause my clothes are a little bit tighter on me now, but I’ve finally decided fuck it. I’m going to get back into the groove of things. At the end of the day I’m the only one that can make this happen. I just wanted to tell someone that won’t try and berate me for trying to better myself.

Also what are the general consensus on DietBet? I’m trying one for February, which was a pretty impulsive decision for me.

submitted by /u/AntiqueDahlias
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

125 LBS down

love checking in on this thread, first time posting however. I started my weight loss journey about two years ago at around 370 lbs. Im male, 6 foot 4. I started by doing whole30. I lost 34 lbs in the first 30 days. and tried to continue it as a lifestyle. I ended up doing 8 strict rounds of the program and had great success, however anytime i came off a 30 day round i treated it as an exscuse to binge. May 30 2019, i was back up to 312 lbs. I made a healthywager bet for 60 a month with a $2000 payout. I started doing low carb/keto. Eventually i ran into intermittent fasting and a book called delay don't deny. I have found consistency, success and freedom with fasting. I still mostly stick to low carb(ish) i do however eat carb dense veggies like sweet potatoes and the occasional processed carb. I am now down to 243lbs give or take a few depending on the time of day. I have been doing strength and conditioning classes for two months and look forward to increasing my body comp numbers. KEEP GOING YALL.. ITS WORTH IT...

submitted by /u/jjclaypool2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I don’t think I’ll ever lose weight again...I just can’t. I feel like I’ve tried EVERYTHING!

Hey there guys! I hope I’m not annoying you guys to death or if this is the wrong sub but I have no clue where to turn or go to.

I’ve been struggling with weight issues my entire life. It’s always been either I hated the way I look aesthetically or I hated my health. Or both. It’s a rapid switch and a huge emotional rollercoaster between the two.

It started when I was 5. For some reason, I developed a huge appetite. I just wanted to eat and I snuck food all of the time. I’m not sure how exactly I just gained so much weight from 4 to 5 but it happened.

Nothing really traumatic or weird happened in my life at the time. It just happened.

At this age I was a disgusting and disgraceful 150 lbs.

Fast forward about decade and I lost my grandmother at 13. The summer between 7th and 8th grade in middle school.

She practically raised me and I had a difficult time dealing with her death.

For some reason, it just clicked and I started a weight loss regimen where I lost all my weight and joined a Taekwondo dojo.

I went from 253 to 177, which was a lot considering I was about 5’7”

Fast forward to sophomore year of college. Everything since then had gone somewhat okay. Still no friends. Never had a boyfriend. Still don’t to this very day.

I had gained some muscle and was sitting at 220 lbs. I was a tank and I was preparing to train for a strongman competition.

Then it all came down hill after I was rejected by a crush who was perfect for me.

I was rejected once before but I was 16 and it didn’t hit me as hard as it did when I was 19.

My life basically crashed. I started overeating and skipping the gym. Moved far away from home to pursue engineering. (That didn’t work out.) was struggling with bills and was struggling with life. On top of that, I was raped and hurt. I was alone. No friends or anyone.

I had and still have a warped since of sociality from my depression. I do not take rejection well. I automatically hate myself when it happens. Rejection or possibility of rejection lead to social withdrawal and introversion in order to keep the pain from hurting. And so outside and inside events kept up a vicious cycle until I tried to kill myself multiple times.

Last time was 14 months ago.

I was at 420 lbs at 5’11”.

I’m so disappointed and disgusted and revolted. I can’t live like this anymore. No one will want me like this. I don’t even want me like this.

I just miss being able to breath normally going up a hill or one flight of steps.

I don’t know what to do or where to go. I’ve tried so many times to change and I just can’t. Therapy. Psychiatry. Personal training. Nutritionists. I just can’t snap out of it.

I can barely even put on my clothes without getting exhausted.

I need help.

submitted by /u/TheStockyScholar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The Run Report is Back on Instagram and Weekend Highlights!!

Hello! How’s it going? I’m here to share my latest running and eating updates and check-ins! First, I want to give a big shout out to Luna Bar and their efforts to pay women the same as men. They did something awesome in June and I just read about it on their wrapper the other […]

The post The Run Report is Back on Instagram and Weekend Highlights!! appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Does anybody know why scientifically your body burns less calories the more you exercise? (Without weight as a factor)

I've been off from working out in late Nov and I started up again the End of December. At the start I could easily get my heart rate up to 180bpm doing cycling for cardio keeping my wattage around 150 for 10-15mins. I'd also lift weights for about an hour and my exercise calories according to Fitbit (I know it isn't 100% accurate but if I compare the same numbers from the same device then I get an overall trend regardless of the numbers) burnt was about 300-400cals after a session . Today its been about 4ish weeks of working out 6x a week. I'm barely getting my heart rate into the cardio zone so its around 150-160bpm despite me having the same 5min cardio warm up and increasing the time of cardio from 10mins to 20min; keeping the wattage output on the bike the same at 150 watts. The weights I lift are getting heavier with the same sets/reps and the total weight lifted during that time is also increasing. At the end of it my Fitbit says I'm buring 200cals max despite the increase effort.

I get this is my body adapting to the exercise but is there an explanation to how the body is adapting to the exercise because if you break it down to the basic physics I'm still putting the same, if not more due to the increased time, amount of "work" as in joules of energy into the bike; which can be calculated with the time and average watts on the bike (I'm using the same bike at the gym so even if the power meter is off by some degree of error I'm still maintaining whatever that true wattage is from the start.) Weight loss isn't really a factor into my calories burn, I'm assuming, because I'm not doing cardio that is directly effected by the amount of weight on me, such as running. The amount of energy should be increasing with the weightlifting although I'm not sure how to calculate the kilojoules of energy used. It's not going to be nearly as much as cardio but I know it has to be increasing with the progressive overload I'm doing with the weights.

submitted by /u/pwn3dbyth3n00b
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from loseit - Lose the Fat