Sunday, May 3, 2020

Starting off my weight loss journey!... Again.

This is quite embarrassing but I’ve posted here, saying that I’ve embarked on my fitness transformation on a separate account... Turns out that I couldn’t quite make it.

Let me give you a little background: I’m 17, 267~ lb and around 5’10. I’ve been overweight-obese for most of my childhood and it practically killed my self esteem, leading to being a seclude dude. This weight made me cry, it made me frustrated at myself, cursing my self for drinking can after can of soda pop during birthday parties and family gatherings. Which caused me to eat excessively in my family van (so my siblings couldn’t see me cry and eat myself to death). I reached my heaviest I’ve ever been, 289 at 16. I was done, just completely done. I didn’t want to be this way for literally all my life and so I dedicated all my time to exercising. No kidding that I’ve practically killed any and all free time at the community and private gym. That lead me to burn out and feel terrible for not being able to continue this harsh regiment. Repeating this cycle.

Not today it won’t (well, I mean I started a week ago but yeah lol). I stomped my foot and chose to finally take a crack out of this weight loss commitment once again and I’m seeing some great results! Already lost around 4 pounds already with a combo of YouTube dance exercises and a sauna suit I’ve bought. planning to add by-monthly updates to this subreddit account.

Thank you for taking a read of this little diary of mine and I promise I won’t back down, it’s do or die moment for me and I will have results.


submitted by /u/InittoWINitorBUST
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Help! How do I stop the spiral?

So before lockdown, I was doing really well when it comes to healthy eating/exercise and I'm actually currently at the lowest weight I've been for the past 15 years (I've lost nearly 60lbs/approx 26kg in the last few years). During lockdown, thus far I've still been pretty good generally - taken a few more cheat days than normal perhaps but no weight gain and trying hard to keep tabs on my mental health. However, over the past weekend I've taken cheat days and a bit further than I normally would, with loads of chocolate and snacks that I'd pretty much completely taken out of my diet. It just feels like I could go either way right now, but thoughts of 'what's the point?' when it comes to healthy eating are quite regular at this point and I could easily slip into bad habits I thought were gone. I really don't want to undo any of the good work I've done up to now but the drive to eat well and keep active has disappeared and it's gradually getting harder to discipline myself/lead a good lifestyle. Can anyone help/give me a talking to?

Tl;dr - on the verge of spiralling into overeating and undoing substantial weight loss, need help!

submitted by /u/djt21081990
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Posting to remind myself that I have to keep going.

I have this very irritating habit of not counting calories strict enough - not counting sauces, adding a couple more vegetables, snacking on cereal before dinner. Enough that when I was working out and burning 300 cals 4 days a week I was still only maintaining (although I may have gained some muscle).

It ends up with me having started last August, with an overall weight loss of only 11lbs and 0.3lb average per week. One week I’ll eat 1300 everyday, and then I’ll go out of town for the weekend and blow it all, or I’ll take two week long breaks because it’s christmas!/my birthday!/someone else’s birthday! If I was consistent I could be at my goal right now.

So I’m making this post trying to resist eating another oat cookie. Consistency is what matters the most and it seems to be the only thing I don’t have!

Reminder for people that think they are losing really slow at 1lb a week, that is so fast compared to me lol! (I’ve been eating strict recently and last week lost 1.2lbs!). Keep going everyone, the time will pass either way, your goal weight day will come!

submitted by /u/expensivetastex
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I wish my family was healthy

I know that my health all comes down to me and that I can’t blame anyone else for where I am. How I exercise and what I eat is up to me.

However, I can’t help but think that my problems with my weight and food appeared at least partly because of my family. My mom and dad are both obese. I grew up witnessing my mom constantly trying to lose weight, my dad binging on junk food, my sister’s unhealthy relationship with food, and my brother calling himself fat. I’ve seen my sister try to starve herself. Ive seen my mom go off and on of weight watchers repeatedly. I’ve heard my dad insult my mom about how she needs to lose weight.

I have never been overweight, but I have always been terrified of gaining weight. I’m scared to ever have people look at me and say “oh, she got big.” And I don’t think I’m small. I’m bigger than all of my friends, and they’ve hinted at that on several occasions (Apparently I’ve got the perfect body to be the koolaid man for Halloween. Also, if I need to borrow something, their clothes “probably won’t fit me”).

Everyone in my family is super food conscious. I hate that constant obsession. I feel like everyone is always hyper focused on what everyone else is eating. I hate when they call themselves fat or talk about weight loss or food and how many calories it has. Those subjects make me uncomfortable and anxious. Especially in quarantine, this is just super uncomfortable and I just wish I had grown up in a family that is healthy and intuitive with their eating.

What is your childhood experience in this regard? Do you think it played a part in your relationship with your weight and food?

submitted by /u/WedPing
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How You Lose Body Fat

I saw this image today - How You Lose Body Fat - and it really resonated with me. I admit that I have become increasingly more impatient and frustrated while I am tracking CICO, since there are no immediate changes that I can see even though I'm in a calorie deficit. Fat is stubborn just like me. Stubbornness is similar to perseverance, which is a trait needed for success.

From the article:

And just because the numbers on the scale aren't changing, doesn't mean you aren't losing weight. Your fat cells are pretty stubborn - they tend to try and hang around for survival purposes, and to provide you a valuable source of energy. As you lose fat, you might gain water weight. Fat cells will fill with water to maintain their shape and in the hopes of acquiring fat to fill it again. But if you continue to cut calories and lose fat, they eventually give up and shrink. Losing weight takes a lot of patience. The scale will go up and down, but a consistent calorie deficit over time will lead to weight loss.

We are all on our own journey. Even the cells that make up my body have their own journey. Perhaps, this is a time to practice compassion - to not only to myself, but also to these little fat cells. It’s hard to be patient when my attitude is merely thinking of myself, that I certainly don't need the extra fat cells. Though, these fat cells don't realize there are too many of them; they are simply doing their best to survive to give me the energy I need to survive, which I appreciate.

Weight loss has heavily consumed my thoughts recently. Dealing with stubborn fat is exhausting and frustrating, and I simply do not want to think about my it so much anymore. This image reminded me that there is only so much I can control. So, I dedicated the extra time needed to revise my CICO spreadsheet, reviewing and updating everything, after researching a bit more to further my understanding on how to achieve my weight loss goals. This plan and how I execute it is what I can control. If I don't succeed, it will be because I did not follow the plan or there is something out of my control intervening (example: unknown underlying health issue). If I am disciplined and diligent, I am confident that I will succeed since I'm prepared with a sound strategy and a more accepting, patient mindset.

Cheers to shrinking fat cells!

submitted by /u/SaltyStoic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

going to start my weight loss journey

16/m here. I've been overweight for most of my life and I finally want to change. I currently weigh around 225 lbs and am at least 5'2. I'm making my starter weight 160 for now. I don't know how to start losing weight or when I should start. If I could get some advice that would be cool. Maybe stuff like diets that will make me lose weight fast. I had a kidney transplant around 7 years ago so some diets won't work for me because I only have one kidney. Also I would be fine with exercising but I would rather wait and only focus on losing the weight through dieting and then getting into better shape after I lose more weight. Sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place.

submitted by /u/sarcorhamphus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

50 lbs down over 1 and 1/4 year. Wondering if anyone’s else weight fluctuates by 6-8 lbs normally

I just got down to about 160 lbs but my weight spiked up to 166 again the next day. I normally fluctuate between 6-8 lbs and usually go back down to that lower weight. But it can be super disheartening when I’m trying to loose weight. I’ve been really strict about calories and exercise and I’m trying to get down to 145-150 lb range. I’m eating about 1000-1500 calories per day. I am 5’8. I’m going to give this a month or so of eating at this caloric deficit to see the results that I can achieve. My projected weight loss is within 5 weeks via my fitness pal but I don’t always trust that. Why does the weight always shift like that? I know I haven’t gained 6 lbs in a day.

submitted by /u/kittenlikeunicorn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat