Friday, April 2, 2021

Week 2: Damn you DST!

Hey everyone! o//

It's time for another reflection Friday! Week two is behind me and boy, was it hell. Let's get the numbers out of the way and dive deeper in this week and why I really disliked DST.

Starting Weight Week 1: 114.6kg (252.6lbs)
Current Weight: 114.6kg (252.6lbs)
Body Fat %: 55.9%
Muscle Mass %: 15.8%

When I stepped on the scale this morning, I'll be honest, I got a bit discouraged. Same weight as last week, and my body fat percentage increased. I did look at the muscle mass percentage, but thought that it had stayed the same. That was, until I started writing this post and looking at my previous post to see what I wrote last week. Hold up a second there... 0.5% Muscle Mass increase?!?! I'm gobsmacked, honestly, and also very excited! That explains why I've stayed at the same weight! Things only can get better from here on out, right?

So, how did last week go? Well, not too bad in hindsight! During the weekend, I visited family and threw the intermittent fasting windows out the... door. I didn't want to restrict myself too much in the presence of family as we had some things to celebrate. Instead, I figured that I tried being mindful of what I was stuffing my face with. So, instead of drinking all night (you know, like 8 drinks or so), I managed to have a modest two drinks. Also, I tried not to overeat, yet still enjoy the delicious food. I'd like to believe I did a good job.

The start of DST did throw me quite a curve ball. Hell, for a couple days, I felt like I was on my period with all the mood swings that come with that. I tried my workout on Monday, but failed miserably; got nauseous and dizzy to the point that I deemed it unsafe to continue. I also couldn't keep myself to the intermittent fasting window that day. I'll admit, I really thought the week was over, it was just crap and all those kind of thoughts. However, the next day, my brain figured:

"C'mon Sh4d0wPh03n1x. It isn't the end of the world now. You had one day where you slipped up, that won't determine the faith of humanity or your weight loss. Buckle up, and go for that 30 minute walk tonight!"

I don't know when my brain got this positive, but hey, I'll take it! I went for my 30 minute walk that evening and even though the first 5 minutes were really hard (because I really didn't want to go), I managed to walk my 30 minute round in 25 minutes. The fastest I've ever done it! My shins were burning like hell, but that's nothing. The next day, I went for a long walk with my best friend. We walked 1.5 hours, and we had a little pit stop to get ice cream for me and a milkshake for him. My shins were still burning like hell, but again that's nothing.

Honestly, I'm proud that I picked myself back up again after one bad day. 2 or 3 years ago, I wouldn't have been able to do that (that's why I'm still fat, lol xD), so I've definitely grown. Onto the next week, where food will be an even bigger issue because of Easter festivities, but I'll manage. Hopefully I can dip under the 114kg next Friday!

submitted by /u/Sh4d0wPh03n1x
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Went for a run today...

SW: 222.6, CW: 183.0, GW: 170

So I went on a run today for the first time in about a year. At this point in my weight loss I LOOK relatively fit, but I certainly don’t feel like it. Last time I ran, I was huffing and puffing, exhausted, felt my whole body jiggle, and was desperately trying not to die while trying to keep pace with my fit girlfriend.

Today, for the first time in a year, we went on a run together, and I braced myself to not embarrass myself in front of her.

Well, off we go and I feel AMAZING, I was running circles around her, I felt like I could go forever, and I felt light on my feet and like an athlete again. It was an unbelievable experience.

When I look in the mirror, it’s easy to disregard the change, but man, I just wanted to share this personal moment of my run. I feel like a completely new man. I dreaded running with my girlfriend because I always held us back, and now I feel proud to run beside her.

submitted by /u/WtrReich
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Day 1? Starting your weight loss journey on Friday, 02 April 2021? Start here!

Today is your Day 1?

Welcome to r/Loseit!

So you aren’t sure of how to start? Don’t worry! “How do I get started?” is our most asked question. r/Loseit has helped our users lose over 1,000,000 recorded pounds and these are the steps that we’ve found most useful for getting started.

Why you’re overweight

Our bodies are amazing (yes, yours too!). In order to survive before supermarkets, we had to be able to store energy to get us through lean times, we store this energy as adipose fat tissue. If you put more energy into your body than it needs, it stores it, for (potential) later use. When you put in less than it needs, it uses the stored energy. The more energy you have stored, the more overweight you are. The trick is to get your body to use the stored energy, which can only be done if you give it less energy than it needs, consistently.

Before You Start

The very first step is calculating your calorie needs. You can do that HERE. This will give you an approximation of your calorie needs for the day. The next step is to figure how quickly you want to lose the fat. One pound of fat is equal to 3500 calories. So to lose 1 pound of fat per week you will need to consume 500 calories less than your TDEE (daily calorie needs from the link above). 750 calories less will result in 1.5 pounds and 1000 calories is an aggressive 2 pounds per week.


Here is where it begins to resemble work. The most efficient way to lose the weight you desire is to track your calorie intake. This has gotten much simpler over the years and today it can be done right from your smartphone or computer. r/loseit recommends an app like MyFitnessPal, Loseit! (unaffiliated), or Cronometer. Create an account and be honest with it about your current stats, activities, and goals. This is your tracker and no one else needs to see it so don’t cheat the numbers. You’ll find large user created databases that make logging and tracking your food and drinks easy with just the tap of the screen or the push of a button. We also highly recommend the use of a digital kitchen scale for accuracy. Knowing how much of what you're eating is more important than what you're eating. Why? This may explain it.

Creating Your Deficit

How do you create a deficit? This is up to you. r/loseit has a few recommendations but ultimately that decision is yours. There is no perfect diet for everyone. There is a perfect diet for you and you can create it. You can eat less of exactly what you eat now. If you like pizza you can have pizza. Have 2 slices instead of 4. You can try lower calorie replacements for calorie dense foods. Some of the communities favorites are cauliflower rice, zucchini noodles, spaghetti squash in place of their more calorie rich cousins. If it appeals to you an entire dietary change like Keto, Paleo, Vegetarian.

The most important thing to remember is that this selection of foods works for you. Sustainability is the key to long term weight management success. If you hate what you’re eating you won’t stick to it.


Is NOT mandatory. You can lose fat and create a deficit through diet alone. There is no requirement of exercise to lose weight.

It has it’s own benefits though. You will burn extra calories. Exercise is shown to be beneficial to mental health and creates an endorphin rush as well. It makes people feel *awesome* and has been linked to higher rates of long term success when physical activity is included in lifestyle changes.

Crawl, Walk, Run

It can seem like one needs to make a 180 degree course correction to find success. That isn’t necessarily true. Many of our users find that creating small initial changes that build a foundation allows them to progress forward in even, sustained, increments.


You will struggle. We have all struggled. This is natural. There is no tip or trick to get through this though. We encourage you to recognize why you are struggling and forgive yourself for whatever reason that may be. If you overindulged at your last meal that is ok. You can resolve to make the next meal better.

Do not let the pursuit of perfect get in the way of progress. We don’t need perfect. We just want better.

Additional resources

Now you’re ready to do this. Here are more details, that may help you refine your plan.

* Lose It Compendium - Frame it out!

* FAQ - Answers to our most Frequently Asked Questions!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to get rid of Skinny Fat?

Hello everybody, so when I first started my weight loss journey I was 5'11 16 years old 226 pounds now I am 6 foot 16 years old 175 pounds. When I started I was very unacknowledged, in weight loss so what I did was ate very little calories and cardio no weight lifting or protein. Now I have very skinny arms and legs and a very large chest and belly. Now I have done a little research and for about 4 days and I have changed my workout routine and I do 20 minutes of HIIT cardio (2 mins of walking at 3mphs speed, and 1 minute running at 8mph speed). After that, I do weight lifting for 30-40 minutes. I eat around 1600-1800 calories a day and burn 300-500 a day and eat 90-100 grams of protein. Is that enough should I be eating more or less? I'm basically just trying to get muscle and lose fat. Appreciate every solution! Thanks, everybody!

submitted by /u/AlphaHawk881642
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing It As an Insomniac - any tips?

I have been recently diagnosed as an insomniac. I just can't fall asleep, and I'm tired all the time. It's been a difficult few years and only recently has my broken sleep schedule and stress caught up to me. I just cannot fall asleep easily anymore.

I've been noticing that it is much harder to keep eating at a deficit. I'm still able to train hard and push myself in the gym and hobbies, harder than last time. I've been eating at about maintenance for almost two months now with super slow weight loss. I'm tired and frustrated, I have about 5-10lb to my desired goal weight.

Has anyone else found success with losing fat and maintaining muscle mass as an insomniac? I sure could use the tips.

I'm at about 135-137 lb or 61-62 kilos right now and am at 5'8" tall or 173 cm tall.

submitted by /u/Staryaska
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 1 / Sign Ups!

Hello losers,

So sorry I'm such a bum! I'm fighting the song & dance of mental health & dying technology. New device is en route so hopefully less interruptions. Please feel free to wrap up here too if you like, March ran screaming by! Onto the business!

For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!

And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them anyway to you returning conquerors. I do occasionally to remind myself of the basics.

Here’s what we do in the DAC my friends!

This is the sign up post (and day 1) to outline your goals, weight loss, self care, creative, whatever keeps your motor going.

There will be a daily update post for you to chime in about how day whatever is going!

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress my friends!

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported by the internet version of a push up bra! Leading by example, here I go!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & report here even if I don’t like it: This is triggering for some people & I respect that approach too. I need it for accountability or I will do dumb stuff. X lbs this morning, X lbs trend weight.

Stay within calorie range (1800): This is way harder than it used to be, I can’t lie to you lovely folks. I’m in that daily grind with you all.

Exercise 5 days a week: This is mostly habitual. I would like more intensity & strength training workouts, but I’ll be honest, if I’m not getting enough cardio my mental health becomes a real cesspit so fast. This is mostly a part of my mental health medicine ritual. X/X days.

Self-care alone time & ten deep breath cycles a day: This could include journaling, beauty treatments, anything that fills the bucket, nonfood rewards etc. and it turns out I need to be breathing more. I’m noticing that I need actual no people time more than I have been letting myself have. This is because some of my other habits have slipped & for my own sake I really need to be mindful.

Try a new recipe once a week: I need some new meal prep ideas, I’ll share if you all have any suggestions. If you haven’t taken a gander at Budgetbytes, some of my more favorite recipes came from that site. X/4 weeks.

Write 1500 words a day 6 days a week: A new goal, I know what craziness is this? This is a personal goal to work in with some of the other habits built to support my mental health. Also a productive way to cycle through the mental garbage & work in some quiet alone time into my days.

Do a mindfulness exercise and express gratitude: More of the same maybe but it's become really important in my journey. I do have so much to be grateful for.

Your turn kids! Tell us about your day 1 & your goals!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

SV: Twotopia, here I am!

I hit my first big milestone today. I started at 329lbs end of January and am down to 298 today. And right on schedule at that (planned for it by March 31st) :)

I think the biggest reason for my weight loss is "outsourcing" food to a prepped meal service. I started of with BistroMD (the food is okay but gets old fairly quickly, I am trying out Snap Kitchen at the moment and might try other companies in the future). I did the full 3 meals, 2 snacks a day program in the beginning. This made getting used to CICO a lot easier as I had only as much food as I needed for the week in the house, perfectly portioned already. And this way there was always an easy, fast meal available, so no excuse to order take out or eat frozen pizza instead of cooking. Prepped meals also have all the macros already counted, so it's faster to track as well. This way I could focus on the mental health side of weight loss first and minimize the likelihood of giving up early on. I could focus on portion size, mindful eating, etc. I then slowly reduced the amount of meals I ordered. Taking care of snacks myself first, followed by cooking my own meals on the weekends (that's were I am at the moment). My plan is to continue increasing the meals I cook myself slowly, rewiring my brain and my relationship with food.

I am also trying to be kind to myself and be somewhat flexible on my calorie goal. I usually eat around 1300kcal a day but anything between 1200 to 1500 is okay. I don't want to stress myself out by sticking to one number too strictly. There are easy days where eating 1200 feels perfectly fine and then there are days where I simply need that extra snack in the afternoon. And if I happen to go above that range some days, than that's okay too. I just stick to it the next day again.

And lastly, just reading in this and other subs has been such a big help. There are so many good posts here that introduced me to new food items (laughing cow cheese anyone?), new ideas (nonzero days), and are just generally uplifting, motivating, and helpful. Big thank you to y'all!

I hope that my process continues this way and I get to onederland and my end goal of 155lbs one day.

submitted by /u/ValierMary
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from loseit - Lose the Fat