Thursday, May 6, 2021

May 6th 281lbs - How much can I lose in 7 months?

I'm 34 male 5'11 281 lbs

Started a month ago with a popular weight loss app at 290lbs. Was 270lbs in March, so am well aquainted with the yoyol. I've struggled with weight my whole life and have fiinally accepted that it's going to take life long vigilance to maintain any weight loss and stability. I have a weight loss clinic and they've prescribed 500mg of metformin twice a day. I began OMAD 2 days ago and am keeping an eye to ensure protein and veggie intake is ok but the emphasis is caloric restriction so am avoiding after meal sweets and snacks. The emphasis on vigilance can't be ignored while being aware to avoid hypervigilance, it's a fine line that as of now I'm ok walking. Will be phasing in exercise at a later date, I have a rowing machine but for now that's not a big part of the equation. In December I'm gunning to be 200lbs bit of a shot at the moon but I'm saying it here and will update keep this up to date.

submitted by /u/LeedsGold
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Refeed days when cutting

21M 5"6 CW 127.3 lb I've been on a cut for a year now, very slow weight loss and sometimes sloppy but overall i did what I had to to do, stick with the caloric deificit, eating clean most of the time but not restricting myself, it hasn't been accurate completely because of lack of tools like a kitchen scale and a bathroom scale etc, i lost 12 pounds in 12 months eating 1700 calories per day (500 calorie deficit supposedly which I thought it was, when it was probably a 300-400 cal deficit) recently a couple of weeks back i weighed myself in a pharmacy (emphasis on, I DONT HAVE A BATHROOM SCALE) and my TDEE is 2000 cal so I've been eating 1500 cal/day, i bought a kitchen scale a month ago so overall everything I eat has become more accurate in terms of the caloric values and portions and all that for a while now. Where I want to get is that, I'm lean I look great, but not lean enough and probably lost muscle mass during all the slow cut i did which is ironic. All I ever wanted was noticeable abs and I'm getting close, is it counterproductive to eat at a surplus of 1000-1500 cal one day per week? I told my self that I was going to do only 300-600 surplus refeed days ONCE per week because i've been on acut for so long and it feels great it helps psychologically but, is it self sabotaging my progress if Instead of eating 300-600 cal over may manintenance I'm eating 1000 cal over? It's just one day a week. Sorry for long text!

submitted by /u/synthetichuman2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally losing weight! 8.2 down, 23 more to go.

Like many here, I gained a substantial amount of weight during quarantine. I went from ~135 to my heaviest ever weight of ~165-168

And if I'm being honest, I was in denial about how "big" I had become. My then boyfriend and I moved in together and I realized how he ate almost exclusively fast food (and we got deserts a lot...which I am literally incapable of stopping myself from eating it all. I know people may scoff at that, but even as a small, twig-like child I would inhale deserts until they were gone. I know my limits, so I just don't buy anything sweet and that has worked excellently for me until we moved in). I wasn't used to this, as growing up fastfood was a treat. His lunch and dinner growing up was fast food.

So, I went from about 135 and size 4 jeans to a size 10. Everyone said I didn't look like I was that heavy. I have a narrow waist still and big hips, and mostly maintained that shape...just wider.

And then, for the hell of it, I tried to put on my old size 4 pants. They wouldn't even go past my thighs. These jeans, which I had almost gone with a size 2 when I was buying them, barely made it past my knees. I will admit I was a little embarrassed. I had completely deluded myself into thinking I wasn't that much bigger despite what the scale and mirror said. But, in the grand scheme of things, I don't look bad. But I felt bad. I was easily winded and (TMI here) literally got exhausted and sweaty like 5 minutes into sex. My body was not thrilled with all the grease, either...

I am in no rush to lose weight, so I keep an eye on my calorie intake without much focus on carbs or other macronutrients. When it comes to food, I have a fear of missing out so I always ready and willing to eat when hanging out even if I'm not actually hungry. Recognizing I don't HAVE to eat every time someone else is, or finish a massive portion of food has really helped me slowly shed these pounds. I also get moderate exercise from my job and walking around my town, so I'm feeling better.

Visually, I can't tell I lost weight but I did try on an oversized jumpsuit I filled out at my heaviest and it's much looser, which made me very happy.

There's no point to this post, I guess, I just wanted to talk about my weight loss a little.

submitted by /u/pumicepickle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How long does it take for weight gain to show up?

So obviously I know that water retention is a reason the scale can shoot up over night. But I was wondering how long does it take for real weight gain to occur? I’m in a calorie deficit and the past few days I’ve eaten out a lot and done the best to track my calories as possible but obviously when you eat out you really have no idea. I was wondering is it like a delayed reaction when you gain weight? Like how long after a couple days of bad eating would you see real weight gain not water retention? Hopefully I’m asking this right, like how long does it take from going way over on your calories to turn into fat?

Also what’s the deal with fruit? My friend and I talk about this almost everyday. She swears you could eat fruit all day everyday and not gain weight? But if you look that up online it’s not true and it’s still sugary calories? Like I don’t know what to believe. She says the best way for weight loss is to eat fruit and calorie counting is bullshit? What’s your take on this? (also obviously think of this as the best healthy smoothie bowl you can, with greens and fruit and no nut butter) thanks!

submitted by /u/Awkward-Anywhere5090
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Noticed something on a recent Joe Rogan podcast

Joe had a recent guest on, Ethan Suplee. He is a successful actor that used to be very overweight and unhealthy. He has overcome a lifetime of weight and food issues and come out on top. He said something that really hit home. He mentions weight loss and focusing so hard to just lose weight and diet. He focused so hard on the finish line, but he never addressed what it was that got him to the starting line. I’ve always been up and down in weight. I can easily lose weight when I am motivated. But I’ve never been able to maintain a lifestyle where I keep it off. Bad habits, food choices, just the way I have always eaten are my real enemy and not the number on the scale or the reflection in the mirror. Might be obvious to some, but I’ve never really framed it in my mind the way that he said it. To address the issues that got me to where I am. Focus on that, and not focus on a diet or a weight loss program. It really was a revelation to me

submitted by /u/lawshunts
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Eating at maintainance but need advice

Tw: ED

Hey I just need some reassurance that I'm doing the right thing. So I started my journey in October I've lost 20kg I am currently I'm 5ft4 and 68kg

This is the furthest I've ever gotten in my weight loss journey in the past I would have given up and fallen into binge cycles. Now that the gym has opened up I've decided to go and start lifting weights and eating at maintainance so that I can start building some lean muscle. I know that this will help with my body issues and give me more freedom with food and prevent binges and hopefully make this all more sustainable.

The issue is I'm just starting to doubt myself and I'm scared I'm going to fall back into restricting heavily out of guilt. For a female who is 5ft 4 and 68kg works out at the gym 5 days a week. Also does yoga every day and walks 8-10k/hula hoops and cycles is 2200calories okay for maintaining? It's what the tdeee calculator and mfp have said are okay but now I'm so scared I'm going to gain fat. I spent all day crying about it and it's really stressing me out and now all I want to do is eat 1000 calories for a few weeks to make up for it. I really hate living in my messed up head sometimes I have progress pictures I can see myself shrinking but yet I can't seem to believe it, I don't understand why I feel so horrible and insecure when I should feel better about myself. I'm just so far from my goal I still have so much fat to lose but I don't want to just be skinny I want to be toned and strong. I keep telling myself I need to feed myself if I want to gain muscle but I just keep thinking maybe I'm not working out hard enough (even though I can barely move my arms today) or that I still have so much fat so I shouldn't be eating so much. Has anyone else done this and has it worked for you?

submitted by /u/Depcherry94
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight loss trends since August 2020 to May can I know if I'm actually losing fat?

I'm a 5'5, 20 y/o f btw. Here's an imgur link to see my weightloss trends from August 2020 to May 2021.

I started weighing myself since August 19, 2020 where I weighed 151lbs. I weighed myself always first thing in the morning after peeing, wearing a simple tank top + pj shorts. As of today, May 6th 2021, I am weighing in at 137lbs.

How can I know if this isn't just water weight that I will gain again or something else? I definitely haven't been eating as much as I used to because I am stressed with college finals and other issues, but I am still curious if anyone has any advice on how to better understand my weight loss results if possible.

Other than eating less, I have NOT been working out or being more active. From Jan-Feb I was working out fairly often but other than that, I guess I'm a bit confused as to how I've lost so much weight since my first weigh in...Thank you SOO much <3

submitted by /u/cutiebbygrl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat