I've been seeing a nutritionist for Binge Eating Disorder for nearly a year. I will probably have my final session with her this week as we regularly find we have nothing left to discuss and I'm not finding logging my food with her particularly helpful anymore. She is firmly anti-weight loss (which I completely understand and this is not a complaint against her whatsoever). She's not into "intuitive eating" or full blown "fat positivity", she's just realistic about the fact that restricting triggers binging, which is totally fair. She wants me to accept my body as it is, but, simply put, I can't and I won't.
It's not like I've been this weight my whole life. I gained about 50lbs two years ago due to mental health meds and birth control (I'm now off both). I just don't feel like myself. I refuse to believe this is how I'm supposed to look and feel.
I haven't had a full-blown binge in probably 6 months. In that time I've had at most one slip up a month where I ate more than I should have/more than I wanted to/more than was reasonable. One of those times was triggered when I briefly attempted to track calories (I promised nutritionist I wouldn't restrict, purely track). Even the act of tracking made me want to binge.
I'm fully on board with the fact that I need to eat three meals a day and 1-2 snacks to feel my best. I'm just wondering...is there any way to lose weight (even slowly) without re-triggering an eating disorder? Have any of you done it? Am I really stuck at this size forever? I have attempted weeks of eating healthier options (without tracking) and my weight stays exactly the same. I've definitely created a new set-point for my metabolism. I already get 8k+ steps a day at work, so it's not like I can jump start weight loss by adding a small amount of activity.
Feel free to discuss however you like. I'm not triggered at all by online convo :) so you don't have to tip-toe around my feelings!
ETA: I noticed a couple down votes. For anyone wondering why I'm posting here and not in the BED support group, pretty much everyone there is in active addiction. It's a mess. I don't want to trigger anyone there by discussing weight loss, and frankly I wouldn't get advice beyond "I just eat like one big binge every three days and it works for me!" My heart is with that community, but this discussion isn't appropriate for it.
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/BKouDr1