Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Weight loss for someone who’s finally admitting they’re obese

So I’ve always been big. As a toddler, my parents never fed me properly, so I never really learned how I should be eating, and I’ve always been quite a bit over weight no matter what age, but I never considered myself obese. I’m trying to take accountability and be an adult and realize I can’t use my childhood as a crutch anymore as to why I was obese. But I am, and I have been. I always thought it “wasn’t that bad” but it is. I’m a college student with a full time job and I’m struggling. I don’t have the mental capacity to cook everyday, as my mental health is something I work on too. I’m a 24f about 5’3” and 245lbs. Where do I start? Any recommendations on foods like the frozen stuff at Trader Joe’s that doesn’t require a ton of prep work? I can cook on the weekends, but week days are just too much. I can consider some meal preps, but I’m not sure how it would go. Mainly dinners, but honestly ideas for all three. Lunches I need on the go because I work 10 hours a day and my only break is driving from one clients house to another house. Please help, from someone starting from literally nothing.

submitted by /u/Western_Training_847
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Should I Take Creatine?

I (26M, 5'8", SW255, CW233, GWsub-180) have been doing CICO since the beginning of this October and I'm already down a tiny bit over 20 pounds since then. Additionally, I started the primer workout routine from r/bodyweightfitness a couple of weeks later.

I've made a very robust spreadsheet and it estimates that I can hit my GW by June next year. However, I'm more interested in having a fit/healthy body than just hitting my goal weight and I've taken to practicing better fitness habits since starting to count calories.

Anyways, I wanted to ask if anyone here knows if taking creatine monohydrate sped up their weight loss (after the initial water retention of using it) and if just a low daily dose would help in my long term goal of recomp-ing.

I'm not looking for a shortcut or anything, I've just read that it's supposedly a wonder supplement with a dozen or more researched benefits. Is it worth it for non-athletes and gym-goers?

Edited to add more of my info^

submitted by /u/Mysteryman00777
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Tuesday, December 3, 2024

Recommendations for weight MAINTENANCE app

Hi all! I’ve met my goal weight through dietary changes and exercise. I use MyNetDiary to track meals, nutrition, calories in/out.

it was great for weight loss, but I’m finding it lacking for weight maintenance. It’s frustrating that it doesn’t account for “normal” weight fluctuations of a pound or two and insists on calling it ”weight gain” in the weekly recap emails.

I’m looking for something with more positive/neutral terminology and a more intuitive understanding of regular fluctuations that occur due to water weight, etc.

Anyone know of a good app for this?

submitted by /u/VibrantAnemone
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss & Holidays.

Do you guys cheat on holidays or continue your diet? If you did cheat…Anybody else beat their self’s up over cheating on the holidays ?

I’ve been beating myself up for cheating on Thanksgiving & not being able to workout much last week. I was so scared to check the scale….finally checked the scale today & I didn’t gain any weight ! Actually lost 2 more pounds . About 40lbs more to go & I’ll officially be out of the 200’s . Im excited but a little nervous as well . I’ve been on every diet you can think of since I was probably 8 years old & when I get closer & closer to my goal weight I become obsessive & start doing stuff the unhealthy way & causing me to fall backwards every time. Thanksgiving has helped my outlook a little & made me realize I don’t have to obsess so much lol but on the other hand…realizing I only have to loose 40lbs more to be out the 200’s is tempting me to go on a fast or something to speed up the process 😂

submitted by /u/Old-Promotion-6548
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I’ve lost 50lbs and I’m still unhappy with the way I look

I’ve always been a little bigger my whole life. I still remember being in 3rd grade and believing that I was fat even though I wasn’t really. But the summer of 4th grade, where I just sat inside and played Minecraft all day, was when I actually got fat. I went through middle school and most of high school overweight. I tried multiple times throughout high school and middle school to lose weight but I was never successful. I truly believed that because I was overweight nobody would want me. I was severely insecure about myself and hated pictures of myself. But I always thought that if I lost weight that I would be happy. Well, at the start of 2024 I told myself that I would finally lose weight, and I did. I’m 6’ 1’’ and I went from 225 to 175 in about 3 months. I definitely didn’t lose it in a healthy way though. I was damn near anorexic. I would only eat about 700 calories a day and I also made sure that I would burn off every single calorie by walking. I would walk almost 10 miles a day during this time. I understand now that this was extremely unhealthy and I don’t recommend doing this. But now I’ve lost 50 pounds and I’m still unhappy with the way I look. When I was overweight I would imagine people complimenting me on my weight loss, but now when it actually happens I don’t feel anything. I feel like I’m still overweight, I know I’m not but I’m just not happy with myself. I just don’t know what else to do. I’m not trying to lose weight anymore because I know if I did I’d be an unhealthy weight but I just still am so unhappy with myself.

submitted by /u/DESPAWN__
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Monday, December 2, 2024

Scared of losing weight due to sagging (.)(.)

Hi! I managed to lose two stone in weight through working out/exercise and nearly got down to the third stone off, which then put me at a healthy weight (though I think I'm probably a bit more stocky and muscular than an 'average' woman of 5 ft 5).

However, when I got to my lowest weight, my boobs got very saggy, thin and stretched, which I didn't expect with just a three stone weight loss. I ended up putting eight pounds back on (went through a stressful time) and now my boobs have filled out more nicely again, albeit with a few stretch marks. The problem is, I'm now afraid of losing weight again because I'm worried they will sag again if I go too low.

I know this is such a shallow, aesthetic thing, but how my boobs went the first time keeps blocking me from wanting to lose that last half a stone or so. When I'd lost all the weight, I loved how my face, arms and stomach (which bugs me the most at the moment) looked, but I didn't like how thin my legs looked in addition to my boobs.

Should I try and lose maybe a couple of pounds and see how it goes? I fear I may just never be quite happy with how I look, but I also know that I shouldn't be yo-yoing and I should just put my health first, but I also don't want to be in a body that is ageing prematurely (I'm 29). Thank you!

submitted by /u/RedditRebel-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight after recovering from BED

I've been seeing a nutritionist for Binge Eating Disorder for nearly a year. I will probably have my final session with her this week as we regularly find we have nothing left to discuss and I'm not finding logging my food with her particularly helpful anymore. She is firmly anti-weight loss (which I completely understand and this is not a complaint against her whatsoever). She's not into "intuitive eating" or full blown "fat positivity", she's just realistic about the fact that restricting triggers binging, which is totally fair. She wants me to accept my body as it is, but, simply put, I can't and I won't.

It's not like I've been this weight my whole life. I gained about 50lbs two years ago due to mental health meds and birth control (I'm now off both). I just don't feel like myself. I refuse to believe this is how I'm supposed to look and feel.

I haven't had a full-blown binge in probably 6 months. In that time I've had at most one slip up a month where I ate more than I should have/more than I wanted to/more than was reasonable. One of those times was triggered when I briefly attempted to track calories (I promised nutritionist I wouldn't restrict, purely track). Even the act of tracking made me want to binge.

I'm fully on board with the fact that I need to eat three meals a day and 1-2 snacks to feel my best. I'm just there any way to lose weight (even slowly) without re-triggering an eating disorder? Have any of you done it? Am I really stuck at this size forever? I have attempted weeks of eating healthier options (without tracking) and my weight stays exactly the same. I've definitely created a new set-point for my metabolism. I already get 8k+ steps a day at work, so it's not like I can jump start weight loss by adding a small amount of activity.

Feel free to discuss however you like. I'm not triggered at all by online convo :) so you don't have to tip-toe around my feelings!

ETA: I noticed a couple down votes. For anyone wondering why I'm posting here and not in the BED support group, pretty much everyone there is in active addiction. It's a mess. I don't want to trigger anyone there by discussing weight loss, and frankly I wouldn't get advice beyond "I just eat like one big binge every three days and it works for me!" My heart is with that community, but this discussion isn't appropriate for it.

submitted by /u/stuckhere-throwaway
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