Sunday, December 30, 2018

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Monday, 31 December 2018

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Are my weight loss goals obtainable?

I have been a longtime lurker but never brave enough to post a message. I hope this kind of post is allowed!

I used to be 120 lbs until I was bedridden after a head injury (had a seizure and hit my head). I went up to 150 lbs for a long time until last semester. I did a study abroad and gained a lot of drinking weight (thanks English pubs!).

Currently I am 5'2 and somewhere between 165-175 lbs (I'm not 100% sure). I graduate in May and I'm moving back abroad for grad school, and would love to be a healthy weight. Even before that I want to be a healthy weight for my graduation pictures. I am also 22 if that makes a difference.

I will be taking graduation pictures late April/early May, and my goal is to be my high school weight of around 145 lbs. My plan is to exercise 3-4 days a week where I can fit it in my work schedule. I am a full-time undergrad student with two jobs. I am also going to eat clean, and get my calorie intake between 1250-1300 a day. I will also be cutting out drinking (a big one for me).

I want to be 145 (so lose 20ish lbs) by May and continue to work out until I move in September. My ULTIMATE goal weight is to be in the 130's.

Is it possible to reach these by April/May and then September if I stick to it? Does anyone have any advice or sees anything wrong in my plan? I will continue to browse everyone's posts here and think this will be an amazing sub to keep me motivated.

tl;dr: I am 5'2 and 165-175 lbs (honestly unsure but guessing). I want to be 145 by late April/early may by eating 1250-1300 calories a day, working out 3-4 times a week and stop drinking (I drink about twice a week). Is this goal obtainable?

submitted by /u/aryacann
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Help me win my weight loss bet with friends.

Okay so i am going to try keep this as short as i can. Me and 3 friends are having a bet to see who can lose the most weight from the 1st till the 27th of Jan and i am currently planning out the strategy and was wondering if i could get some comments on my idea.

Current weight: 190lbs roughly

Goal weight: 184/180 (Try to lost roughly 6 to 10 lbs)

Prep: been eating a lot more than normal to make it easy to lose more weight so ballooned in weight a bit

Diet: nothing special, low carbs but not no carbs and eating around 1500 calories a day with lots of water the first two weeks. Then slowly cutting it out and going Keto for last week to get rid of water weight.

Exercise: 6 days a week

2 Runs

2 Spin Classes

2 Weight lifting

All feedback welcome :)

submitted by /u/tomgraham98
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 30 Wrap up!

Hello folks,

It's day 30! We've got an extra day, so tomorrow we'll do a year wrap up post. Here we go!

Weight by end of the month 285 - 280: 283.2 this morning. 283.4 trend weight. That's a loss of 2.6 pounds or 6.8 off of my trend weight. Still better than gaining in this festive month. Next month, I will see a higher loss.

1500 ish calories: There were a lot of maintenance days this month. No regrets, I think I did an okay job of balancing indulgence & restraint. December is definitely weight loss on hard mode.

Exercise 5 days a week: I went to the dog park today, a nice long walk with doggos! This is a well established habit. 24/30

Self-care journaling: Successful! Kept me kinda sane during the holiday season. 5/5 weeks.

Self-care treat once a week: I'm good at this. I used to do this with food & I find my self care these days is much better for me. 5/5 weeks.

Embrace the holiday spirit/love journals: I'm working on one right now. Success here too. I'd like to have done more entries in the journals I keep for my loved ones. But I did any so that's still progress.

How about you all? How do you feel about this month? Tomorrow, I'll post a year wrap up & the sign up post for next month is up!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The tiny 2018 NYE resolution that changed my life (and for the first time in years, it WASN'T to lose weight!)

I've always been overweight, since a teenager, so almost every year I can remember, I would go through the cycle of a New Year resolution to lose weight and by the end of the month, I would generally be off the wagon. The goal was usually alongside other unrealistic targets of getting fit, eating healthy yadda yadda.

In August 2017, my weight had increased to the point I was obese, so I hit those "resolutions" early - started a weight loss plan, joined a gym etc. However I was so unfit after living in a depression cave for 3 years and doing no exercise at all, I hated it! I was so unfit the gym near killed me (despite doing the "beginners" bootcamp class I was recommended to do, so I gave up after two weeks in shame of being so sore I could barely walk or sit on the toilet and fell off the weight loss wagon a week or so later.

In October 2017, I discovered fasting and was able to fit it into my lifestyle and finally start losing some weight, so after a few months when I moved to a new place that had a cheap 24 hour gym across the road, I decided it was time to try the gym again. However, this time I did it differently.

I joined the gym on Jan 2, 2018 with the single goal of going every day. Nothing else. It didn't matter if "going" just meant walking 20 mins on the treadmill, I wanted to build the habit of daily exercise, so I'd never be embarrassed again by not being able to run a few hundred metres or pick up heavy boxes.

I have kept that up all year and have missed just 5 days due to travel and work, which has led to some amazing transformations, as well as meaning that I've exercised on 360 days this year!

The first month (well probably the first 8 weeks) was brutal, as I was so badly unfit. Everything hurt and it seemed to take forever to get any type of fitness back which was really frustrating. I had trained for a marathon in 2013, but found myself unable to even run 1km at a really slow speed after a month. But regardless, I kept going. Even on the days I didn't want to go, I talked myself into just going for 10 minutes, so I could keep the habit up. Mostly I found that once I got there and started working out, I felt better and I was happy to keep going.

Around April, I went out for my first "run" on the road and in May, did my first run that was all running - not half walking! It was super slow, but I built it up over the year and a couple of weeks ago, I finally hit the one goal I had for the year - running 5kms in under 30 mins - yay!!

As well as being able to run again, my commitment to daily fitness has brought about so many other changes this year!

I started using the rowing machine at the gym and loved doing that so much, I went to the local rowing club for some coaching. To get coaching on the erg, I had to do a rookie course for on water rowing first. Despite never having rowed before or having any interest in it at all, I found a new sport that I loved! I've now have joined the club (which is awesome for social interaction) and compete at rowing regattas (and weirdly have become a morning person in the process, as rowing is a 5am wake up sport and I do it 4-5 days a week)

One of the girls who did the rookie course at the rowing club with me, is also a powerlifter and she asked me to train with her which I started a few months ago and I've found something else I LOVE! We're doing a powerlifting meet in March next year! I am especially in love with deadlifts and last week I could actually deadlift more than my bodyweight for reps - that felt SO good! (and I looked so strong haha)

Even though I didn't start with a plan to lose weight, it was more to make fitness the habit, I've still managed to lose another 9kgs/20lbs over the year as well. Most of that weight loss did come from dietary changes rather than the exercise though - 80% of weightloss is diet and all that. I did discover lose it and xxfitness on reddit around October 2018 as well, which was brilliant! Such supportive and amazing communities. The mario challenge really helped a lot. I've still got 8kgs to lose to get into a healthy weight range, which I'll slowly continue to lose.

So lots of surprises from that one tiny resolution and the best thing about all of it... my mental health has improved SO much this year as well. It's been awesome having something good to focus on and getting fitter and stronger has made me feel much more confident, so its been amazing all round.

All that came from the decision to exercise every day! So glad I didn't go big with the NY resolutions like I usually do and especially I didn't focus on losing weight like all those other years. What I did was achievable and helped me make lifelong changes.

So maybe making a small change, rather than a list of 5 or 10 things you want to change could be what makes the difference for you this New Year? I know for me - one small change was like a butterfly effect :)

Cheers to an amazing 2019 fellow lose it friends!

submitted by /u/Chopsueeeeee
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

If i don't complete my weight loss transformation in 2019 i'll make a video of me eating ghost peppers and floss while forcefully crying tears of disappointment.

There is shame in not keeping a promise, but there is no bigger shame in promising something on the internet and not do it - Gnarly Carly, my 2 year old.

I've let myself go for the past 1 year and a half - disappointed in myself, true. However, 2019 should be different and to actually keep my promise i should embarass myself if i can't keep it again.

2019 should be a successful year for you, and me. No more excuses.

I don't care how late i come home from college, i AM going to the gym. No matter how delicious that double cheese, pepperoni with garlic looks and smells like i will not let it take my soul and allow it to crush my physical form.

Seriously though, we should really try, harder. We should be one of those people that actually achieve something when we say that 2019 is going to be our year. Besides the gaining weight my 2018 was good, in 2019 i want to make it better AND lose my weight. (If you're already trying and succeeding, i'm happy for you. This is for those who struggle, like me)

!RemindMe in 12 months.

Have a great new year.

submitted by /u/TolgaBudak
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Today is the day I change my life for the better

Last night I stepped on my bathroom scale and I weighed in at an astonishing 250 lbs. I weigh what a 6'3 athlete with built muscle should weigh and I am 5'7. The thing is I have always known I was a little on the chubby side but it wasn't until the past few months that I really started putting on the pounds. I remember 6 months ago I was around 225. At the present time, most of my shirts either do not fit me or look like a belly shirt on me. I want to do this for the same reason I feel many of you do, to look good, feel good, and to be healthy.

I have read some of the transformation threads or seen threads with progress pics posted and I must be honest that it does give me hope reading about people's success and thinking that I too can achieve the same thing. I have read many of the side bars and stickies and they have been at least a good starting point for me. Posted below are pics of me that I took today. My goal is to get my weight to at least between 180-190 and I want a built look. I am hoping to achieve this within 10-12 months or at least see a major change. I want to work hard at this because this is important to me. I want you guys to point out anything I am leaving out or experiences you had on this matter. I plan on posting a few new pics once a month to observe my progress and have some form of accountability here. I'm interested in results, not excuses. I have had far too many excuses in the past and it ends today. It is time for me to do what I know I can do, to see what I can really do because if I'm being honest I think we all want to know what we are truly capable of. Really though, the third picture is the one that shocked me the most.


Here is what I have done:

I have determined from 2 separate TDEE Calculators (SailRabbit & that my TDEE is right around 2200 calories, the next step would be to create a caloric deficit by subtracting that by subtracting 500 calories it will give me a total of 1700 calories. This number seems low to me. I arrived at this number by providing my height, I'm 5'7, and weigh 250 lbs and I am 30 years old. I'm thinking there will be an adjustment period because currently I eat take out all the time and I never measure or weigh my food portions. I am eliminating all fast food/ take out, all sugar, processed foods, breads, tortillas and no beer or alcohol. No food before bed. Just sharing your own experience is helpful. How long was it before you actually started to notice a change?

How long did it take to get used to a new way of eating? How does the way you look at food now differ from before weight loss? What other changes did you experience? Any tips or advice would be appreciated.

Also, I joined a Gym. This would not be my first time in a gym. I am somewhat experienced with lifting and fell out a while ago. I like feeling active and the physical activity tires me and I have less on my mind so for me 6 days a week is something I am ready to commit to. I have heavily researched and received advice from people on this topic, again any tips or advice would be valued. Thank you.

Below is my routine:


Barbell Bench Press / Chin Ups Barbell Clean and Press / Dumbbell Lateral Raises

Barbell Incline Bench Press / Bent Over Rows Heavy Upright Rows / Push Presses

Pullovers / Deadlifts / Crunches Seated Barbell Curls / Close-Grip Press

Standing Triceps extensions with Barbell

Wrist Curl / Reverse Wrist Curl

Reverse Crunches


Squats / Lunges

Leg Curls/ Standing Calf Raise

Straight-Leg Deadlift/ Good Mornings

So, in short, Caloric deficit+ Exercise/Gym= Weight Loss at hopefully 1 pound per week. By November of next year would be 45 weeks so I am hoping for at least 40 pounds lost by then. Is there anything else I should be considering or any resources I should be made aware of?

submitted by /u/Secret_Delay
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from loseit - Lose the Fat