Saturday, March 30, 2019

I can't stop fueling my weight-loss with self hate and I want to be able to work on both my physical and mental health

Hi! I was just wondering if anyone has had similar problem as me. I've lost nearly 50 pounds now (345-300) and I'm hitting a wall mentally. I feel like so much of my weight loss is fueled by how unhappy I am with my body.

I'm proud of how far I've gotten but it's a constant barrage of "don't make the wrong food decision because if you do you'll fuck it all up" or "you don't deserve to be loved until you lose more weight".

I wish I could be "body positive" like a lot of women my age but it's so hard. Im scared if I'm positive about my body I'll give up and if I'm not I'll be able to reach my goal.

I wish I had enough money to seek out therapy to help with all this but im not in a position to do that. Is there any advice anyone has or similar experiences?

submitted by /u/gracemclachlan
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Since starting my weight loss two months ago I’ve lost 20 LB and while that’s a mere blip in the amount of weight I need to lose it has entirely changed my relationship with food

I started the OMAD (eat once a day) “diet” two months ago. I previously tried intermittent fasting and while I found it helpful, it didn’t fix everything because I felt like when I had the opportunity to eat after 16 hours it was a license to just chow down on whatever. When I started OMAD I wanted to course correct every problem I had while on intermittent fasting.

For one, I decided I was going to consume mostly veggies and limit meat intake and try to cut out dairy entirely. Not necessarily abstain from meat entirely, but not make it the focus of my meals or my main source of protein. Second, I was going to consume healthy fats such as nuts for the extra protein to help get me full. Third, I was going to research what calories I ate when eating out.

All of this has been paying off.

More than anything it has exposed my (and others’) relationship with food. I would often eat out but not just that, I’d also include the two other meals too. I’m guessing that by not counting calories while I eat out I would sometimes eat somewhere between 2500-3000 calories. My realization has been eye opening in how bad so many peoples relationship with food is. We, as Americans, eat so darn much. I deliver food for people and get to witness peoples bad food habits personally, as well as my own, which has allowed tremendous amount of introspection.

I just delivered pizza to a family of three and to be honest, while everyone is different, three people do not need to eat two large pizzas. You don’t need a big gulp drink. When you eat a fast food combo that’s like 1500 calories in all honesty that might be the only thing you should eat that day. This isn’t to say you shouldn’t eat pizza - one is fine, add a salad on top. Or that you should’t Drink soda - a small should be satisfactory. But more and more I see just how my myself and others have drowned in gluttonous excess. A lot of us, as a culture, eat far too much than we need. I apologize profusely if this sounds elitist or anything.

Through OMAD, I’ve learned what true hunger feels like. One time I went 28 hours without eating. I was really, really hungry but I could also push it aside and control it. I’ve seen a lot of people that do OMAD that think it’s an excuse to eat a mountain of food and while preferences are preferences, I think this does nothing to change one’s overall relationship with food.

I’ve found that a lot of diets factor into this unhealthy relationship with food - OMAD included - and that they seem to be about total abstaining or going full on. Meanwhile countries like Japan still have access to fast food joints and eat there, but still manage to remain thin. There’s other factors of course such as the fact that we drive a lot in America, companies put tons of preservatives and sugar in our food and drink, but ultimately it lies with us and something about the way we Americans consume our food in the past few decades is just broken.

TLDR: losing lots of weight has started to change my overall relationship with food which in the past was ecessive and gluttonous. Many are eating more than they need to and we just don’t know or care. Hopefully what I wrote was not pretentious and I apologize if it’s construed as such!

submitted by /u/spacelionfgc
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight loss isn't going the way I planned.

Hi all. I have used CICO to lose weight to great success in the past. It works for me. This time, I also added exercise and some light strength training to the mix. I've been going to about a month and have actually gained a few pounds. I have been eating at a small deficit, not pushing too hard -- but the fast food, eating out, sugary snacks, and binge eating has stopped.

Can anyone relate? Is the working out (30m of elevated HR 3 times a week + a combination of things like squats, lat pulls, overhead press, chest press, and body weight exercises) preventing the weight loss? Am I gaining muscle weight, or just not doing it right this time? The scale has become my worst enemy.

Any ideas?

submitted by /u/thegreenpizza
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Vanity weight/skinny fat can’t keep committed

Alrighty, so I know I’m not obese or anything. I’m 5’6 and 130 lbs which sounds reasonable, however, I have an EXTREMELY high body fat percentage. According to my last DEXA scan, I have 32% body fat which puts me one point away from being obese as far as fat percentage goes.

Now, to my issue. Because I’m technically normal weight, I have the hardest time motivating myself to lose weight/be healthy. I’ll do great all week (~1400-1500 cal, TDEE is around 1900) and then every weekend I’ll go WAY over and wipe out my deficit.

Has anyone else been in a similar situation where you’re unhealthy but since you’re just skinny fat you’re not super invested in weight loss? Any ideas how to motivate yourself? I want to lower my body fat percentage to be healthier but I just keep screwing up!

Edit to add that I do lift weights 4X/week and have for a couple years and haven’t seen any progress in my body composition. I guess I’m just feeling like nothing will ever work as far as that goes so I might as well try to lose the fat vs gain muscle

submitted by /u/tswizzle1322
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30 Day Accountability Challenge - April Signups!!

Hey. How y'all doing?

Its officially spring but I need Mother Nature to get with the program. Another month is about to happen upon us! That means a new Daily Accountability Challenge.

To reiterate, there will be a daily post for you to check in on goals you set for yourself. You can also read everyone else's progress & commiserate, congratulate & whatever else needs-ating. Your goals can be weight loss or general health related, creative, self care or whatever else you need to focus your mental energy on. We try to foster a supportive place to chat about your successes & failures & what you've learned from both.

I'll start us off with my goals for April!!

  1. Write the next épisode for my show. It’s that time and I want to do a rough first draft of my black comedy idea.
  2. Workout at least 5x a week
  3. Weigh 245 by the end of April. Time to gun it, friends.
  4. Start my podcast. I had the logo for months, time to put it to use.
  5. Do thé 30 jump squats a day. My legs...

Don't be shy, chime in with your goals! And feel free to jump on the March post if you want to get a head start.

submitted by /u/cynisright
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Could do with some advice on a possible Plateau?

Hi Peeps,

Stats: 6ft1" Male, 232 Pounds, 19 Y/O, Sedentary Job currently doing a Push/Pull/Legs split 6 days a week training (20mins HIIT on Push days).

Currently lost about 28 pounds and went really smooth, was tracking religiously through MFP which had me at about 1700 calories a day and was losing on average 2/3 pounds a week whilst noticing some newbie muscle gains. Always try to be on point with macros and food choices are 80% good (3 meals a week may have chips in and salt which im trying to reduce and replace for more healthier alternatives).

The problem starts a couple weeks ago, Hovering at the 230 ish mark still training 6 days a week weight training with 2x HIIT sessions on top of that, i fluctuated my calories to see what my ACTUAL maintenance is (which through a week trial and error was about 1850/1900 roughly, HOWEVER, TDEE calculators say my maintenance should be around 2300?), so i have been eating around 1700 whilst burning more calories off through cardio but the weight won't shift, nothing drastically has changed in my diet if im being completely honest so im confused as to why the progress has stopped, i don't drink fizzy drinks or anything (just water) or alcohol or any liquid calories for that matter (apart from milk with protein shake but i track that). Any suggestions would be brilliant as i really dont fancy dropping my calories to like 1500 a day because i dont feel like that is sustainable.

Any feedback would be much appreciated as it's really de-motivating to see no weight loss when im working hard for it.


submitted by /u/RootsReps420
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Emotional eating

I'm back on the weight loss train... Or at least I'm trying to get there. F/29 CW: 177lbs GW: 140lbs I sit at a desk most of the day, but have 2 dogs so we're walking ~20min everyday in the evenings weather permitting. Trying for 3 days a week in the gym right now.

Back in November my Dr approved me coming of my cholesterol meds, but said I had to get my weight down and keep my cholesterol down. December to now have been very stressful in my personal and work life so I haven't done much. I started going to the gym again this week and it reminded me that I don't hate it, I just have to make the time. My biggest struggle is eating. I can prep breakfasts and lunches, and even make healthier choices at dinner (I'm not normally the one cooking), but when I get stressed I start snacking. I have an awful sweet tooth, but the bigger issue is emotional/stress eating. I had a realization this week when I felt like I needed to hide my snack that it has gone too far. Anyone have tips or tricks to get over this hurdle? I know l will never make it to my goal in my current state. MyFitnessPal right now is set to 1400 calories. I've started seeing a therapist for other things, I'll add this to the list of topics. Anyways, hoping someone here has some helpful suggestions to get started.

submitted by /u/xcharityx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat