Monday, June 1, 2020

First post: Same glasses - same bird - same mirror (same person?) one year difference. (220-171)

Hello there! It's my first post here to the community and I've been lurking and occasionally commenting around.

Stats: F17 5'8 SW: 220 lbs CW: 171 GW: 145

But now, I believe it's my turn to contribute to this wonderful community.

My birthday also happens to be around the corner (1 week) and I couldn't have asked for a better gift: health.
The picture from the is from mid-May last year (2019) and I remember only taking that full-body picture because I needed to photoshop myself for a project... I hated that class but I thank the teacher for forcing me to take that photo!

I know I'm generally young considering this sub, but it inspires me to see so many of you guys achieve your goals and progress on your journies!

Ever since I met my SO for the first time after talking on the internet for over 4 years, looking like the picture on the left I... Felt embarrassed to be in that state and for them to see me like that. Nonetheless, we had a good time before they had to go back. (to clarify, they did not mention weight or appearance other than height, lol). I kicked it into gear a few months after that.

What I have done between then and now:

CICO and after I hit 185, I decided to walk as often as possible (6k-10k steps daily). Then, I had moved onto weight training and other exercises that I enjoyed (biking, hiking, trampolining to name a few).
Currently, weight loss has slowed but that is expected after starting so high and then beginning exercises so I'm content with it.

Here is the picture!:
(hopefully, that worked? first time posting and pictures are also confusing..)

submitted by /u/losingtwospectrums
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I had a realization this morning that made me feel really good!

Weight loss is usually a slow, tedious process; we all know this and we all are probably experiencing this right now. But this morning after weighing myself I logged my weight in my Libra app and just for shits and giggles I scrolled back to see when the last time was that I weighed the same. It was September of 2019.

Why is this significant? It means that in 6 short weeks (I started losing weight April 22nd), I was able to lose 11 pounds and undo 7 months worth of eating too much and slowly gaining weight!

Yes, weight loss is slow, but if you look at it a little differently, it can actually be quite fast too. It just took a little different perspective and now I'm feeling pretty proud of myself today!

submitted by /u/PepperPot_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A nice little tip to trick your mind

M 22 270lb/6'3 I started with the plan to lose weight a year ago, i was at my heaviest then, around 320lb. So i just said enough, got sick of being depressed, and started losing weight. I thought i would have to struggle with my growling stomach or people around me offering me food, but the biggest struggle was with my brain telling me 'eat it, it looks so delicious, eat it, come on, it will be the last thing you will eat today, you won't go over your caloric limit'. And from time to time i would lose that battle, which made my weight loss really slow. I was losing weight tho, just not as fast as i wanted.

So one day out of nowhere i decided to up the game. I made a system where i would need to walk 2500 steps to 'unlock' the ability to eat. Gotta say, that kind of a mind hack was a game changer.

I literally lost 35lb in little less than 2 months.

submitted by /u/RhostGider
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally Taking it Seriously

Hi everyone! After being in the 200's for almost a year I've decided I finally need to start taking my weight loss seriously.

I'm 28F and 5'4 and because of anti-depressants, birth control, depression, moving, life, my weight shot up last summer and it makes me feel like absolute shit. It makes me feel gross and so unlovable. I finally signed up for Noom and I've been working with that for a couple of days. I think I'm going to like it and hopefully it helps. I'm posting this as some kind of commitment and will be able to hold myself accountable. I will take all the advice and encouragement! It's really inspiring to see so many awesome people work their ass off! (Literally!)

CW: 205.6 lbs
GW: 140 lbs

submitted by /u/darkntwistyred
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Maintenance Monday: First Year Jitters

Reached your goal weight and in need of a space to discuss your maintenance journey with others who have gone or are going through similar experiences? Welcome to the weekly Maintenance Monday thread, for weight loss maintainers! Whether you're new to maintenance and don't believe your TDEE can be that high or wondering how to increase your calories, you've been around a while and want to get advice during times of struggle or the holidays, or if you're keeping on as normal, this place is for you! (If you're losing weight, community threads are posted daily and weekly, linked in the side bar, as well as the daily US and European 30 Day Challenge.)

First Year Jitters

This week, be sure to mention how long you have maintained your goal weight.

For you longer maintainers -- thinking back to your first year -- what were your concerns? What actually happened?

For you newer maintainers -- what are your concerns? How are you addressing them?

ALSO: Anything else on your mind pertaining to maintenance? Is your diet going effortlessly, or have the last few weeks been more of a struggle? All questions, remarks and worries are welcome topics of conversation!

Previous Maintenance Monday threads can be found here.

submitted by /u/funchords
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

For successful maintainers: hunger and maintainable weight. Am I chasing a pipe dream?

A couple of years ago I lost weight very successfully with CICO, from 124lbs to 107lbs in 2017 in 6 months (that's a deficit of 0.71lbs/week on average, and I am 5'1"). My weight then fluctuated between 106-115lbs with very tight control on my diet, to the point I would now consider it unhealthy. Part of the unhealthiness was the perpetual fear of undoing all my hard work. I was never actually happy with my naked body in the mirror. Part of the huge fluctuation was do to the fact that I would have on and off months, where off months included vacation and I ate a lot, to my heart's content, and then on months were I maintained a .5~1 lbs/week calorie deficit in order to lose the vacation weight. In a way I guess I was kind of yo-yo dieting, and an increase on the scale made me very unhappy. This lasted for about 2 years.

Then, last March, because of what my therapist said to me, I decided I was no longer going to hold myself to a certain range on the scale (my max was 112, and it was time to lose if I got there). That level of control was exhausting, and I hated living in fear of gaining weight. So, I embarked on a journey to be at peace with food and not live in a world where I would be content for a couple months before I have to torturously try to lose weight for the next couple of months. I also wanted to really put my all into weight lifting (I had begun after my initial weight loss), and the dieting phase just wasn't doing me any favors.

So, I let myself eat until I was content, and for the last year, eating has been a happy and unfearful thing for me again. At the time, a big push for me to stop that on and off dieting was that I couldn't deal with the hunger anymore, and I think this aspect seems to differ for people. Most of the dieting months, I would wake up in the middle of the night because I was so hungry (on a .5lbs/week calorie deficit, so I wasn't doing anything outrageous), and my meals only made me not hungry for ~4 hours. During that phase, even when I wasn't dieting, I was never really that content with my meals. Its like something primal in me was telling me more food.

Fast forward to now, I am at 122lbs, but at least everyday I am content and happy with the food I eat and I don't think about it in the same ravenous hunger context anymore. I am still learning to love my body even if it is larger than I would like, but I miss how easy it was to dress myself and how good everything looked when my weight was lower.

I will add that weight lifting has been my main fitness focus (I see it as perpendicular to weight loss anyway), but along the way I've increased activity levels by walking for my commute and dance classes. Those are all on hold right now, but I will get back into it as soon as I can. I also understand that I can achieve a lower body fat by increasing muscle mass, but honestly building muscle takes way more time than just losing fat (and some muscle). In a way that will be my last resort - stay at 120lbs while I increase my muscle mass throughout the years and eventually I will be a size 0 again lol.

So my question, for those of you that have more successfully maintained without extreme control, what has your experience been like? Did I do it wrong and crash diet the first time? Should I maybe try to lose 1 lbs and month, be in it for the long haul? Is the answer simply that, with the way my body's hunger cue is built, I am going to be 120lbs forever? Less fat = less leptin = more hunger, therefore I'm hoping for a pipe dream? Is there a specific type of professional I can work with to get what I want? I keep wondering if there is a way to be less than 110lb and maintain it with the same ease I stay at 120lbs now. Any advice or sharing of experiences is welcome.

Thanks for reading, and I hope all of you stay safe out there.

submitted by /u/serephia
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Motivation Monday: Ive remembered why I began this journey.

About a year and a half ago I started my weight loss journey. I’ve limited portions and limited carb intake but not exactly keto, as I’m often asked. I have lost 122 lbs. Going from my heaviest at 280-158 lbs. The last six months I spent stumbling, I’d eat well for the most part but then would comfort eat the heck out of stuff with my boyfriend. I would also stress eat (which was one of my biggest issues and this journey has allowed me to see I do have a food addiction and an unhealthy love/relationship with food).

It got to the point some weeks where I’d say “screw it, I’ve lost so much weight I deserve to splurge for a little bit.” And so I would. Again, overeating was a nasty habit I coddled for many, many years but this journey has allowed me to be more consciously aware of this now.

The last three months, of the past six, I had basically given up eating well entirely. I’d eat out with friends, started going to fast food places more often than cooking, binge eating late night snacks while watching movies or bored, etc. By the grace of god I only gained about 6 pounds during this time.

A week ago I decided to truly stick to it. I’d had enough. I’d had enough of the sick and abusive mental cycle I was putting myself through. Talking terribly to myself. Hiding myself, even sometimes shame eating (id stay up until everyone was asleep so that I could eat more). Not to be TMI, but my digestive system was as an absolute mess (very painful vowel movements, often.) My mental health was plummeting and aside from a few things that always have been stuck in my mind, I couldn’t figure out WHY it was getting so bad.

This past week though, I have already lost a pound. I already feel my energy returning. I feel so dang proud when I’m offered a soda or something icky (yet delicious) to eat and I turn it down. I’m finally complimenting myself and reminding myself I’m strong, instead of telling myself I’m a fat pile of shit. My mental health also feel better. I feel less cloudy. Less stuck. And with this new positive reinforcement I’m doing in my head, it’s just making my outlook better all around.

I’ve remembered why I started this. Not to look better, though it is a bonus, but to FEEL better. I feel better already in multiple facets and it’s only been a week since restarting. It’s hard to remember why you started this when you’re in the middle of the mess. Telling yourself this garbage food is fine and it’s delicious and it’s making you happy, so it has to be okay right? Wrong. It’s a facade. When you realize what giving your body real FUEL for food does to you mentally and physically, you remember why you’re doing this. You remember those old habits never made you happy, they enabled the things that made you feel the worst.

I’m so very happy to have remembered, and to feel so excited to continue.

submitted by /u/roolyons32711
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from loseit - Lose the Fat