Monday, June 1, 2020

First post: Same glasses - same bird - same mirror (same person?) one year difference. (220-171)

Hello there! It's my first post here to the community and I've been lurking and occasionally commenting around.

Stats: F17 5'8 SW: 220 lbs CW: 171 GW: 145

But now, I believe it's my turn to contribute to this wonderful community.

My birthday also happens to be around the corner (1 week) and I couldn't have asked for a better gift: health.
The picture from the is from mid-May last year (2019) and I remember only taking that full-body picture because I needed to photoshop myself for a project... I hated that class but I thank the teacher for forcing me to take that photo!

I know I'm generally young considering this sub, but it inspires me to see so many of you guys achieve your goals and progress on your journies!

Ever since I met my SO for the first time after talking on the internet for over 4 years, looking like the picture on the left I... Felt embarrassed to be in that state and for them to see me like that. Nonetheless, we had a good time before they had to go back. (to clarify, they did not mention weight or appearance other than height, lol). I kicked it into gear a few months after that.

What I have done between then and now:

CICO and after I hit 185, I decided to walk as often as possible (6k-10k steps daily). Then, I had moved onto weight training and other exercises that I enjoyed (biking, hiking, trampolining to name a few).
Currently, weight loss has slowed but that is expected after starting so high and then beginning exercises so I'm content with it.

Here is the picture!:
(hopefully, that worked? first time posting and pictures are also confusing..)

submitted by /u/losingtwospectrums
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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