Sunday, May 2, 2021

What to do about my brother

I'm currently on a weight loss journey, but this post isn't about me, it's about my brother. He's 12, and his eating habits are starting to greatly effect him and our household. The only way I can describe him is that he's huge. Huge meaning wide, he's short and fat. We currently have no idea what he weighs, but he's definitely obese. He will snack all day, and makes frequent trips to the liquor store to buy more snacks after he eats the one's at home. Besides snacks he will also eat basically anything in large quantities. Like he would get something, then make multiple trips back to the kitchen, and end up emptying the container of whatever he's eating. For example if we have cereal, he will grab multiple cups/bowls of it throughout the day until it's gone.

It's gotten to the point where I don't bake or bring any communal food home because I know my brother is going to eat 90% of it. I've started to quietly resent him because when I'm hungry, there often isn't much to eat in the kitchen because of him. One of the reason's I'm excited to live on campus is because he wont be there to eat everything. It seems that everyone else at home has started to become annoyed with him, and it all came to a head when he ate two sandwiches within an hour, and our mom yelled at him about how big he has become and how big he will be if he keeps eating like he does. She also banned him from the kitchen, and is making him ask for food before he get any. Also he's not allowed to go buy junk food at the store (I think this is a good thing). Lastly, she's going to force him to exercise everyday.

I know guilting him, and making him adhere to a strict diet and exercise plan by himself isn't going to work. It'll probably make him develop another eating disorder if he doesn't have one already. I also know that the enforcement of this diet isn't going to be consistent, since he is rarely disciplined. So I don't see a reason to make him miserable for a couple days a week if he isn't going make any progress because of a lack on consistency. Lastly, no one else besides me is mindful of the food we eat. Majority of our family is obese, and I know it'll be hard to watch everyone else eat and enjoy huge portions while he thinks that he's being denied a normal amount of food. It just feels like this is a recipe for disaster, and while I do want him to lose weight and adopt better eating habits, I know my mom's solution isn't the right one. Do you guys have any advice on how to deal with my brothers weight problem?

submitted by /u/Electronic-Ad6058
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Saturday, May 1, 2021

Rollercoaster mom’s rollercoaster journey

Hi everyone, it’s me again looking for that community support! Two months ago in March the local amusement park announced their opening for May 15th. I was suddenly afraid of being embarrassed by not fitting in the seats properly when going with my children. My goal was set to lose 20lbs before the start of the season. I changed my meals, cut the calories, walked, walked, walked and did more walking. When I got tired of walking or the weather was awful I dove head first into chores around my home. I have been living the motto every day of “eat less move more”. I was over joyed to find just over a week ago I had lost 18lbs and was going to hit my goal. Then the rollercoaster happened. Not sure if other women suffer this but my monthly cycle hit. My energy was zapped. My mood completely horrible. I tried very hard to stay cognizant of just eating less. But in one short weekend I had gained back 9lbs. I’m sure some was bloat and water weight. Everything just sucked. Today after a five days of not weighing in I decided to get back on the scale. My total weight loss is now 13lbs. Still sad to see I will not make my goal of 20lbs lost by the start of the season. But feeling so much better knowing I’m still at a deficit. Though I think rollercoasters with my kids are a blast, I’m not liking the rollercoaster of weight loss. Tomorrow is another day and a new chance at getting another step closer to my goal.

submitted by /u/anonymitywoman
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Bf’s mom told me to lose weight, if she can do it I can do it too. I’d lost 20lbs since I last saw her and feel unmotivated to continue now

I saw my Bf’s family today at his brother & Fiance’s baby shower. We were only there briefly, & towards the end of our visit his mother comes up to me, telling me that I needed to eat healthy, and lose weight. She compared me to his older sister who’s also a bit overweight, who was literally sitting three feet away and could overhear everything bf’s mother was saying about her. She said I needed to lose weight to become more healthy to TAKE CARE OF HER SON (he’s 28), and if she could do a nightly 2 mile walk, there’s no reason I shouldn’t be able to either. I told her I had a machine for exercising, to which she responded “Then why don’t you use it? Use it!” I ended the convo there and we left. What she doesn’t know is that I use my elliptical every day, and have completely changed my diet and lifestyle to become more healthy. Idk if I’m overreacting, but I was really sad and upset with these comments. It had been 6 months since I saw any of his family, so I’m not sure why his mother was acting like this towards me, she seemed angry. In my personal life, I was recently diagnosed with pcos and let me tell you, you have to seriously fight to lose pounds when your hormones are working against you. I didn’t tell them any of this, and have no intentions to.

I left that baby shower feeling really horrible about myself. Like all of this work I’ve put in to get around 200lbs was for nothing. His family sees me as extremely lazy, & as an unhealthy eater. My bf told me they’ve probably made comments to his other brother’s wife about her weight as well, which is very frightening to me since she is very fit, only has a large chest by nature. I feel like they’re serious fat phobics and as someone who has body dysmorphia and now pcos I have no idea if I’ll ever fit into his family. I feel devastated now and don’t want to continue. I feel like I already failed my weight loss journey.

I was supposed to work out today but haven’t yet. I honestly feel crushed. Sorry for venting, here are my stats. 22f 5’6 SW:222 CW:202

submitted by /u/babygirlxia
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Help me overcome my eating disorder while also pursuing weight loss

28 | 5'3" | CW: 104 kgs/230lbs | GW: 68kgs/150lbs

Hi everyone,

I've struggled with bulimia and binge eating on and off since I was 14. As a result I've dramatically yo yo'd with my weight most of my life (I'm talking a 50 lb difference). I'm graduating professional school soon and am the heaviest I have ever been. I feel uncomfortable in my body, my energy levels and most of all my self confidence is the lowest it's ever been.

I want to start losing weight, but want to do it the right way this time. No purging, bingeing, laxatives, etc. I plan on logging my food and regular exercise 3x/week. I'm also seeing a therapist which has been enormously helpful.

I'm reaching out to this wonderful community for support and wondering if anyone else has gone through this and has found a healthy balance? Any words of advice are much appreciated. New friends for accountability and support would be awesome also!

submitted by /u/Beeankaj
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I’m really excited about my progress but i feel i can’t share it :/

I 24f was 275 lb at my starting weight and wore a 20-22 on average. I’m going very slow to make sure this is sustainable and to avoid intense weight fluctuations due to unsustainable diets.

I’m 239 and measurements say i’m a 16-18 depending on brand. I decided to put on a skirt i wore a lot in college that i haven’t been able to wear in several years (size 18, tight skirt with minimal stretch). It actually fit, it zipped easily and didn’t dig into my skin at all, it actually looks better on me now than it did when i was 21.

I’m really proud of myself and want to share it with friends...

But literally all of my close friends are recovering from eating disorders. I’m doing this in a total non ED way and am making small changes over a long period of time and only being at a small calorie deficit, but i know talk of weight loss can can be really triggering for them, and i absolutely don’t want to cause them any distress and certainly don’t want to cause a relapse.

It’s just frustrating cause i’m so so so proud of myself and i feel i can’t share it with people close to me

submitted by /u/PoliticalBitch69
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The constant cycling of up and down sucks.

Sorry, I just want to vent my frustrations with myself on here. A few years ago, I got sick of seeing my weight stagnate around 225 lbs. As a 5'9 guy, I knew that the moment I crossed 200 lbs that my BMI was done for. After settling into a routine of being ok with 200 lbs, I had a wake up call at 225, which was the heaviest I ever weighed. I entered grad school around 205, but meandered my way to about 200 until my friends decided to start lifting together. Once I discovered biking, I was able to shed some weight over last summer down to about 190. But staying at home meant that the exercise was countered by unhealthy food. So while many people thought I "glowed up," I knew that deep down, the weight I shed was due to an inconsistent workout routine, and didn't really affect my fitness level.

I started second year of grad school with renewed energy since a lot of people validated my external weight loss. I was getting girls, and generally enjoying myself a lot. Once winter started however, I began gaining weight again. I knew that staying in shape meant that I constantly had to diet and workout, and since I'm an addictive/extreme personality type person, I was constantly seesaw into uber health conscious to uber dopamine-rush territory. Just thinking about staying fit for the rest of my life felt exhausting. And so I kept eating to deal with my stress, and now we're here.

Today, I realize it's MAy 1st. I told myself that I needed to zone into school and fitness during the month of April so that I emerge a warrior by the end and enter May with renewed focus and energy. Instead, I'm at 229lbs after starting IF and having a few binge days. I'm just heartbroken that I now weight the most I've ever weighed and I feel like I'm back at square 1. My clothes don't fit me again, and I just feel as bad as I did back then.

I know that I'll probbly cycle back down again. But, I am simply exhausted by the reality of the work ahead of me to even get back to where I was last year, never mind where I was at my fittest at around 165/175.

Yes, I know that it is a long an arduous road ahead. But does anyone ever fully lose that metaphorical feeling of having a parachute strapped to your back that tells you "you're going to fuck this up again so why bother trying?"

submitted by /u/princekurry
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30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 1 & Sign Ups for May

Hello losers,

Happy May! Holy crapola, it's May! Hope you're ready to smash some goals!

For the newbies to the sub reddit, please start here, so much good info!

And hey, maybe it’s not a bad idea to review them anyway to you returning conquerors. I do occasionally to remind myself of the basics.

Here’s what we do in the DAC my friends!

This is the sign up post (and day 1) to outline your goals, weight loss, self care, creative, whatever keeps your motor going.

There will be a daily update post for you to chime in about how day whatever is going!

At the end of the month, there is a wrap up post to reflect on the progress you made or didn’t make & what you learned. Learning is progress my friends!

We try to foster a supportive, caring place to discuss the actual day to day of deficits & counting & caring so much about how we fuel our bodies & lives. So be kind, interact if you like & hopefully you feel supported by the internet version of a push up bra! Leading by example, here I go!

Weigh in daily, enter in Libra & report here even if I don’t like it: Missed it this morning. Progress over perfection.

Stay within calorie range (1800): 1800 is looking achievable today kids. 1/1 days.

Exercise 5 days a week: Walked about this morning plus vigorous cleaning. 1/1 days.

Self-care alone time & ten deep breath cycles a day: Check mark on the breathing. Check mark on alone time.

Try a new recipe once a week: Any suggestions? X/4 weeks.

Write 1500 words a day 6 days a week: Not tonight my friends, need some down time.

Do a mindfulness exercise: Handled it when I was out & about. I was very present for some errands & sunshine through all the open car windows & sun roof was mindfulness on easy mode. I'm a sucker for that particular input.

Todays gratitude list: Grateful for family of choice. I'm also super grateful for shot number two yesterday. I'm one step closer to feeling less existentially scared of literally everything lol. So very grateful for that kids.

Your turn kids! Tell us about your day 1 & your goals!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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