Sunday, May 2, 2021

What to do about my brother

I'm currently on a weight loss journey, but this post isn't about me, it's about my brother. He's 12, and his eating habits are starting to greatly effect him and our household. The only way I can describe him is that he's huge. Huge meaning wide, he's short and fat. We currently have no idea what he weighs, but he's definitely obese. He will snack all day, and makes frequent trips to the liquor store to buy more snacks after he eats the one's at home. Besides snacks he will also eat basically anything in large quantities. Like he would get something, then make multiple trips back to the kitchen, and end up emptying the container of whatever he's eating. For example if we have cereal, he will grab multiple cups/bowls of it throughout the day until it's gone.

It's gotten to the point where I don't bake or bring any communal food home because I know my brother is going to eat 90% of it. I've started to quietly resent him because when I'm hungry, there often isn't much to eat in the kitchen because of him. One of the reason's I'm excited to live on campus is because he wont be there to eat everything. It seems that everyone else at home has started to become annoyed with him, and it all came to a head when he ate two sandwiches within an hour, and our mom yelled at him about how big he has become and how big he will be if he keeps eating like he does. She also banned him from the kitchen, and is making him ask for food before he get any. Also he's not allowed to go buy junk food at the store (I think this is a good thing). Lastly, she's going to force him to exercise everyday.

I know guilting him, and making him adhere to a strict diet and exercise plan by himself isn't going to work. It'll probably make him develop another eating disorder if he doesn't have one already. I also know that the enforcement of this diet isn't going to be consistent, since he is rarely disciplined. So I don't see a reason to make him miserable for a couple days a week if he isn't going make any progress because of a lack on consistency. Lastly, no one else besides me is mindful of the food we eat. Majority of our family is obese, and I know it'll be hard to watch everyone else eat and enjoy huge portions while he thinks that he's being denied a normal amount of food. It just feels like this is a recipe for disaster, and while I do want him to lose weight and adopt better eating habits, I know my mom's solution isn't the right one. Do you guys have any advice on how to deal with my brothers weight problem?

submitted by /u/Electronic-Ad6058
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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