Monday, May 31, 2021

Small victories to celebrate one month of this journey!

Hi r/loseit! I've been hanging around this sub for a while now but I didn't officially take weight loss seriously until about a month ago when some health issues came into play. Long story short, doctor said I need to lose weight.

It has been challenging to make changes to my lifestyle but surprisingly not as bad as I thought it would be. I cut out dairy, cut down on bread/rice/potatoes, started eating salad for lunch, cut down my portions to a real serving size, and started CICO. I've been exercising regularly by walking/jogging, biking, going to classes at the gym (never thought I'd be doing Zumba but here we are!). I switched from soda or juice to coke zero or lacroix. I'm working on learning to eat only when I'm hungry and not just when I'm bored or think about food.

Today, I finally started to see the changes. My face looks different. My stomach looks smaller. My clothes are looser. I dont feel stuffed all the time. My skin is clear. My rings fit more comfortably. My bra isn't tight. And I'm only 2 lbs down on the scale???

If this is what my life could look like with just a month's worth of work, then bring on a whole summer of good health habits! I'm ready for it! I have a long way to go before I'm at my goal weight but this start is encouraging.

submitted by /u/momsbiryani
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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