Friday, May 28, 2021

300lbs to 199lbs in just under a year!

I'm a Male (20) 5'8 and started my weight loss journey on June 15th of 2020. For the first time in almost a decade I'm finally under 200 pounds. I've been a big dude for as long as I could remember and I wanted to change that. I was always at a constant 240/250 range for most of my life until my senior year in high school where I gained about 60 pounds from eating out everyday and sitting at my desk 24/7 putting me at my highest weight of 310. My diet consisted of large helpings of eggs, pancakes topped with loads of syrup, lots of bacon for breakfast, a ham and cheese sandwich and an entire bag of family size Doritos and maybe some cookies I bought from the store, and 2nd helpings or 3rd helpings of whatever my mom made for dinner. Looking back at it now, I can't believe I used to down that stuff on a regular basis. I lost about 10 pounds due to having Gastritis and being put on a strict diet as to not worsen the condition. In that time I self reflected and realized how bad I had become. I stepped on the scale and got to work.

The first workout was absolute hell! I couldn't comprehend how out of shape I was. I was gassed out by the 3rd exercise. I would watch these YouTube videos of cardio and weight training for dumbbells and they would look so happy and encouraging while I was on the floor dying half way through. I stuck with it however and managed to consistently workout and stick with a plan. Next came the ever dreaded diet...

At first I would starve myself going so far as to down only 1000 calories a day! I even went to this subreddit and asked if that was okay to do. I then changed it to about 1200-1500 and as of this current moment I am eating about 1400-1500 a day which is a lot healthier for me. The diet consisted of the usual whole foods like wheat bread, whole grain pasta, chicken breast, turkey meat, vegetables, and fruits with some plain Greek yogurt. I would even use some whey protein powder for that extra protein intake. Added sugar is the absolute king of destroying a diet. Cokes, candy, and ice cream were kicked out of my diet almost completely with ice cream appearing every once in awhile (sorry I just love ice cream) I actually have stuck to this diet fairly well considering I thought it would almost impossible for me to continually eat this way for more than a month when I first started. I would be lying however if I said I didn't have the urge to want to eat something that would surely throw my diet for a loop. There were the bad days where I'd go out with my friends and I'd splurge on a meaty burger and fries or get double scooped ice cream with a brownie from Baskin-Robbins. Even still, I kept my diet going and it payed off.

I've been on this subreddit for a few months now watching everyone post about their weight losses of 100+ pounds and it encouraged me to keep going and reach my goal. Thank you everyone here, I really appreciate it. See you when I hit my goal of 160 pounds! <----- Progress pics (NSFW)

submitted by /u/TonyTheToast
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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