Wednesday, May 26, 2021

I'm overweight and feel sexy (or: Why health is more important than looks)

Hi everyone! I'm a 33-year-old man, 160 cm and 72 kg (5''3', 159 lb). My BMI as of today is 28.1, which means that I'm definitely overweight.

I've lost 16 kg (35 lb) since last year. Lately I've been getting very positive feedback from people in my life about my weight loss. My female coworkers have been pretty much raving about how "skinny" I look and asking me for tips (my male coworkers don't even mention my weight loss, which is an interesting difference). My boyfriend encourages me and celebrates my weight loss milestones. My clothes fit better and I've had to buy smaller sizes.

I look in the mirror and I like what I see. I think I look good, even sexy. It helps that I've always liked "thick" men, so I look like someone I'd like to be with (being gay is a hoot!). If I were only losing weight to look good, I would stop losing weight right now.

But the mirror doesn't tell the whole story. I am overweight and my extra weight is mostly fat (I have just started to lift). I have high blood pressure which I control with meds. My gut is most likely hiding visceral fat that is going to lead to health problems. My knees are working hard to support all that extra weight. Which is why it's important for me to keep on losing weight, even if I think I already look good on the outside.

submitted by /u/greenraccoons
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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