Saturday, May 29, 2021

Lost 40 pounds! Struggling with maintenance.

First post! I have read SO many posts throughout my fitness journey so far - this group is just so incredibly helpful and kept me motivated. So, thank you!

Stats: 28F, 5’7”, 171SW, 131CW, GW was 140 and now working towards 135 by building muscle

I’ve always been pretty active, but had really (unknowingly/unintentionally to a certain extent) slacked over the past few years in terms of working out consistently as well as my eating habits. After getting married almost three years ago now, I had put on about 30 pounds. I had stopped running as often, and had stopped working out - running was it, and just occasionally. Slowly I felt less like myself and more sluggish, etc. I looked in the mirror at the end of 2020 and knew I wanted to get fit again. So my New Years resolution was to get back on track, and shed the extra weight I’d put on and get back into an exercise routine. I DID IT! I ended up losing 40 pounds instead of 30 - and that’s where my struggle comes in…

Maintenance. This is NO JOKE. On one hand I’m so pumped to be able to eat more and more frequently and not have to worry about staying in a deficit. But on the other hand I feel like I’m having a hard time letting go of that deficit out of fear of falling back into my old habits - my goal was/is sustainable and enjoyable lifestyle changes, not just weight loss, but I sure don’t want to be overweight and feel like crap again! And (guess I needed a third hand for this lol) on the other, other hand my maintenance calories just feel so high! I know they aren’t, but after being in a deficit so long and so consistently it just feels like I’m eating all the time! I don’t want to keep losing, so I want to eat all my calories - but hitting that goal with wholesome and nutritious choices and just not easy! I feel incredible with the higher calorie intake and have been crushing my runs and workouts but I’m still losing losing a bit more weight (slowly), and my goal at this point is building lean mass. (I also want to start focusing less on the scale but at this point I want to monitor to make sure my weight doesn’t get too low.)

I realize this is a good “problem” to have, especially after intentional weight loss. “Oh, poor me, I can’t seem to stop losing weight even though I’m eating more?!” In reality, I guess I’m just looking for shared experiences on the transition to maintenance/any tips you might have!

For everyone else on this weight loss/fitness journey: You’re doing GREAT! Keep it up! I’m proud of us all.

submitted by /u/Happy_Active_0618
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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