Monday, May 31, 2021

Hardcore May is over!

Well my hardcore May went great. I'm down 6 pounds this month and it feels so motivation to finally break that plateau. 2 pounds from breaking 170 lbs and so excited.

what I learned from this month:

  • an accurate fitness watch is so helpful. my old ripoff watch never read my heart rate and the preset calorie estimates from Google fit were too generous. Since I've been using a proper fitness watch with heart rate monitoring my extra calories burned is so much more accurate. since I've started using those I am losing a lot more weight as I'm eating back way less calories.

  • it is helpful to eat back SOME of your workout calories especially if you have a crazy active day. On days when I was going hard for 8 hours and clocking 1000 extra calories burned, I generally needed to eat back about half those calories to avoid getting hangry. but in days when I just get an extra 200 to 300 calories from walking or playing with my son, not eating back those calories resulted in more weight loss with no misery.

  • an iced latte with milk is just as good as an iced cappuccino, especially from my local coffee shop. half the calories and so refreshing

  • it is good to have others know about and support your weight loss. not to nag you, but to remind you of your goals when your just not feeling it. a gentle nudge to just get up and do something, anything, is so helpful.

  • 10 k steps is totally doable and even 15 k is pretty reasonable with just 3 prolonged active periods in a day (walks, playground, ringfit, stairs, etc.) unfortunately I didn't get to go to the gym as its closed for the lockdown still. hopefully I can go back in June.

  • hourly squats and pushups are a better idea when it's not flipping hot and you work in a no air conditioning office. bring a change of clothes and sunscreen for the summer as I am going to be a sweaty mess after my lunchtime walks.

Now if you'll excuse me, my partner is getting DQ ice cream cake tonight for his birthday, and you better believe I'm having a slice! but first got to do some ring fit and some walking to make sure I've got the spare calories on board.

submitted by /u/comprepensive
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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