Saturday, October 2, 2021

100lbs gone 60 to go

Just a little background. 30 M 6’6” at my heaviest I was 442 lbs. I was pretty miserable. I started by buying a huge water bottle and cutting non diet soda. Lost 15 lbs just from that, but I was still 425lbs. I tried everything shakes, bars, hiit workouts, keto, vegan, but nothing worked long term. I found out through security camera I was waking up and eating cookies and cakes in the middle of the night, with no recollection the next day. Then COVID hit the US. Two close friends died, big guys in their early 30s. I had to change. I begged my doctor. If I can’t lose this weight and I get sick that’s it. This is pre-vaccine. My son just turned 1. I was looking into lap band or balloons for weight loss, already. Doc suggested a new weight loss prescription plan. It’s metformin and adipex. I’m not diabetic but because I was feeling faintly when my calories were restricted he thought it would be better. I have a few vials of blood. 1 week later I started. Since July 2020 I’m down 100lbs. At first the medication is strong, it made eating a small salad or any food kinda disappointing. Just was not tasty. I feel a lot better. I still eat fairly unhealthy but it’s not nearly as much. I no longer wake up and eat a whole box of Oreos. Side effects: thirst is a major one I’m basically drinking water all day. Dry mouth: I got some special mouth wash and it helps. Drive: it’s pretty common for adipex to make you super horny.

submitted by /u/Wowsays
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: I added new holes to my belt

30F 5’9”

SW: 270 lbs CW: 248 lbs GW: 175lbs

I made a new friend recently who does various crafts including leatherworking. I asked them to punch some new holes in the belt I’ve had for the last few years, because I’ve lost enough weight for it to become too loose on the smallest hole!

They added six new holes and going down by one is enough for now, but in addition to feeling good about my weight loss I feel good about being confident enough to make plans to lose more.

I have enough clothes in storage from when I weighed less that I probably won’t have to buy new clothes for a while (I hate clothes shopping), but my pants were starting to fall down.

I lost the first 15 lbs by counting calories with MyFitnessPal, and eating more volume in fruit and salad. I stopped because I’ve had a bad depressive episode lately and I want to focus on recovering from that before emphasizing weight loss, but I feel like I learned some good lessons about eating only what I’m really hungry for when I was counting calories. I have also been cooking more and eating more fruit since then, and my weight has continued to go down. I’m talking to my doctor this week and will ask her for advice on sustainable weight loss while also taking care of my mental health. It’s an odd balance, and I definitely want to put my mental health first, but I also want to celebrate what I’ve accomplished in terms of weight loss recently.

submitted by /u/BeauteousMaximus
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What’s a physical change you’ve noticed since losing weight?

For context, I’ve been overweight almost my entire life. I’m 25 now and I’m probably the “smallest” I’ve been since I was in elementary school.

For the past few months (I started about 4 months ago) I wasn’t seeing progress until two days ago when I saw a video I took of myself before I started my weight loss. It’s crazy how our brain works and how I felt I looked the same even though I dropped a significant amount of weight. It took that video to make me realize the difference from before to where I am now.

I’ve noticed that my cheeks are more defined now and almost have a natural contoured look and my collarbones are actually visible.

What’s something for you?

submitted by /u/movsza
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Why are the common pitfalls to avoid after a successful month of weight loss?

40F, SW 276. 5’2. I lost 22 pounds this September by eating 1500 cal/day. I’m a vegetarian. Everyday I primarily ate Oatmeal, eggs, boiled potatoes, yogurt, veggies and pickles. I know I’m going to lose way less in October. I’m trying to mentally prepare for that and not get discouraged. Do I need to change my eating routine? Do I need to recalculate my TDEE? What can I do to keep the weight falling off?

What are some common pitfalls to avoid in a beginners weight loss journey? I know that things plateau so when should I expect the plateau? How do I get past it? How long will it last.

In the fourth week of September I saw that I didn’t lose any weight and started to eat really badly, I stayed in my calorie range but was eating rice cakes and Rice Krispies treats all day. I won’t be be doing that again!!

submitted by /u/terrierwrangler3tu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fall into Weight Loss: How to Lose Weight This Month with Nutrisystem

Are you feeling like it’s time to reset? It’s never too late to start anew and begin implementing healthy habits into your life. From making healthier food choices to finding time to move more, Nutrisystem can help you learn how to live healthier and lose weight this fall.

It’s the type of change that you deserve. You shouldn’t have to go on feeling as though you’re stuck in an endless cycle of choices that make you feel bad about yourself. You can get started on your weight loss journey to a brighter tomorrow—and it can be a whole lot easier than you may even realize.

The beginning of autumn is the perfect time to turn a new leaf. Here are some points to ponder as you make the decision to become a healthier version of you.

6 Reasons Fall is the Best Time for Weight Loss

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As the Season Changes, So Can Your Health

how to lose weight

Although there is no perfect time to start a healthy lifestyle plan, the fall is naturally a season of change—the leaves start turning colors, the air becomes crisper and it often feels like a time of fresh beginnings. Because of that, some people take it as an opportunity to make changes that will benefit their health, too.

Even the change in schedules that sometimes occur with fall can make a weight loss plan even more successful. The kids may be going back to school (whether in-person or virtually), you might have changes in the workplace and there may be overall more structure built into your days.

This can be a great time to learn how to lose weight and implement some simple routines into your eating habits. All it takes is a little bit of planning to prevent common diet detours like grabbing for an unhealthy snack or hitting the drive-through. Meal prepping, food delivery, healthy fall recipes and a little bit of forethought can go a really long way. Check out these eight simple swaps for a healthier fall this upcoming season as you navigate your weight loss journey!

11 Fall Casseroles Your Taste Buds & Family Will Fall For

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The Support is There—Lean on It!

how to lose weight

Of course, change always feels a little bit intimidating. Whenever you try something new, you might be feeling out of your comfort zone. But here at Nutrisystem, we have your back when it comes to helping you stay on track with the changes you want to make.

We’re constantly offering helpful meal plan tips, informative articles and healthy fall recipes here on The Leaf that will help to set you up for success. We’ve also got plenty of healthy yet convenient meals and snacks that can be a smart choice on those busy days when you don’t have time to prep a healthy dish.

Our expert Weight Loss Coaches are standing by, ready to answer your questions, keep you motivated and help you throughout your journey. Plus, our FREE NuMi app keep things simple and easy with an organized food journal, fun tracking challenges and personalized meal plan guidance. It doesn’t have to be complicated. The simpler you can make it, the better chance you’ll have at sticking with your fall weight loss plans.

The fact is, we’re here to help you learn how to lose weight and we want to support you along your journey. You do not have to do this on your own. You’ve got a team behind you, cheering your success every step of the way.

That’s not to say you may not stumble. We’ve worked with plenty of people who have fallen off track and may be discouraged about restarting. But when it comes to improving your health—and your overall life—you owe it to yourself to try again. We know you can do it. Even small and simple changes can make a world of difference that will propel you toward that brighter future.

If you’re ready to get started on your journey to enhanced health and weight loss, then there’s no time better than today! We’re confident in saying that your future self will look back on this moment and thank you.

Become the healthiest, happiest version of you this fall! Click here to get started with Nutrisystem >

7 Reasons Nutrisystem Is the Perfect Fall Weight Loss Plan

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The post Fall into Weight Loss: How to Lose Weight This Month with Nutrisystem appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

My small journey

I'm reading lots of weight loss journeys and felt like sharing mine.
Last week, 2 different coworkers at 2 different moments said I looked like I lost weight. It's the first time anyone noticed, so it made me thrilled.

My journey isn't as impressive then others but it's mine and I am proud. I've never been obese nor skinny. At worst I've been slightly overweighted. I am incredibly lucky I was raised in a family with good healthy food values that encourage physical activities. But I have a tendency to binge eat with stress and I choose a stressful career. Since I've hit 30s I've noticed my body react differently to food. I pack pounds I never did before. I tried cutting down all processed sugar (it worked, but as soon as I started incorporating them back the scale went up). I tried intermittent fasting and got a good success with it. Sadly, I couldn't keep it up with rush season at work and got back the pounds.

Right now I doing a lazy calories in and out. I'm just starting getting familiar with it. I do not want the stress of counting everything or the stress of giving up on some food I like. But knowing what a normal portion is, how to pick better snacks (or no snacks), getting into the habits of reading the labels in the shop, knowing to stop when I'm feeling full, waiting a little before eating when I'm feeling hungry, etc. I'm learning that it's ok to eat one or two cookies as long as it's not everyday and really is one or two. I love sweets and junk food. Cutting them fully just makes me sad.

I am still doing half a day of fasting once a week. In the last 3 months I've lost a little more then 10 pounds. I've still got another 10 pounds to lose to be at my healthy weight but I'm already feeling better in my body. I'm trying to change my food habits instead of restricting myself. I really wish this time I won't get it back.

And thank you all for your endless pit of useful information and amazing inspirational stories. I have learn so much from reading on this sub. Y'all are magical.

submitted by /u/littleone_grapefruit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need Weight Loss For 15 Year Old

Hello I am a 15 year old kid and I kind of started puberty a little late about a month after I turned 15 in January and I'm 5'3 and 141 lbs and I really want to loose weight and go down to like 115 pounds or the good weight to be skinny and then start to workout on weights and I play tennis I'm pretty good and can run pretty fast for being this much overweight but really want to loose the fat.

Starting today my current plan it

  1. Go on a 3 mile run in the morning
  2. after a come back do this set of exercises
  3. 300 jumping rope, 30 sit-ups , 30 Russians twists , 200 Jumping Jacks
  4. 12 oz of milk with 2 Scoops Of OrGain USDA Organic Simple Plant Protein Powder
  5. Hour and a half - 2 hours of tennis

Could I possible get to my goal of 115ish by December because in December its my birthday and Christmas I got family coming over and they have try outs for spring season like 16 hour tournaments for tennis and there's like w other 5'3 kids in better shape then me even though I get the game better then them so I want to also be in shape.

To anyone viewing this or replying

Thank you , stay safe and have a nice day

submitted by /u/RocketMarvel-100
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from loseit - Lose the Fat