Saturday, October 2, 2021

My small journey

I'm reading lots of weight loss journeys and felt like sharing mine.
Last week, 2 different coworkers at 2 different moments said I looked like I lost weight. It's the first time anyone noticed, so it made me thrilled.

My journey isn't as impressive then others but it's mine and I am proud. I've never been obese nor skinny. At worst I've been slightly overweighted. I am incredibly lucky I was raised in a family with good healthy food values that encourage physical activities. But I have a tendency to binge eat with stress and I choose a stressful career. Since I've hit 30s I've noticed my body react differently to food. I pack pounds I never did before. I tried cutting down all processed sugar (it worked, but as soon as I started incorporating them back the scale went up). I tried intermittent fasting and got a good success with it. Sadly, I couldn't keep it up with rush season at work and got back the pounds.

Right now I doing a lazy calories in and out. I'm just starting getting familiar with it. I do not want the stress of counting everything or the stress of giving up on some food I like. But knowing what a normal portion is, how to pick better snacks (or no snacks), getting into the habits of reading the labels in the shop, knowing to stop when I'm feeling full, waiting a little before eating when I'm feeling hungry, etc. I'm learning that it's ok to eat one or two cookies as long as it's not everyday and really is one or two. I love sweets and junk food. Cutting them fully just makes me sad.

I am still doing half a day of fasting once a week. In the last 3 months I've lost a little more then 10 pounds. I've still got another 10 pounds to lose to be at my healthy weight but I'm already feeling better in my body. I'm trying to change my food habits instead of restricting myself. I really wish this time I won't get it back.

And thank you all for your endless pit of useful information and amazing inspirational stories. I have learn so much from reading on this sub. Y'all are magical.

submitted by /u/littleone_grapefruit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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