I don't have my physique progress photo, I will provide some as soon as I can, but I plugged my weight into Libra app to track my progress, and here you can see the graph and the overall stats:
Background: I started lifting weights on August 1, 2021 at the weight of 81kg, I'm 176cm (5'9) and 25 years old, male. I progressed in the gym significantly but after 4 months of lifting, I amassed a whopping 10kg of fat. I was making a lot of mistakes in my diet. Besides the limited consumption of junk food (thankfully I have no binge eating issues), I was eating this 30% fat pork every other day, and yeah I think that was the main contributor as to why I gained weight so freaking fast.
Ever since I learnt about that, I switched to the 7% one and my weight stabilized at 92kg. I was eating the following:
- for lunch: *250g of meat (chicken or pork) *150g of rice
- protein shake
For dinner: *250g of meat *300g of beans, peas and chickpeas
This theoretically was supposed to be borderline 1800-2000kcal, but because of the 30% pork it was much higher.
So when I realized this, I decided I either keep lifting until I hit my lifting goals or start dieting. It was a tough decision and I started in mid December.
The weight loss journey Mid December to early January At first I dropped all the junk and bad processed food and ate clean for two weeks straight. The water weight came right off, and I was eating 100g of rice + 250g of meat and later in the evening 300g of peas, chickpeas and beans.
Mid January to late January It was too much cooking for my liking and I got into the habit of dieting and fighting hunger so I switched to a more radical approach, one meal a day, 200g of rice + 250g of meat, maybe later some snacks. This accelated the weight loss even further. I stayed on diet most of the days. Never felt hungry because I sitting at home playing games the entire time.
Early February I received a package from home full of homemade delicacies and things I fucking would kill for. I live abroad so this was a big deal, yeah cue in the rapid weight gain.
Mid February Uni was back and also found an internship, also in the third week of February, we switched back to on-site learning and suddenly, I'm walking +5-7k steps everyday. I also went back into the habit of dieting.
Late February to now I started attending swimming classes twice a week, and you can see how my weight just sunk, I also became very active because I switched apartments and balancing out uni and work, so I'm seriously always walking or standing or doing this or that. I'm burning 500-700kcal in physical activity alone almost everyday. And this is not gonna stop anytime soon!
Conclusion I set out to lose 10kg in 1 month a half, but it took me 3 months
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/xiqTlEp