Saturday, September 3, 2022

How do you resist the craving for snacks?

23 male, 5’5 190lbs here Im going to blame my bad eating habits on college (more than likely not the reason)

I used to always have 신라면 (shin ramen) Chips, soda, water and such daily. Lots of stuff high in carbs and sugar, i eventually started swapping out coke for diet/ zero coke and now I’ve been eating super healthy for about a week, on top of exercise 5x/ week.

However i live with my family and our pantry is full of delicious snacks that are bad for my weight loss journey and i would absolutely LOVE to gobble down a whole bag of takis.

Im not going to but i have cravings, often.

How do you all deal with this? Im planning on incorporating more veggies into my meals and hopefully that might stop these cravings lol.

I also burned 1400ish calories at the gym today! Woohoo!

submitted by /u/Binokna
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Not letting a mistake defeat my goals

Today I had my first misstep since starting my weight loss journey. I was out for a long time, and let myself get really hungry (forgot to pack a snack). When I got home tonight, I cooked for myself as always, however I overate massively - I am talking 3 portions worth after a full day of eating other meals.

I know one meal won’t undo all the progress, but it is hard to fight previous bad habits (ED related) and not restrict/try to purge. I’m venting here instead, and letting myself know that it will be okay to see the number on the scale go up, and I will still deserve breakfast and whole meals throughout the full day tomorrow.

submitted by /u/ivagm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, September 2, 2022

Tips for drinking more water?

I drink way too much soda. So my first real step in my weight loss journey is to reduce and eventually stop. I've tried this before and found that my biggest problem in doing so is simply the convenience of a can of soda vs the rather low effort task of fixing a glass of ice water.

I can get to the point where I will actively choose water over soda, but then I slip and go back to drinking too many. I prefer cold water but will drink it warm if there's no other option.

Aside from buying bottled water(though I do this in a pinch if I have to) what are your strategies for making water more interesting / convenient?

submitted by /u/Logical-Wasabi7402
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: I accidentally saw myself as slim for the first time

I've been on my weight loss journey for 8 months, and I'm almost at my goal. My BMI is 21 and I am currently a UK size 6 - 8 (or 2 - 4 in the US).

However, although I logically know that I'm smaller now, I'm having a really hard time seeing it. I still 'feel' overweight, and when I look down at my body I don't see much difference. I have a friend who wears the same clothes size as me and yet I still feel like I look much bigger than her.

But anyway, today something pretty amazing happened.

I was in a big fancy department store, looking around at all the different things for sale and doing a bit of people-watching.

As I was walking around, I momentarily caught a glimpse of a woman and thought to myself, "oh, she's slim. Wish I looked like her."

This thought occurred to me only for a split second - then I suddenly realised that it was a mirror.

I had caught a brief glimpse of myself. And because my brain didn't immediately realise it was me, I accidentally saw myself the way I really look.

I've been happy all day since then.

submitted by /u/minkadoodle
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: Losing weight holistically as a disordered eater

I’m really proud of myself for how mentally and physically healthy I’ve been over the last month or so. It means far more to me than any scale number.

As someone with a past of disordered eating, it is hard to deal with needing to lose weight for health reasons while wanting to maintain my mental health. The last time I seriously lost weight was in 2012-2015. I lost over 100 lbs, was restrictively and unhealthily Paleo (not putting down Paleo, I was just following it in a toxic way), and hated who I was as a person. Despite everyone complimenting my weight loss, it was a painful time. I cried almost every day. For years, I was afraid that my any form of weight loss would be a repeat of history.

But so far, it’s been a positive experience. I’m eating plenty of calories (around 1800-1900), eating a true variety of foods, cooking for joy, and exercising to feel good. I have a goal but I’m not punishing myself. I’m tracking what I eat but it’s just matter of fact and brief, not something that I dwell over for hours. I feel energetic and joyful.

I have a long way to go to get to 200 lbs, but I’m feeling hopeful instead of fearful. I started at over 300 lbs in Spring 2021, have been floating around 280-290 lbs since January 2022, and I’m proud of myself for being able to maintain that weight loss instead of being disappointed in the plateau.

I know success on that the scale can feel fulfilling, but feeling genuinely content losing weight, having decent self-esteem, and not hating myself means the world to me. True NSV.

submitted by /u/georgieisweird
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss advice during period needed

Hi guys! I (42f) have been doing CICO and IF for about 2 months and have lost 15lbs. I usually have no problem sticking to 1300-1400 cals per day, but I'm about a week away from the start of my period and suddenly OH MY GOD I'M SO HUNGRY (and cranky). Same thing happened during the last two months but I powered through. But this month? I just want to eat all the food and I'm having a harder time not breaking out the emergency dark chocolate or snacking after 8pm. Help!!!

SW 225, CW 210, GW 180

submitted by /u/peacelily2014
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Has anyone experienced their skin bouncing back after weight loss, specifically in the chest region?

I am 22 and female. I have lost about 15kg, I was over 80kg and am now 64kg. The skin on my thighs and calves is not as tight as before, and especially my chest has loose skin as my chest became much much smaller. Over the 2 years I have lost weight I have noticed that the skin has tightened ever so slightly, but I also think they are too droopy for a 22 year old and am wondering if they could return to normal. Do any fellow girls have a similar experience or any tips?

submitted by /u/uwupricklypear
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