Wednesday, October 4, 2023

i cant stick with it and i can’t figure out why

i’ve been trying to lose weight for almost 2 years now and im so frustrated that i have made it nowhere. no matter how hard i try or what i try, i can’t stick with it.

i thought that maybe my adhd was the cause of it. i was constantly snacking even when i wasn’t hungry and it was like a stimulation thing. but i got medicated and got my adhd under control, but im still eating nonstop.

i thought maybe i was just eating emotionally. but i started medication for my mental health issues and started feeling a lot better. overall im not doing terrible. i feel decent. i eat whether i feel happy or sad or mad or even when i feel nothing/neutral. so i don’t think it’s my emotions.

i’ve tried fasting. i’ve tried sticking to a deficit. i tried eating a maintenance to start out with. i tried eating more protein. i tried eating my favorite foods in moderation. i have tried so many things. but i can’t stick to a single one.

i feel very hopeless in terms of my weight loss. at this point i feel like i will never reach my goal weight. i feel like something is wrong with me. i see so many successful people and i can’t help but compare myself to them and feel like a failure. why can’t i do it?? i can go maybe a week at the most and then i just fall off. i want this so bad. i really do. but no matter how bad i want it, i can’t get myself to work for it. i feel like as time goes on i just get more discouraged and feel worse about myself.

does anyone have any advice on how to get past this? what finally worked for you? if anyone has any advice at all i would appreciate it so much

submitted by /u/Most-Caterpillar7291
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Surgery or lose more?

Pretty self explanatory as far as the title goes This is me right now

Three years ago I started a weight loss and fitness journey that saw me (M29 5’9”) go from 235 to 135 pounds. I reached that through CICO and permanent lifestyle changes that drastically increased my physical activity. I’ve been in the 130s for over a year now, and I am feeling confident about not gaining the weight back at least.

My mental health has improved tenfold, and I’m in the best shape I have ever been. A month ago, I climbed a small 5,000 foot mountain in Alaska, which had been a dream of mine for several years. Something like that would have been impossible for me prior to my weight loss. I’m extremely proud of what I’ve achieved so far.

However, looking in the mirror and seeing what I linked above is very difficult to feel positive about. No matter what I do, that flap/fold/belly hang will not disappear. I can see the outline of my ribs under my chest. I can feel my hip bones. But that area on my gut makes me basically never want to take off my shirt. When I bend over, it droops forward in this horrible sort of wrinkly mass. I just hate it.

I know that there’s loose skin. And I also know that there’s some stubborn subcutaneous fat as well. But at my height and weight, I’m beginning to feel like surgery is the only way to flatten it. Tummy tuck and lipo seem to be what would be most effective from my research. So my question is if there is any way to naturally fix this, or does my stomach look like I’m to the point where removing the loose skin is the best option?

I’m tired of feeling disgusting in my own body after working this hard to be healthy. Any advice is appreciated. Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/Shelldox
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

First cut - advice?

First cut - advice?

First time cutting, any advice?

Stats: 24 years old male 6’2” Around 105-110kg 20-24% bodyfat 36-38” waist

(was 32”-33” 86KG-90KG 10-12%bf pre covid - got away with binge eating when I was younger without gaining weight)

Pre working out my diet consisted of constant fast food and very little exercise- way below my recommended steps due to a office job

I started my cut this week. 40-45 minutes intense high rep lifting and 30 mins cardio - sometimes additional cardio if I’m free. Usually a cycle or speed walking at an incline. All 5 times a week 2 days rest


The issue I’m having is with calories. My every day diet more or less is

Breakfast: 4-5 eggs

Lunch/dinner: chicken rice broccoli or salmon rice broccoli. Macros for the lunch / dinner are around

330 calories for the fish 32g protein 27g carbs 8.7g fat

505 calories for the chicken 50.7g protein 30g carbs 13g fats

Following my two meals I usually just have a small snack like a protein yogurt or a banana and go sleep. 2.5L water a day along with creatine, D3, Zinc, Magnesium and Boron

Is that sufficient for weight loss? Or am I heavily under-eating? I don’t feel overly hungry and my energy levels don’t seem to have dropped too significantly but I’m not sure if this is sustainable long term. I was planning on doing this for 4 months as I’m going away on holiday in February and wanted cut before hand

Any advice?

submitted by /u/CertifiedElite
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

weight loss & fitness advice

hi! i’m trying to reprioritise my health and weight loss after a mental health break (and some weight gain), but i’d like to do it differently this time and am looking for advice.

i’m unable to own a scale, but based on experience and my measurements i’d approximate that ~160lbs, i’m also 5’3, 19, and very sedentary. most calorie tracking apps estimate my maintenance to be around 1750-1900 calories.

last year i was losing weight at a weekly average of 1200-1400 calories, but i wasn’t exercising at all.

this time i’d like to prioritise my fitness and strength, so i’ve started trying to do 30 minutes of cardio most days as well as bodyweight strength workouts on youtube to (hopefully) stop being completely weak.

i’ve stuck to 1200-1400 calories again this time but feel weak, lightheaded and foggy constantly. should i adjust my calorie intake to account for added exercise? will i continue losing weight? will a smaller deficit make exercise easier? is it impossible to know what to do without access to a scale?

thank you for any advice you’re able to provide :)

submitted by /u/NaturalEngineering72
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m close to my weight loss goal, but have lost so much of the motivation I started with… need advice

Hello, I have about 20lbs left that I want to lose. I started at a little under 330lbs and am now at 200lbs. I’m 6’4, and want to lean down to about 180 before possibly bulking. I just have been losing the same couple of pounds, and then gaining then back as I get too comfortable. Almost like I can’t focus or control my impulses. I know that sounds odd based on how much weight I dropped in the past year. I’ve always been locked in in the goal. To this day, I still haven’t touched soda or juice in a year, I haven’t had chocolate or any candy, fried chicken, etc. For the past 2 months, I have been… almost distracted from my goals. Going down to 195lbs, then back to 200lbs when I stop focusing and tracking. I still work out daily, whether cardio or lifting. I know that isn’t going to change, it’s a part of me now.

I need some help from yall. What did you do to get your motivation back when stuff like this happens? Does it only happen to me? Any advice or tip welcomes.

submitted by /u/No_Angle_5488
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Barely lost 3 pounds over 2 months

Hi guys,

Im struggling to see any progress with my weight loss journey.

Ive been weight training 4 times a week + 1 hour of cardio per week since beginning of August.

I started off at 161lbs and am now at 158lbs as a 5’3F.

I’ve also been doing calorie deficit since beginning of August as well, eating about 1300 calories a day.

I am not sure why I have only lost 3 pound over 2 months. Also, I’ve taken body measurements and saw barely any differences now to what I measured at the beginning of sept.

Im not sure what I’m doing wrong, it’s really discouraging seeing no progress after putting the work. I was hoping to lose at least 10lbs by December, but now it doesn’t seem possible at all.

Does anyone have a explanation for this? I would love any advice or encouragement at this point.


submitted by /u/kindaokayfornow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

One year later, and 180 pounds later

26M. SW: 450lbs CW: 270lbs GW: 199lbs

As the title suggests, over the past twelve months, I have lost 180lbs. I never would’ve dreamed of being successful in losing weight, so I hope my story can help and motivate others just starting their journey.

Last October, I made the decision to try yet again to lose weight, after numerous previous attempts. I would always stick to a diet for a few weeks and then fall right back into old habits. Not sure why this time was different, but it was. I began to count calories, which is a method I had tried previously. I used an online tdee calculator to determine my maintenance calories, and then tried to be at least 500 calories below that. I think the biggest thing for me this time around was that I didn’t restrict myself from certain foods. I simply tracked the calories and ate the food as long as it was within my caloric limit for the day. Honestly, the first month of my weight loss journey was eating Taco Bell power bowls and bowls from chipotle. Easy, and relatively low calorie as far as fast food goes.

I then decided to make more food for myself at home, along with quite a few frozen meals haha. I know macro wise, frozen meals aren’t the greatest, but it was an easy way for me to track calories easily, and have quick meals. When I do make food, I find ways to make it lower calorie when possible. 96/4 ground beef has been a lifesaver, along with keto buns and fat free cheese haha. This has been my main method of eating. Simply altering recipes to be lower calorie. Looking at every nutritional label for the product I needed, and buying the lowest calorie one.

Apart from this, nothing I did this time around was special. I still at cheat meals once in awhile. I did cut out drinking, which saved me a lot of calories on something with no nutritional value. Exercise wise, my job has me walking 8 plus miles a day, which has been my main source of exercise. I’m at the point where I would like to weight train more, which is my next step in my journey.

It feels great to be in the final stretch of my journey. By this time next year, I would be thrilled to be at my goal weight, in which case I would then be looking at skin removal surgery, since even at this point, I have quite a bit I wanna get rid of.

If anyone has any questions or wants me to share a certain aspect of my journey, please ask away. I am more than happy to share anything. I would love to help anyone just starting out on their journey answer any questions they may have. I am in no way an expert, but will try to help anyway possible. To anyone just starting out, if I can do it, you can too. You got this!!

submitted by /u/WeightLossTKCR
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from loseit - Lose the Fat