Sunday, April 14, 2019

What is the best thing someone close to you has said about your weight loss? What's the worst thing someone close to you has said to about your weight loss? How did you react to them?

I'm really curious to see what your experiences have been like on your journeys and how you reacted to them! I'll start off with mine.

Best: a colleague on a dress down day asked me if I had lost weight. When I said yes, 20lb thank you so much for noticing, they told me I was looking really trim. It was lovely to hear!

Worst: an obese friend told me they and their partner had made a bet on my eating habits and how they had would change over the year. When I called them out on it they said it wasn't their fault it was their partner who made the bet (which they took!). I told them I was tired of people making rude comments and that nobody should be so bothered by what I eat, they asked me who had actually done such a thing, as though they were the one in shock. They then proceeded to tell me how I should eat. I was so mad I stopped talking and they wouldn't speak to me after. I hope it's because they were embarrassed by their behaviour, but it's probably more they were feeling hurt I reacted to them negatively.

The best comment made me so proud I had my head held high all day. The worst comment initially made me super mad and played in my mind, now I realise that when you make good choices for yourself people will react defensively because it reminds them of their shortcomings, even if you don't say anything to them about their weight, it's perceived threat and it sucks but I'm going to move on from it and be more determined to make the right choices for me. I don't want to turn out bitter and rude because someone else did well for themselves.

Now I want to hear yours!

submitted by /u/tanvscullen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Cravings crazier than usual and making my life difficult

trying to be short, I've lost about 60 lbs (28 kg) in the past year and a half. of which 20 through CICO since January. I have about 20 more to go before I reach my main goal, and of course the weight loss has slowed down, but I'm in no hurry (although it would be cool to reach my goal by october).

Anyways, I've had a weird (not too stressful though) week, I got a pilonidal cyst flare up which drained, and I missed my period for the first time ever (perhaps because of the stress my body went through fighting the infection? No idea, I just know I'm not pregnant).

So, my problem is how my week has looked like and how I've been feeling. I overate by about 2000 kcal over maintenance about 10 days ago, then the 2/3 days later I kept easily at a deficit of 1000+ kcal to make up for it (easily because after overeating I don't feel hunger), then I managed to get back at my usual 400/500 deficit for a couple of days, which brings us to the last 3 days, where I've been eating slightly below or above maintenance (~100 kcal) because I've been so damn hungry. All I want to do is eat pizza croissants and all the junk. Like, real cravings, which I don't usually get, and when I do all I need to do is eat some within my calorie intake and satisfy them, which stops them for some days. But in this period I can't seem to stop thinking about food.

I had also noticed that eating something junky as a snack (better on the days I work out) helped me to keep my deficit, but lately I just can't seem to get enough of anything. Although already having lost so much, and these episodes having happened already, I never know what makes them stop and I'm starting to panic a bit about it. I'm hoping that tomorrow will bring my motivation back (although on wednesday I'm going home for the holidays, we'll see how I manage), but right now I'm this close to eating pizza for dinner for the 3rd night in a row, which is just not me. I like vegetables and meat and fruit, but even though the idea of buttered broccoli and eggs makes my mouth water, the idea of pizza makes me go completely crazy. WHAT IS GOING ON.

Looking for advice on how to regain my self control and how to stop thinking about food. Thinking that a day only eating junk might help to get the cravings away (like when i overeat and the next days I eat a lot less), but it hasn't worked on single meals, so I'm not sure it's such a good idea. I don't feel like cutting out completely junk since it leads me to binges, but I need to do something. Any advice or similar experiences is apprecciated.

submitted by /u/Dalilatron
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost more than my extra weight...

I started my weight loss journey in march 8th 2018. Since then I lost aprox 40 lbs. I wasn’t hiding it from anyone, I was open about it and I actually thought people will be somewhat supportive. Well.... My mother started telling me how I worry her with my weight loss and how I make her feel bad about her body (we used to have the same weight and similar measurements. I still think her body is beautiful. My body was beautiful too, just not very healthy) and started eating a lot of fastfood and crap and telling me how I waste her money on rabbit food and so on. She would order pizza and eat in front of me with the excuse that she wants to talk to me or some shit. My friends were like “you’ll never lose so much weight, it’s a losing battle”, “you’re already pretty” “you have an eating disorder so that’s why” and so on. My boyfriend of 5 years said I was cheating on him or that I want to leave him for a better man, that I was a hoe etc. (I did get a better man, so he was right. I got myself a man who supports me and encourages or comforts me instead of being a verbally abusive and judgemental bitch). I started my weight loss with a big group of friends and my boyfriend of 5 years but it ended with less pounds, less friends and a new boyfriend. Also, people’s attitude changed towards me, boys who used to make fun of me or friendzone me would start talking to me on facebook and spending time with me, my girlfriends no longer invited me out with them bc apparently I was a buzzkill (i had some liver problems and I quit alcohol entirely) and my boyfriend broke up with me (he’s seeing one of my old friends now lmao.). At first looking back I was disappointed about how many people I lost from my life, but truth is, I didn’t lose anything. They were selfish and rude and they were nothing a real friend is like so I am glad I made some space in my phone and facebook contacts tbh.

submitted by /u/callmebabyhoney
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Saturday, April 13, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Sunday, 14 April 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss questions

Hey guys I just started trying to lose weight and had a couple of questions. So first I noticed something kinda weird about my weight. There is about a 5 pound back and forth variation when I weigh in every morning over the last 2 weeks. How am I supposed to know where I'm actually at in weight loss if this happens? Is this normal?

I got a scale off of Amazon that had 18k reviews for a 4.7 star rating so I doubt it's the scale.

The other question is about black coffee. I read that drinking a cup at the start of the day can help with weight loss but a lot of people skip breakfast cause it suppresses appetite. I should still eat a decent breakfast though right or is it better to skip it and wait till lunch?

submitted by /u/swiftreddit75
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Question about sugar free Gatorade (sucralose)

Hello all, I’m currently 2 months into this lifestyle change and I’ve been keeping my daily caloric intake from 1,200-1,500 calories, as well as going to the gym and burning 500 calories every other day. I’ve went from 362 lbs to 305 in these 2 months and I’m very proud of myself! I’ve gained and lost and gained and lost a couple times in my life, so I understand what I need to sustain myself once I’m down to my goal weight. I feel great, clear headed, have so much energy and desire to move around. I’ve been ensuring that I’m getting all of my nutrients through MFP and consulting from my aunt who is a licensed dietician. (She’s currently away without cell service).

The only things I’ve been drinking are water, black coffee (2 times a week), and a zero sugar Gatorade which has the artificial sweetener ‘Sucralose’ in it. Basically Splenda. I drink a 28 oz bottle over two days so 14 oz a day. This is how I satisfy my craving for something sweet, as well as get some of those electrolytes back. I can recognize that it’s not needed at all in my diet and I could totally cut it out tomorrow if I wanted to, my only question is do I need to? I’m curious if this is holding my weight loss back at all. I’ve seen articles that say it’s not directly related to weight gain, but I’ve also seen some that say it allows more glucose into your body and stores fat longer. I’m a little conflicted because I thought it was harmless so I guess I just need some more confirmation from you guys. Thanks in advance :-)

submitted by /u/ugh_finethen
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I didn't realize I had a "before" picture.

I was sent the picture on the left yesterday.

"Crazy this was two years ago," my friend texts. The passage of time wasn't what I found crazy.

I didn't know I had a "before" picture.

My first thought was, "Oh, this was right after my daughter was born." It wasn't. It was nearly a year after her birth.

People have been telling me, "You look like you've lost weight!" for a while now, a few months. I couldn't see what they were talking about. I look in the mirror every morning, before I habitually step on the scale. My weight loss has been so slow that it is imperceptible to me. The sloth-like pace does not make it invalid, however.

It's time for me to look at this picture and forgive my past self.

I need and want to think less negatively about my appearance then, and instead think more positively about my health now. It's time to recognize and take ownership for the changes I have made.

I don't need that donut. I am more mindful of what I put into my body. I don't eat my kids' food anymore (You feel me, parent friends?) I can run five miles in about 56 minutes.

And it turns out, because of all of those things, I have lost weight.

The picture on the right isn't the "after", simply the now.

The great work continues.

submitted by /u/minorfall27
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from loseit - Lose the Fat