Sunday, April 14, 2019

Cravings crazier than usual and making my life difficult

trying to be short, I've lost about 60 lbs (28 kg) in the past year and a half. of which 20 through CICO since January. I have about 20 more to go before I reach my main goal, and of course the weight loss has slowed down, but I'm in no hurry (although it would be cool to reach my goal by october).

Anyways, I've had a weird (not too stressful though) week, I got a pilonidal cyst flare up which drained, and I missed my period for the first time ever (perhaps because of the stress my body went through fighting the infection? No idea, I just know I'm not pregnant).

So, my problem is how my week has looked like and how I've been feeling. I overate by about 2000 kcal over maintenance about 10 days ago, then the 2/3 days later I kept easily at a deficit of 1000+ kcal to make up for it (easily because after overeating I don't feel hunger), then I managed to get back at my usual 400/500 deficit for a couple of days, which brings us to the last 3 days, where I've been eating slightly below or above maintenance (~100 kcal) because I've been so damn hungry. All I want to do is eat pizza croissants and all the junk. Like, real cravings, which I don't usually get, and when I do all I need to do is eat some within my calorie intake and satisfy them, which stops them for some days. But in this period I can't seem to stop thinking about food.

I had also noticed that eating something junky as a snack (better on the days I work out) helped me to keep my deficit, but lately I just can't seem to get enough of anything. Although already having lost so much, and these episodes having happened already, I never know what makes them stop and I'm starting to panic a bit about it. I'm hoping that tomorrow will bring my motivation back (although on wednesday I'm going home for the holidays, we'll see how I manage), but right now I'm this close to eating pizza for dinner for the 3rd night in a row, which is just not me. I like vegetables and meat and fruit, but even though the idea of buttered broccoli and eggs makes my mouth water, the idea of pizza makes me go completely crazy. WHAT IS GOING ON.

Looking for advice on how to regain my self control and how to stop thinking about food. Thinking that a day only eating junk might help to get the cravings away (like when i overeat and the next days I eat a lot less), but it hasn't worked on single meals, so I'm not sure it's such a good idea. I don't feel like cutting out completely junk since it leads me to binges, but I need to do something. Any advice or similar experiences is apprecciated.

submitted by /u/Dalilatron
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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