Monday, December 6, 2021

in search of buddy!

Hi loseit! I’m an 18 y/o woman who wants to lose ~20 pounds for a huge event in January. I try to be body positive but my confidence for this event would be x100 if I could get to my goal weight. I also need to buy new clothes for it, and I’d love for them to be in my goal size. I’m looking for a weight loss/accountability buddy who I could check in with, and who could check in with me, a couple times a week (or more) to share recipes, progress, etc and help keep each other on track. I’ve been on a weight rollercoaster for a couple years and the thing that I’ve found helps me the most is someone to share it with. Anyone interested?

submitted by /u/eugeniaaaaa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Depressed While Dieting. Any Advice?

I am currently in a calorie deficit trying to lose about 70-100 pounds (25y female, H: 5 3, CW:220). I feel super depressed y’all. It’s like food is my best friend when I am feeling anxious or depressed. Dieting feels like taking my best friend away. It sucks. I am not sure how to be happy while dieting. I know weight loss is all about CICO but the mental aspect is the most difficult in my experience. I tried therapy last year (~3 sessions) but it just felt awkward and overall talking extensively about my problems makes me even more stressed. Maybe I didn’t give it a fair chance? Idk, either way I am going through a stressful period in my life trying to figure out life after college. My weight issues are not helping either. Anyone felt/feels the same way? Do you have any advice for me?

P.S. English is my second language so my apologies for any mistakes you might catch.

submitted by /u/Ok-Director-6500
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It’s the little things…

It’s amazing how many little joys you have on your weight loss journey. This is QUITE embarrassing but I am a BIG guy (5XL shirts at my start) and there were so many awkward things one has to contend with (does that chair have armrests, hope they don’t put us in a booth at the restaurant, etc).

Well 2 months ago I went to Outback with my friend and the booth was so, so uncomfortable that on our next trip we had to wait for a table even though brooks were open.

Well today, 2 months later, the booth was perfectly comfortable and had no problems. I almost cried - no more awkward asks to the host!

Also, on a side note, any really big guys notice they almost drop a shirt size overnight? I was still in 5XL until a couple weeks ago (for 6 weeks or so) but some bigger 3XLs are now fitting. Wild.

submitted by /u/LoseIt9185
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Responding to disordered, pro-ana relatives

This post is half venting and half asking for advice if anyone has something to offer on the subject.

My weight loss journey started sometime last year. After gaining a ton of weight (~100 lbs) following a serious episode of depression, I resolved to get back on track. I've been losing weight slowly and because I don't have any immediate health concerns and my stats are all normal, I'm not under pressure to lose the weight rapidly. I hope to get to 170-180 sometime in 2022. I currently weigh 235 lbs, having dropped 35 lbs this year.

Onto the topic of this post. I'm at my wit's end dealing with family members who are trying to be helpful. My in-laws are medical professionals and have been on my case to lose weight since forever (even before I was technically overweight). They started making comments when I approached the higher end of a normal bmi and got pushier the more I gained. It would be one thing if it was well-intentioned advice but my in-laws are have a seriously disordered view on what is "healthy", which is especially concerning given their respective health backgrounds.

MIL has a visibly evident restrictive eating disorder and is underweight to the point her bones protrude quite through her skin. She's had various health issues from her eating habits ranging from brittle bones to bowel necrosis. MIL will also proudly proclaim that all she needs is 500 calories a day and has also boasted her blood pressure is so low the machines don't register it (WTF kind of brag is that?) FIL is technically a healthy weight, albeit obsessively orthorexic. They've pointed to my husbands 6'3", 115 lb model cousin as an aspirational example for me.

Here's the thing. I'm well aware of the negative health consequences of obesity. Most fat people are after being beaten over the head with this messaging by literally everyone all the time. This is why I'm trying to lose weight. My major issue is how galling it is to politely smile and listen to weight loss advice from people who genuinely believe a bmi of 14.4 is the picture of health. My goal weight is between 170 and 180 lbs which is completely fine for my height (6'1") but I know in-laws would prefer me to drop to 140 lbs or less.

I find interactions with them to be stressful and wish I knew how to politely tell them to sod off with the pro-ana bullshit. The problem is it's a very delicate situation and I don't want the in-laws to feel like I'm body shaming them. Having been shamed for my obesity repeatedly, I know how ineffective it is and how much bitterness/resentment it inspires. Having said that, I would relish the opportunity to tell my in-laws that ther body weight ideals are fucked up and not healthy in the slightest ... and that as medical professionals, they should frankly know better.

Would be interested to hear from others who've dealt with disordered family members in a way that is diplomatic, yet firm. I've just had it with these people!

EDIT: Corrected typo in original post where I indicated husband's cousin is 6'3" and 215 lbs. this is incorrect. She is 6'3" and 115 lbs. Updated in post.

submitted by /u/MadMick01
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Are gym memberships worth it in 2021?

I started my weight loss journey when I met my husband in 2019 and it has been slow going. I ramped up speed last year (2020) when he was in the Army, I had access to a free gym (on base) and I would go to the gym purely for a chance to see my husband an additional time during the day (as they wouldn't let him live with me in training... it was stupid)

He is out now and we are in Tampa. We are in a somewhat OK neighborhood (better than in OH where we were at last year but not as good as Jacksonville, FL where we were before the army). In 2020 I was able to get down to about 175 but I gained that all back within a year after he got out and now I am struggling to get back down.

This is what I have tried:

  • Intermittent Fasting: Eat Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays and Fast on M, W, F where I only drink water on those days. I've never liked coffee so drinking just water was fine. I lost about 5lbs but it has stalled.
  • At home work outs. I don't stick to them. I want to be healthier but I have no drive.
  • Eating less. I have done that but I have a binge eating disorder so it is hard to stick with that.
  • Eating healthier. I am currently working on this. Every day is a struggle but I know it will get easier.

I either run around my neighborhood for about 2 miles or I do Chloe Ting workouts. Neither of which give me the burn I used to have when I went to the gym. Previous apartment in (2021) had a gym included as well and I miss the feeling I got from running on the treadmill. Running outside doesn't give me the same endorphins. I can only run for so long before I'm out of breath outside while on the treadmill I can do a 5k in about 45 minutes. Outside it seems like it would take me over an hour based on the fact that 1 mile takes me about a half an hour and a 5k is about 3.13 miles and I was struggling doing the 1 miles in 30 minutes. I really REALLY want to get back in shape.

I just don't know if I can justify the money for a gym. The gym works though cause no only was I losing weight I was also building muscle which I don't feel like I can do with Chloe Ting workouts and running... maybe I can do both but like I said, I struggle with the runs and I hate that feeling.

submitted by /u/DudeThatsErin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Bored During Cardio

Hello, newly on a weight loss journey.

I've pushed through initial food struggles, and am incorporating more exercise into my daily routine.

I don't mind the strain of work outs at all right now. I like to feel the burn! Makes me feel like I'm really trying my best.

Where I struggle with cardio is how long it takes. 30 minutes is nothing, I know. I have a stationary bike, I watch whatever I want while I exercise, but after 15 minutes I feel like I'm at the DMV or something.

I know I'll push beyond this, and I also know that it's okay to start slow in order to build a routine. Just wondering if this happens to others, and how they cope with it.

tl;dr Tips for getting bored during cardio

submitted by /u/TheEonsOfDung
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is Carb Addiction a thing? Can’t seem to get past it

I think i’m addicted to carbs. Like actually chemically addicted, if that’s even possible. Its not that it’s my “favourite foods” or something like that, it’s like my body is deeply craving tons of carbs or something. I have a hard time feeling physically full or satisfied without a bunch of carbs. I have insulin resistance, if that makes a difference. It’s the one thing that’s really hindering my weight loss journey, and I need advice.

I’m pretty sure like 90% of my diet consisted of carbs and sugar before I started trying to eat healthy. I could never have a meal without some kind of bread, cracker, pasta, etc. When I would finish a nice meal, I would crave crackers or toast or chips or something.

I don’t know what my problem is. I’m doing okay with eating less refined sugar, more veggies, leaner meats, not eating out, etc. everything else on my weight loss journey is going well. but for some reason I really can’t figure out the carb thing!! I’ve “restarted” like 5 times in the past month and I can’t make it past day 2 without bingeing on crackers or bread.

Is carb addiction a real thing? Or am I just being dramatic lol? Any advice for this? Has anyone else experienced something like this?

submitted by /u/windyafternoon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat