Monday, December 20, 2021

Beer/Alcohol calories make you gain weight?

I am confused on alcohol/beer. I think we all know CICO - if you have a surplus of calories you will gain weight and a deficit will make you lose weight. I've read that is is literally no more complicated than that.

I've read that alcohol/beer specifically is not normal calories, not just because it's calorie dense but it converts more of your food to fat? So for example if I can hit 1600 calories and 500 of them are beer VS 500 of them being vegetables - the 1,600 calories are not equal in terms of weight loss/gain?

Does anyone better understand this and could possibly explain? Or is it just a myth?

submitted by /u/the_saas_guy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NEED ADVICE on Fitness/Weight loss after losing 41 pounds.

I am a 5ft 8 MALE who currently weighs 176 pounds, down from starting at 217 pounds.

I started my weight loss journey in late 2017, and through a combination of diet changes, wii fit, working in the gym, and doing Tae Bo home workouts during Covid, I have lost 41 pounds.

My end goal is to get skinny (six pack and the likes), then bulk up through weight training.

My questions are:

  1. What weight should I get down to before I start putting on muscle? (I still have fat on me, but I'm still amazed how far I've come when comparing to my starting pictures.
  2. My weight loss rate has plateaued many times in the past four years. I'm currently losing an average of 1 pound a week. This is a good rate?
  3. Is it a bad idea for workout with weights and cardio in my current weight loss process? Will it be tougher to slim down that way?
submitted by /u/NotesfromH
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Eating disorder history but legit overweight

So, exactly what the title says. I have had two periods in my life where I sought and received medical treatment for an eating disorder, but I have been out of that since I miscarried in 2016.

After I had my third pregnancy in 2018, I failed to lose my baby weight completely. Then I got put on a medicine that caused me to gain thirty five pounds. So with that medicine I went from 185 to 220 at five foot six.

My question is this: what is a safe calorie target for weight loss? I have already lost twenty pounds since I got off the medicine, but I’m not where I want to be, which is down to 160 or 170. I want to lose it safely though, and overtime, and without going into super restriction mode.

How can I figure out how many calories I need per day to safely lose weight?

submitted by /u/iamsooohungry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

When did your brain start to catch up to your weight loss

M/20/5’9 SW: 230 CW: 155

So I lost weight around a year ago. About this time is when the scale finally started to tip towards the 150s. This has been one of the hardest years of my life because it’s been nothing but a mental battle of trying to come to grasp with reality. I’ve heard that it’s really hard to shed that “phantom fat” syndrome. I wonder if anyone of you have been able to conquer? I kinda need hope that this won’t be a forever thing.

submitted by /u/onlyondaysoff
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Should I tell people I lost weight?

I (27f) have lost 10lb in the last six months. I'm 5'2, down to 113 lbs. I know this may not sound like much, but it has made a big difference to me -- I've never liked my body much and this is the first time I've felt good about myself. I'm slimmer than I was in high school. And I feel good about being healthy too, like I'm fuelling my body with good things. And I am also proud of myself for sticking with it, and changing my habits for the better.

But I've not told anyone this IRL, I've only shared this information with r/loseit. I don't know why I don't talk about it -- it's like I think it's wrong to admit I was ever unhappy with my body in the first place. Or that I'm making a big deal out of losing a fairly small amount of weight. But a recent experience gave me yet another reason to not tell people.

Recently at a family Christmas I told my dad that I'd lost 10lb (after a couple glasses of wine!) and how I thought the key to my weight loss was avoiding processed / non-whole foods. He didn't seem to react much when I told him. The next day I agreed to take home some leftovers to get them off my Mom's hands (I have housemates who can eat them, and I'm giving myself some leeway this Christmas). He clearly didn't want all the leftovers to be taken and said, half jokingly, 'why do you need to take all the ham? You said you don't eat processed food!'.

Maybe I'm being overly sensitive about it but that comment annoyed me because I'd confided in him something that I never talk about. I feel like as soon as I admitted it to him, he used it as some sort of ammunition against me. And from then on whenever I ate anything I was worried he was judging me. For the record I do have a great relationship with my dad and this question isn't about him - it's more like, telling people about losing weight sort of takes it out of my control. Like other people can start using that information and making comments.

Does anyone else know the feeling? Is it better to just keep quiet? Or is this a 'me' problem and something I need to work on?

submitted by /u/WeAreBothInBarrels
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thoughts on MyFitnessPal?

Hi everyone,

I (F18, 168.5cm) am back on a weight loss journey. The first time I tried losing weight (August 2020), I went from 95kg > 85kg. However, due to stress and some other things, I have slowly gained most of it back (currently at 93kg). I was originally using Weight Watchers, but I feel like it is not the most effective as I never seem to lose more than 0.5kg a week - ideally, I would like to be losing 0.75-1kg (at least during these early stages). I think the biggest problem is that WW has a counting system, but with the new changes, foods such as chicken, eggs, avocado are seen as 'zero points.' The focus seems to have shifted from weight loss to a more rounded healthier eating, which I think is great, but is not really my primary goal at the moment.

I am wanting to try a basic CICO, but am not sure where to start. MyFitnessPal is free (WW is not) and seems like a good place to start.

I was just wondering if anyone here would recommend MFP, or maybe another alternative? I also workout 3-4 times a week, in case this may influence any recs.

Thank you! :)

submitted by /u/fuchsiafairy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, December 19, 2021

I just want to keep going with my weight loss journey and not give up. In need of some encouraging words. 😭

Reached goal weight and lost 30 pounds, my clothes looser. Anyway I’m still unhappy with my body and still have stubborn belly fat, but toned everywhere else. I have no friends and have been asking family if I look good. They have been very cruel, they have their insecurities as they are overweight.

This has caused me to go back my old ways of binge eating and self sabotage. I want to keep going and getting the right head space to reach my new goals. (Apologies for any typos have a infant trying to slap my phone out of my hand as I breastfeed)

submitted by /u/Current-Worry__
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from loseit - Lose the Fat