Monday, October 3, 2022

Frustration Weighing Me Down

first post - so please be patient with me

I have been overweight most of my adult life. And like many, I make do. I love myself enough to know that I can do better than what I am currently. The yo yo of weight loss / weight gain has been part of my battle like most others. And after watching several people around me get bariatric surgery, I decided this was the needed step to move from where I am to where I want to be - healthy to accompany my happy.

I am about to turn 47 and I finally got a job with bariatric surgery as a health benefit. My excitement was unable to be contained! I learned that I have to have 2 years of employment before this benefit can be used. My heart sank and now....all the hope I had has been doused. I know many may say "It's only 2 years." But that 2 years threw off the timeline I had in my head.

submitted by /u/PEACEingItTogether
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Its been 3 weeks since I started my journey! The first milestone!

M, 33, 5'9'' SW: 287 CW: 277 GW: 187

Today, I reached my first milestone! I started on this journey 3 weeks ago. My first milestone was to stick to my healthy eating plan (1500 cals/day) and hitting gym for 21 days - since i heard it takes 21 days to form a habit. I really was not looking for a huge weight loss during this period. I was hoping to just stick to the plan as much as possible, not get depressed (when I binge or dont count calories), and just come out the end just feeling good about my commitment. Today I did just that.

And I was able to lose close to 10lbs in the process!!! my face looks smaller! my pants are a little looser and I feel my tummy becoming smaller too!

Some things I learnt about myself

  • It does not take a lot of calories to fill my stomach when I have those hunger pangs. I used to think that I need a big snack. I was actually able to feel satiated with just a few pickles

  • Feeling satisfied as much to do with taste and flavor as it does with calories. I find that I am less prone to binging when I actually enjoy the flavor and taste of my meals.

  • Club soda is a life saver! Makes me feel full when I feel after meals and in between! And it can almost sub for a nice treat!

  • Its reaaallly hard to control what I eat or count calories when in social settings! Something about food and fellowship that are inseparable! I need to come up with better strategies for when I am with friends. Weekends are difficult for similar reason (less structure and more socializing)

  • Other stuff: meal-prep helps self-control, dont overdo it at the gym (consistency over intensity - at least at this stage)

Next milestone: 30 days on the same journey - Healthy eating (< 1500 calories) + Gym (3/week, cardio, strength) - Checkin in date (November 2nd)

submitted by /u/seepolo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Simple Meals for Weight Loss?

Does anyone have any go-to recipes for weight loss that are easy to make and also flavorful? I’m trying to lose fat and have been powerlifting for about 2 months now but the scale has only gone up and my clothes are fitting tighter, and I’m seeing new stretch marks. 🥲 I am really struggling at this point. Would love to lose 7-10 pounds of fat by this time next month and my ultimate goal is to lose 30 pounds of fat within 6 months.

submitted by /u/allergic2crustaceans
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I just hate to count calories. But it is the only thing that works for me…

I have managed to lose 40 kg (80 lbs) in the past by counting calories. This whole process of losing weight took a year. I was very motivated and determined to lose weight, as I was at my highest point - 120 kg, and I was actually very scared of this number. Unfortunately, I have gained 20 kg back in a past 3 years, and now I weight about 100 kg. I know for sure that calorie counting is a proven method to lose weight for me, as I successfully did it in the past. But it seems to me I just can’t stick to calorie counting anymore. I tried to start again to count calories at about 10 times in last two years. I have downloaded several different apps, but I just can’t proceed to count my calorie intake for more than two weeks. You can say I’m not motivated enough or have a lack of will power. But actually, I deeply believe that I just can’t count these terrible numbers for all my life to keep being in shape. Although that calorie counting really helps to stay in control, I just can’t keep always, for a lifetime, controlling my calorie intake on my phone and be dependent on it. I just don’t feel it’s right for me anymore and it’s definitely not the healthiest choice for a lifetime routine, because I think it’s a bit of obsessive way to over control the weight loss… I also believe there are more simple and healthy ways to lose weight and to stay thin, although I struggle so much to find a new suitable approach for me and therefore to get motivated. Weight loss is a big deal, but it’s even more complicated when you don’t know where to start at and how to do it generally. I would like for some help and advice from people who had lost a lot of weight in a past and have a successful story of keeping a healthy lifestyle and being fit for more than a year after their weight loss. Also I am sorry for my English, I am not a native speaker. TLDR: what is the most healthy and successful way to lose weight and keep being fit for a lifetime, besides calorie counting? Thank you!

submitted by /u/Euphoric_Creme_6705
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

weight loss when i feel the unhealthy habits coming in

i’ve been on a weight loss journey for some time, i started my deficit at 1700 (tdee being 2400) and maintained that deficit for quite a bit. however over the last few months or so, the amount of calories i’ve been eating have decreased drastically, almost subconsciously. i’m talking barely 1200 most days and even that makes me feel guilty. like i’m slowly convincing myself that my deficit can go lower.

i know i need to eat more, that this type of weight loss isn’t sustainable but i don’t know how to convince myself that it’s okay to eat more and i’ll still loose weight.

i want to continue loosing weight but it’s scaring me because i don’t know how to stop those thoughts and feelings. i’m turning 19 in a month and in my sophomore year of college, i don’t want to waste my youth dealing with this but i also would like to be at a healthy weight.

do i try and take a break from losing weight and just maintain for a while? can i even do that is the real question. really just looking for any advice from people, please be kind.

submitted by /u/concept-of-infinity
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

It is way too easy to get constipation and insomnia when trying to lose weight.

What do I do?I just started my weight loss journey again and I’m doing high protein with some fruits and’s taking me until midnight to fall asleep.but I’m less hungry so that’s a plus.I’m also am pooping every three days.Before I was going twice a day. I’m losing weight but this makes me feel like what I’m doing is unsustainable in the long I need more time?is this something I’ll have to deal with for the weight loss? I’m not exercising at the diet looks like this:

Breakfast:Greek yogurt with mixed berries Two boiled eggs Snack:protein shake with whole milk Lunch:75/25 hamburger with a slice of cheese A medium apple Sautéed veggies Snack :protein shake with whole milk Dinner:salmon or chicken A medium apple Sautéed veggies

submitted by /u/Antique_Plantain6016
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, October 2, 2022

Not holding myself accountable

I’ve posted on here a few times over the years but I lost 30lbs in 2018 and was keeping it off and doing really well at maintaining until Covid hit. I struggled with my mental health during quarantine and became very sedentary and fell out of my regular routine of working out 6 times a week and staying within a calorie deficient. Over the last few years (2020-2022) I’ve been steadily gaining weight and now after repeatedly telling myself I’ll get back on it …I’m officially up 40lbs. This is the heaviest I’ve ever been, I don’t like how I look in pictures, and I generally have just been feeling down and self conscious about my appearance. Each time I step on the scale it’s been higher than the time before and I’m starting to get pretty anxious about my health and feeling like I’ve lost control. I really don’t want it to get any worse than it is now, I’d really like to see some progress even if it was just losing a pound or two but I haven’t been staying consistent enough.

I keep starting off with 2-3 really solid weeks of logging/measuring what I’m eating, getting in regular exercise plus going on walks, and drinking enough water… but then a social event will happen and I’ll go overboard and I get discouraged and in my head then I completely throw myself off track.

I worked out this morning and logged my food today and stayed within calorie budget. I am really going to try to prioritize going to the gym and eating healthy this week so I can get into a good rhythm and routine again. I don’t know if I’m necessarily looking for advice, to me my issue isn’t with not knowing what to do … what is holding me back from meeting my weight loss goals has been mental and emotional and not prioritizing the right things.

This morning I was thinking to myself instead of telling people “I used to be really into the gym and nutrition before the pandemic” I can start trying to change my mentality and try to tell myself that I am a person who prioritizes those things now, too.

If you made it this far thank you for listening, I have a lot of embarrassment around this topic and don’t feel comfortable talking about it with friends. Hopefully today is the start of some much needed life changes. 💪

submitted by /u/misznesbit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat