Thursday, May 4, 2023

How can I help my partner on their weight loss journey?

My partner (30, 6’, 300lb) is clearly overweight.

This might be a somewhat controversial post, because I’m trying to help someone that doesn’t really want to help themself. They absolutely would want to lose weight and take care of their health, but here’s the deal: they work two jobs because they’re trying to get out of debt, and they are in a very low depressive episode (dealing with depression for a few years already). So there’s not only the trouble with finding time or money, but more importantly their mental health issues are not allowing them the energy.

Their doctor already said that unless they do lifestyle changes, and try to track their calories for at least one month, there’s really nothing he can do.

I’ve been trying to cook some healthier options for them to take to work, meal prepping and stuff, but they end up feeling hungry and buying something at work (which I get, when I was working full time and studying I also had trouble not getting fast food because it’s convenient and yummy).

I’d appreciate if we don’t talk about “discipline” and stuff like that, because people that suffer/have suffered from depression know that it’s not that simple, and top that with having to work 2 exhausting jobs. I am looking for tips or ideas of things that I could do, since I have more time and energy, to help my partner.

submitted by /u/petaleraspberry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Weight Loss Journey Advice !

I'm 26 years old, and I just checked my weight this afternoon. As of 5/3/23, I weighed 274.2 Ibs, the most I've ever weighed in my life. I am 5'8 and am currently active, playing tennis, pickleball, padel, and occasionally soccer. I've been depressed for a few days and realized it's because of my terrible sleeping habits and my weight. I intend to drop 100 pounds in one calendar year. What tips and guidance would you provide me as I begin my adventure today?

submitted by /u/FeDelMundo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30lbs down as of today!!

Hello loseit! I am officially 30lbs down today!


Started March 10th, so in a little less than two months I have achieved what I thought was gonna take me much much longer.

Seriously, it has just been consistency for me. I have a strong foundation of muscle and athletics. I have used IF 16:8 with 1800-2000 calories a day. Working out 6 days a week. Alternating cardio (5k walking/jogging) and muscle building (bands, calisthenics, and dumbbells) with one full day of rest. Haven’t missed a day since I started (it’s ok if you need time off, listen to your body)

Weight loss aside, I have more energy and ability to do what I want to do with my life. I still have a long way to go but what a start this has been! And I want to encourage everyone to stay strong and most of all consistent. Just do something everyday (walk, chores, small food choices, whatever you can fit in)

I’m rooting for all of you!!!

submitted by /u/MagMar83
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: Wedding dress alterations appointment - NEED TO TAKE THE DRESS IN 5 INCHES!

I was feeling pretty unhappy about my wedding dress since I've lost more weight since buying it. It was falling down and the waist looked baggy and just not flattering on the bust area. I had hoped it would look better after I lost weight but it didn't... Until I had a seamstress pin / clip it up in the back and WOW!! Apparently I have a small waist now?? When did that happen??? The seamstress is taking the dress in five inches and also adding a corset back to allow for additional weight loss. Before I was regretting my dress choice, but now I'm incredibly excited to see the dress fitted after the alterations are complete! Huge NSV and a literal weight lifted off my chest!

submitted by /u/WinnrWnrHealthyDinr
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Cheap healthier foods to eat without being able to really cook?

Hello all. I am trying to start my weight loss journey but its been a bit difficult. Im having a hard time finding meals to make that are cheap and dont really require too much cooking. I can probably start cooking a bit more when I move in a bit but as of right now I cant really cook and was just looking for some suggestions of things to buy to make that are somewhat healthy and cheap and easy to make. Not really looking for anything super healthy just trying to avoid eating out since its easier and cheap and doesnt require cooking. Thanks

submitted by /u/Doobant
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

already feeling more confident

i just started my lower cal diet a week ago, started working out a bit everyday, drinking 9 cups of water, going to sleep on time, doing 10k+ steps, and i’m already feeling better than i have in a long time(⌒▽⌒) i know the weight loss rn is probably just water but this is the first time i’ve lost weight in a healthy way after an entire life of extreme body dysmorphia and food issues. this is the very beginning of my journey but i already find myself feeling less negatively of my body when i look in the mirror cus i know im making an effort to take care of myself :]

submitted by /u/xujiaqi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

So You Want to Start Jogging? How to Begin

You see those people taking their long strides in the park or pounding the pavement in your neighborhood. You used to think no way. But these days, you’re feeling a little inspired, more ambitious and want to give this jogging thing a try. Plus, it’s the perfect time to start now that the weather is warming up! Here are some tips to get you going:

1. Set goals.

Think about why you want to run, suggests Beth Jordan, certified personal trainer and spokesperson for The American Council on Exercise. Is it to lose weight or fit into a favorite pair of jeans? Or maybe it’s to have more energy to play with your kids? Making those reasons your goal can help you start running, and stick with it. Of course, before you begin any new exercise program, check with your doctor.

4 Tips for Enhancing Your Treadmill Workout for Weight Loss

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2. Shop for running shoes.

You don’t have to spend a ton of money, but you do want to invest in a pair made specifically for your new sport. The best spot to find the right shoe is your local running store. The staff can analyze your gait, as well as consider any knee or back issues you may have, to make sure your shoes provide the needed support and proper fit. You may also want to pick up a good, supportive running bra, suggests Jordan, to help prevent chaffing and keep the breast tendon from stretching from the force of running.

What you don’t need: Running belts for water bottles, goos and gummy running snacks or compression sleeves for your arms and legs, says Jordan. Not necessary unless you are training for a marathon.

3. Dress in layers for outdoor running.

Make sure your clothes are breathable. Cotton can cause chaffing and discomfort while you’re jogging. When it’s on the cold side, slip on a hat and pair of mittens (they’re warmer than gloves).

4. Start slow.

You know that saying go hard or go home? Doesn’t apply here. “The key to sustainability and less risk of injury is to build up your distance gradually,” says Jordan, who also runs a boot camp in Jacksonville Beach, Fla. If you’ve haven’t run in years, or at all, start and stick with walking until you can go for ten to twenty minutes consistently, suggests the Road Runners Club of America. Then begin to incorporate running. Depending on your fitness level, you could start with as little as one street block. “I’ve had clients run the same block and back for one week, then had them add 10 percent or another block,” says Jordan.

Time could also be your marker: start with two minutes, for example, and then add minutes gradually. Where you run is up to you: Outside on a track or pavement or on a treadmill is good for beginners. Trail running, on the other hand, requires a different type of running show and training, says Jordan. Beach sand is not stable, so there’s a higher risk for injury.

5 Common Mistakes New Exercisers Make

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5. Skip days.

For new joggers and runners, two to three non-consecutive days a week is safe. The days off in between can give your muscles a chance to rest and help reduce wear and tear on your joints, back, knees, hips, ankles and shins.

6. Stay hydrated.

That’s key, regardless of the weather outside. And don’t forget to warm up before you start jogging: Walk for about 5 minutes to warm up your muscles, get oxygen and blood flowing and help mentally prepare yourself for your run, says Jordan. You could also march in place, do arm circles or hamstring curls. At the end of your run, stretch to help you cool down.

7. Jog with a buddy.

You can also consider joining a running or jogging club—for some, running with others provides extra motivation and you might feel safer in a group. Most running clubs have varying types of runs, so pick one that works best for your specific goals and fitness level, says Jordan. “Don’t run for someone else or feel pressure to do more than you are capable.”

If you’re running with a friend, suggest running in the same area—like on the same road or track—but you each go at your own pace, suggests Jordan. If you choose to run by yourself, make sure you’re in a safe area, that you have identification on you and a phone, and that you are visible to other runners or cars.

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How Your Friends Can Help You Lose Weight

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The post So You Want to Start Jogging? How to Begin appeared first on The Leaf.

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