Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Top tip for weight loss? Stop thinking you're a fat person

Ok, so this ain't some fat acceptance rant, the opposite actually.

When I was growing up, I was always fat. Got bullied for it big time and eating was sort of my vice to deal with it, you can imagine the spiral this caused.

Well, growing up I knew I was a fat guy. It was the same to me as being too short or ugly, something you can't change. I was just fat, nothing can help poor old me.

Well one day when I was 15 it just sort of clicked, new years resolution was to lose enough to have abs by the summer. Ambitious, since I had the body of a pear. I think it was the fact my mum was also losing suprising amounts of weight that made me think 'hang on, maybe I can actually change?'

Got into the gym big time after that, as soon as I noticed a change I was hooked. First 20lb down and everyone was looking at me funny, I was getting skinny real quick. Highlight was after p.e my mate saw me getting changed and freaked out (hadn't seen him in a while) and just said "wtf Mcshezzer1 has abs"

Today I'm not a fat guy or a fit guy, I'm a guy in a fit body that used to be in a fat body. It does wonders for your wellbeing once you realise just how much you influence your body and how you don't need to stick with what you have.

submitted by /u/Mcshezzer1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2EfEIIN

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Wednesday, 27 February 2019

Welcome adventurer! Whether you're new on this quest or are towards the end of your journey there should be something below for you.

Daily journal.

Interested in some side quests?

Community bulletin board!

If you are new to the sub, click here for our posting guidelines

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2tDTPqF

Progress: How I’ve lost 202lbs (92kgs)

Firstly, progress pictures here https://imgur.com/a/zX9g8Nj


I started trying to lose weight a few years ago after starting full time work. Honestly nothing I tried worked and it got me so depressed. I was the heaviest I had ever been at 198kg. I lost 14kgs but then it stalled and stayed there for a year or so.

Then I got serious as I was over being obese. I was over flying and taking up two seats. I was over having to shop at big men’s stores for work suits. The doctor told me the only way to lose weight was surgery. With the support of my wife I really wanted to prove him wrong.

Then came January 8th 2018. I was 183.8kg. My wife and I had been trying for a baby for several years and nothing worked. We were going through ivf and I wanted to give it the best shot I could. Also, if it did work I wanted to be the best father I could be and outgoing. I started tracking my calories every day religiously. I initially started out on 1200 calories a day which looking back was too low. I was also walking 5km a day. I lost weight quickly. After i lost 30kgs I started running and weights training. The weight loss slowed and I had my ups and downs. I would plateau for a week but then lose 3 kgs the next week.

I also started intermittent fasting in May and that has been amazing. I love being able to have a big lunch and dinner. Currently I am at 106kg and starting to put on some muscle. I currently eat 2700 calories as I run and weightlift 5 times a week.

Honestly this Weight loss has been the hardest and easiest thing I have ever done. The amount of anxiety I endured losing all the weight and stressing whenever I put on water weight or went over my calories was crazy. It does get better and now I maintain my weight and feel good.

Also, if anyone was wondering the IVF worked and I am now the proud dad to a 2 and a half month old son. It is the best thing besides the weight loss that has happened to me. I love also having all the extra energy from losing the weight.

submitted by /u/Jellison36
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2GOi7Hb

I finally told my cp that I didn’t want to talk about weight loss, and it felt great.

I’ve been overweight my whole life. One of my earliest memories is my family calling me fat. Every doctor’s visit I’ve ever gone to involved “the talk.” “At 5’ 0” tall, you should be weighing closer to 100-120 lbs.”

I recently moved, and had to get a new PCP. I had come in at the recommendation of my therapist - I was suffering from severe depression after realizing I had just moved in with a complete stranger and not the man I thought I loved. Rather than talking about how I can barely get myself to put clothes on, the PCP focused on my weight. She’s older and ex-military - very coarse, it felt like I was being shamed because I gained so much weight over the past year (which was not an easy one). How the hell was I supposed to work out when I didn’t even want to get out of bed? I left in tears. Her “pep-talk” which basically said I had no one to blame but myself for my weight gain (yeah no freaking duh) completely ruled out the fact that LIFE FUCKING HAPPENS.

I’ve never had a healthy relationship with food, but over the past three months, with the help of you lovely people and MyFitnessPal, I’ve finally started to feel in control of my eating habits. I’ve been separating my emotions from my need to eat. I’ve taken up Jiu Jitsu, I walk more, I’m more conscious of what and when I’m eating. And I’ve lost 20 lbs since December. So when we went down the list during this visit, and got to my weight, I politely entertained the conversation until she said,

“The work that goes into losing weight has to come from you-”

I put my hand up to stop her, “If it’s alright, I don’t want to talk about it. I’ve been overweight my whole life-”

She raised her hands in surrender and said, “Okay! That’s okay!” And we moved on.

I’m taking control of my health, and if I ever need help, I know I can come to them. But I know that conversation would have done more harm than good at this stage.

So here’s to taking control of your health and the dialogue around your health.

Edit: spacing

submitted by /u/Aurora_Borealiz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2SZD0FL

30 Day Accountability Challenge - March Sign Ups

Hey. How y'all doing?

I'm new and have been a participant for the past couple of months, so I'm happy to give this a try. I'm weird, wonky and tell bad jokes -- warning you now! Another month is about to happen upon us! That means a new Daily Accountability Challenge.

To reiterate, there will be a daily post for you to check in on goals you set for yourself. You can also read everyone else's progress & commiserate, congratulate & whatever else needs-ating. Your goals can be weight loss or general health related, creative, self care or whatever else you need to focus your mental energy on. We try to foster a supportive place to chat about your successes & failures & what you've learned from both.

I'll start us off with my goals for March!

  • Diet/Lifestyle Change: I want to weigh 260 by the end of the month. It's a lofty goal but I really want to challenge myself. I also...want to be halfway into the 200s at the beginning of April.
  • Food: Meat is only allowed 4x a month
  • Food: Snacks! I suck at it, I still love my potatoes (although, I haven't indulged yet). Goal: Healthy late night snacks (if needed) and no chips.
  • Draw at least one thing a day (yes, need to go for it again -- trying to get my skills back)
  • Dance: I need to get my cardio up and I hate running, so I want to take at least two dance classes a week.
  • Write: Have a new idea for either my first book or a new tv show. Time to put pen to paper. Goal: have either a complete outline or rough spec (if it's a show) by EOM.

Don't be shy, chime in with your goals! And feel free to jump on the February post if you want to get a head start.

submitted by /u/cynisright
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2U97TnN

NSV- My mom’s pre-WLS hand me downs are loose on me.

So about a year and a half ago my mom had a revision to her failed lap band surgery. She ended up with a gastric bypass. She’s now super tiny.

Well I used to be one of the smallest members of my family...until I popped out three babies fairly close together. My mom started giving me all her 2XL clothes that I gladly accepted because I was pretty much only fitting into my maternity clothes.

Today I just casually walked by a mirror 😳...my clothes are hanging off me now. I’m pretty sure 2XL is no longer my life. I’m hoping to never go back.

It was so hard to get into the slow and steady mindset, but I’m so much happier this time around on my weight loss journey. I’m seeing progress, but I’m feeling so much healthier mentally and physically. My depression is under control (still in therapy though). I feel happy about my new habits. I haven’t binged. I’m almost to a 60-day streak of tracking on LoseIt. I feel fantastic and ready to keep shoveling this weight off pound by pound.

Thanks for being such an awesome source of ideas and inspiration.

submitted by /u/LifeAfter3Babies
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2Nt9Rwy

Always remember the words “PUSH ON”. I did, and today I have finally met my goal weight. 204->156 5"6.5

Eight months ago, June 13th, I broke. I stared down at the scale. 204 pounds. On that day, I knew a change was going to come. My shell had begun peeling from that very moment, and today, my true self is shining through. So, I thank myself for breaking. Because if I hadn’t, I would be nowhere near where I am now.

Two months ago, I came on reddit to share my journey 6th months in. You can see my previous post here:https://www.reddit.com/r/loseit/comments/a5yteb/today_is_my_6monthaversary_of_being_on_this/

There I was, following the steps I needed to change my life. I gave myself 365 days. A full year to spend on my weight loss journey. Today, February 26th, I met my goal weight. 156 pounds. The crazy part was, when I met my goal, there was no confetti, no parade marching, no trumpets blaring. No, there wasn’t any of that.

But what there was, was a sense of fulfillment. A sense of accomplishment that rushed through my body with a fierceness that couldn’t be measured (Cico pun intended), but felt.

You know what pushed me this long? You guys. Reddit, you helped me push on. Those words became my life. Push on. Push on. Push ON.

I pushed and pushed and pushed and pushed and-

Here I am.

So, Loseit, I urge you to do the same. I urge you to push on. Because trust me, you won’t get confetti when you reach your goal, but you’ll get something better than that: your health. And that, is why I pushed on, and why you should too.


submitted by /u/traumathrowawayacc
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2SoVzhu