Wednesday, February 27, 2019

I got new plates today

I am just starting on my weight loss plan and one of the big issues for me is I have always been a member of the clean plate club. Its pretty much been hard wired in to my brain since I was a kid. When my husband and I moved into our home, my in laws gave us their old huge plates and bowls. At the time it was great because we couldn't afford a nice set and I'm very grateful that they helped but I know its also really caused issues with our portion control. Now that we are doing better financially and I am trying to lose weight, I decided it was time for smaller dishes. Now being a member of the clean plate club will probably reduce the amount we eat by 10-20% each meal but hopefully won't feel like we are eating less. To top it all off I really love my new dishes.

submitted by /u/warmfuzzy22
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Halfway to my weight loss goal

My SO and I began our weight loss journey on 20th of January. We’d both known for awhile that we were carry extra weight and it all culminated one night when we realised how unhealthy we were living after having some friends over, and realising how disgusting the food we’d eaten made us feel. A few tears were shed over where we had ended up.

I ended up being M/27/185cm (6’1”)/107kg(236lbs).

Anyway, the next morning we cleared our fridge and cupboards of any crap food. Since then we’ve been on a programme of 450cal meals for lunch and dinner, with no junk food or fizzy drinks, as well as being more active (couch to 5k, walking, playing squash). I’ve found that I now actually enjoy running (something I used to HATE), and last night set my PB for 5km of 28:48.

The change in lifestyle hasn’t actually been too difficult, and while a certain level of self restraint when around junk food has been necessary, we both decided that we wouldn’t let our new diet get in the way of life e.g. I had a slice of a friends birthday cake, will have a beer with friends to celebrate something. Previously we had tried exclusive diets which cut certain things out etc and just instantly failed because it seemed impossible, somehow doing things the way we have this time has struck a good balance! There have of course been more difficult days than others when we crave crap food, but having friends around to encourage and support us has been huge.

Today marks 10kg (22.5lbs) down for me, and I kind of can’t believe it. Being able to fit into clothes I haven’t worn for over 2 years, mixed with the compliments from people at work has really kept me encouraged that I’m on the right track!

I can’t wait until we both hit goal weight and then can post some progress pictures! Definitely looking forward to not being the chubby guy at work and feeling uncomfortable in my own skin!

submitted by /u/FortyOneDegreesSouth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stop being jealous of people who were never obese.

*A message to myself*

Stop being jealous of people who post photos of themselves shirtless, with their abs showing and their pecks bulging. You were sweating it out in the gym this morning, to, remember? They have been thin their entire life. When it came to body sculpting, they probably had to eat more to achieve their goals. You have come so much farther than they have. Look at your progress pics. Look at the stats on fitbit and MFP. YOU HAVE SCALED MOUNTAINS, and have faced challenges and overcome barriers those thin/toned people probably never have (and I hope never will, for their sakes).

Going from morbidly obese to fit and healthy is so much different than people with a normal BMI who decided to start getting in shape. I catch myself being jealous of these people, but what I have to remember is that they haven't had the same challenges as I have with all of this. I was over 300lbs in high school. I've come so far this year - I finally have a jawline, definition in my arms, and veins in my hands (gross but cool).

I'm not going to wake up tomorrow with rippling muscles and a 32-inch waste. It might happen - it will if I keep going, because if there's one thing I've learned the last 14 months of weight loss, it's that if I will it to be, it will be.

When you're scaling mountains to get where you want to go, don't feel bad when you see someone who only had to overcome a little hill to get to where they want to be. You'll get there, and your journey is going to be so much more transformative because of where you began.

You will get there. Trust the process, and persist. Above all, persist.

submitted by /u/INTJam_on_toast
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finding nuggets of useful wisdom in HAES philosophy

The "Health At Every Size" (HAES) is a deeply flawed paradigm on many levels. However, this doesn't mean that it's necessarily 100% wrong about everything. I still find it useful to take a close look at positions I disagree with as sometimes they still offer a useful perspective. That is what this post about. In no particular order:

HAES stands against body shaming

I don't think that shaming other people is really a problem here, as we understand how easy it is to gain weight and hard it is to lose. I have however observed a lot of unproductive self-shame here, and by this I mean "I hate myself" kind of stuff. Not "I'm unhappy with the way I am and would like to change". Dissatisfaction and a desire to change should not descend into self-loathing. HAES takes it too far when they say any kind of intentional weight loss is inherently body shaming. But in general, the notion that even fat people are worthy of dignity and respect is sound - especially to yourself, even if you want to change.

HAES promotes health and wellness over weight loss per-se

This is a good way of looking at it. Everyone has motivations for losing weight - health, ability to be more active, aesthetics. It's important to remember that weight loss is a side effect of our goals, not necessarily the goal itself. The scale is a diagnostic tool on your journey. Some people get scale-obsessed, where their mood can swing wildy based around essentially random water weight fluctuations. It's important to keep an even keel as you go.

HAES promotes intuitive / mindful eating

Useful, with a huge number of caveats. Look, I don't think anyone wants to be counting calories forever. And in a pre-industrial world, hunter-gatherer tribes didn't count calories or get on treadmills, and they were lean and metabolically healthy. But they didn't deal with a culture saturated in cheap, abundant, hyper-palatable food. The way I see it, calorie counting is an important transition tool for modern humans in order to develop habits that look more like intuitive eating. Specifically, counting calories is important if:

  • you just don't know what the right amount calories to maintain energy balance looks like
  • your internal "off" switch has been desensitized, and you don't have an intuitive idea of "fullness"
  • you eat for other emotional reasons, and putting a hard cap on what you can consume is a way to rationally overcome this

Combining intuitive/mindful eating practices with calorie counting is a pretty good idea. Being mindful can't hurt, and can only help. There is no reason a person can't do both, with eating only using our instincts as a goal. And hopefully we get there, but it's ok if we don't.

HAES is about sustainability

Although they give up on weight loss as a possibility, in general the approach they advocate is small, sustainable changes that work for you. The idea is to avoid unnecessary emotional stress, and create healthy habits that last a lifetime. Philosophically, I think this is sound. "crash diets" and massive lifestyle interventions can work, but it is true that the changes created by such interventions disappear when the interventions end. Slow and steady really does win the race.

I've hopefully stayed on task with what I think are some good aspects. Anyone have more?

submitted by /u/keys_and_kettlebells
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss journey is getting frustrating.

I’ve been trying to join the Air Force for a few months. But the recruiter said I needed to get my weight down to 191lbs. I’m 23M 5’10 currently 203-205lbs.

I started going to the gym back in November and really had no idea what I was doing at first. And then I finally got a little routine. I’d run about 10 minutes on the treadmill to warm up. Then lift the rest of the time.

But now it seems like I’m not losing any weight. I’ve also finally started to run a little I’ve been trying do at least 2 miles every time. Jogging and walking on and off. I’m still trying to figure this whole lost thing out. I know majority of it comes from eating. And when I log my calories into MyFitnessPal. It’s not the recommended 1800. It may because I forgot to log something. And I think it’s because I try to eat less then what id normally eat.

I’m envious of the people who’ve lost 50 and 30lbs. And whenever I see those post it motivates me to do even better. But any advice on how to improve my weight lose would be highly appreciated.

submitted by /u/GoSuckYouMudda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Understanding Macros

Hello everyone,

Coming away from more of a keto-based mindset of carbs being bad and healthy fats being key, my new eating plan involves me incorporating a more balanced approach, incorporate amounts of each macro nutrient (most of the time). A sample of my day's worth of eating involves:

2pm: 2 servings of deluxe nut mix (~400 calories) (my lunches range between 300-600 calories)

5pm: Bowl of oatmeal, with peanut butter, a sliced banana, and honey (usually between 700-1000 calories)

(then sometimes a couple pieces of chocolate or a cookie depending on how far until 1500 calories)

Also, sometimes I throw in a protein shake because I know my protein is pretty low.

If info on me will help: M/20/6"0'/CW170/GW145

I suppose my question is, with all these diets supporting either low carb, high carb, low fat, high fat, can I just eat both? Am I holding back my weight loss by combining the two?

Thanks for any advice!

submitted by /u/Redicebergz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Struggling with the motivation to lose more weight

I started my weight loss journey in August 2016 at 196 lbs. In the first 5-6 months I lost 35lbs, maintained for 11 months, decided time to lose a little more weight - lost 15 lbs (wanted to lose more but wedding was coming and I had already bought my dress), and have maintained that weight since. But starting around January, I started to want to lose more weight (about 20-30lbs) and have not been able to get the motivation up to actually make a change. When I first started my motivation was "I'll be damned if I ever see 200 on a scale" and it was VERY good motivation because I was almost there, the second time I wanted to be as skinny as possible for my wedding without needing my dress to be altered too much (also good motivation because those pictures are forever). But now I'm hovering around 145-150 area and I just cant get that motivation up again. I'm not unhappy with where I am but I know that I would be happier if I got the weight off. I also feel like now I have to give up more, in the beginning I just had to stop eating ALL the time and the weight pretty much fell off, now I eat a normal amount (about 1600 calories a day) and I'm just maintaining. I go to the gym sometimes, not as much as I probably should but I avoid it because I have arthritis in my knees and I know its going to make that uncomfortable for a while. I don't even really know why I'm posting this, advice maybe? Maybe just to know that other people feel this way too? Maybe to get yelled at and told to stop being lazy about it?

submitted by /u/spermbankssavelives
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from loseit - Lose the Fat