Saturday, November 23, 2019

why I started losing it again and where I'm at now

7 years ago I used this community to help me go from 101kg to 75kg.

4 years ago I broke my ankle on my way home from squash practice and haven't been able to excercise properly anymore since then because of lingering pain. And over time I gained back all of the lost weight and then some.

This past August: my gf and I are househunting and we decide to visit a bank. Now in Belgium when take a loan to buy a house you're forced to also take something which translates to a remaining debt insurance. Basically if you have that and one of the partners dies then the other partner doesn't have to keep paying off the house anymore, the insurance takes care of the debt then. Turns out that over the duration of our loan I'd pay 2000 euro more than my gf in debt insurance because I'm 3 years older than her and am now overweight again (108kg at this point)

A week later I visit a nose/ear/throat doctor to talk about my snoring problems and she says a lot of it has to do with me being overweight, if I were to lose weight odds are the snoring will get less or go away completely.

That's when I decided I needed to lose weight again. And i switched all of my lunch meals to salads and generally started eating less. when I finished my plate I used to think "I kinda had enough but it's so yummy and I should finish what's in the pot else we need to throw that delicious food away" I don't do that anymore I cook slightly smaller volumes and stop after my one serving.

in the remainder of august and september I managed to from 108kg to 101kg just by using this method, no excercise, no special diet foods, just no more overeating.

The first 3 weeks of october I went on holidays and didn't watch my diet at all, I ate steak, fries, burgers, sushi, basically anything I wanted, but I still stopped when I felt I had enough and didn't overeat. I got back home october 21th, stepped on the scale and it still said 101kg, succes !!!!! I can eat what I want and not gain weight if I just don't overeat.

This morning I stepped on the scale again and it said 95. I've lost another 6kg in the 5 weeks since returning from holidays. And I feel amazing. I've lost 13kg total of the 30 I want to lose. So there's still a long way to go, but I can see steady progress, I feel full after every meal, I'm just eating a little bit healthier than I used to and more importantly less than I used to.

Next week my gf and I will be signing the deed to our new home and the bank lady has confirmed that because of my weight loss the debt insurance has gone down for me by 1300 euro aswell. I'm no longer considered overweight which lowers the insurance risk and so also the payments I need to make.

While money was definitely the motivation that got me started, now it's a matter of wanting to fit back into those clothes I bought 7 years ago after I lose my weight for the first time.

Sorry if this was too long, but this morning I just felt so proud of myself and I wanted to share it with all of you.

submitted by /u/kaiyotic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to own your befores and afters?

Hi, longtime lurker first time poster.

I was wondering how those of you who have lost a significant amount of weight deal with 2009/2019 comparison posts or comparison posts in general.

I've been thinking about doing the long hair / short hair one simply because posts like that inspired me to cut my hair which I found really empowering.

But I feel like any comparison past / current images of me double as an awkward weight loss before and after, for a weight loss journey that I've never discussed publicly, and indeed many newer friends have no idea about.

This makes me not want to do it because I don't want to upset anyone currently struggling with weight issues, and don't know how to talk about it openly given I said nothing about it during the process.

I assume some people still noticed since it was a significant amount of weight for my height [F21 5'4" 205 > 143],but no one irl ever spoke about it to my face except close family so it feels weirdly taboo.

Any insights?

Tl;dr: I quietly lost over 1/4 of my body weight and never spoke about it openly and now I want to show pictures of myself for reasons unrelated to weight loss but I don't know how to do it ethically / whether I should do it all.

submitted by /u/TreeRingsIn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, November 22, 2019

Really need some support, wanting to lose 50Lbs

I am currently 5'9 and around 205 pounds. 3 years ago I was 165 pounds, and in great shape. I am starting to really despise the way I look and have no idea how to start and commit to losing weight. I used to have time for lots of sports and worked a physically demanding job. Now I work in an office and have put on all the weight without even realizing it. When I google ways all I get are bullshit weight loss articles that all say the same bullshit like love yourself and be reasonable. I dont want to be reasonable. I want to lose all the weight I put on..

Please reddit, help me do this. I want to be able to walk in front of a mirror without averting my gaze.

submitted by /u/HockeyAndMoney
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Long-term success

Hey guys and gals.

I'll get right into the thick of it. I keep running into the issue of relapsing into old binge eating habits. Not even binge eating, just poor eating habits and lack of exercise in general. I just found out over the last year I've gained 27 pounds, and my BMI has sky rocketed to what I had lowered it too a year ago.

The work I put into losing that weight was A LOT, as you all are familiar with. But, and this always seems to happen, I eventually just stop being so vigilant with my eating and exercising. I let loose, perhaps I'm too busy and want to 'reward' myself with doing well in school or otherwise.

So, as I restart - yet again - my weight loss journey, do you all have any advice for sticking to my convictions and keeping the weight I lose off?

submitted by /u/roy2roy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve been lurking for a while and has been my goal to share my weight loss of 40 pounds with you guys for a while so here it is :)

Started 6 months ago, before I started I had the mindset of I don’t care what the doctors say “what’s the point of living if I don’t enjoy it” or whatever BS I believed. The truth was I did not enjoy life at the weight I was. I could barley look people in the eye because I believed I was being judged, I believed I was worthless, I believed that no one liked me even though I had many friends who wanted me to get healthy. My only happiness was food and gaming, anytime I got stressed over an issue it was eat, eat, and eat some more.

one day I said enough is enough I’m tired of feeling like this, I started by seeing a nutritionist in downtown Hollywood cause YK it’s LA haha anyway, she told me to try keto. I researched more into keto and I learned a lot from r/keto, I also did OMAD and 1500 max calories. I would be lying if I said I did this without bumps. I believe I failed 3-6 times to cravings of sweets and bread. Eventually I got it down and I started seeing the numbers go down, that was basically self motivation for me.

I started at 210 and now I’m sitting at around 170 I lost my weight a whole ago and believed it was enough but now my goal is to hit a 8% body fat but while weight training so I’m going to be building muscle while losing the fat instead of just dieting to lose the weight. I’ll update you guys when I hopefully hit that goal.

Here are some comparison photos :)

submitted by /u/PubgGreatGame
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Help with weight loss as a teenager

I am 15. I was thinking about losing weight but today was the last straw and I want to lose weight. I went to the doctor to get my check up because i turned 15. They went to weigh me and I turned out to be 165 pounds. They also took my blood pressure and I have slightly higher than normal blood pressure. Today coupled with the fact that I feel insecure about myself because I have chubby cheeks and slight man boobs makes me want to lose weight. I dont know where to start or what to do to lose weight. To preface my situation I will now tell you what I do currently. In middle school I didnt eat anything during the day but sometimes ate the school lunch. Now everyday I take something to eat at lunch in highschool like a sandwich or a torta. As for running outside I am not really secure about me running and I dont really live in a good area so i dont think I would run outside. My dad also bought a workout machine that he doesnt use it has things to work out your legs and a bar on top that you can pull. So what i am looking for here is help on what to do to lose wight and maybe dietary tips so i can lose weight. Thank you

submitted by /u/Ericzx_1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Unexpected Confidence Boosts!

I’m at a point in my weight loss progress where I feel and think I look better than I have in years, but still have a lot of progress to go. That extra progress that’s needed is still something I think about a lot, and to be honest it bums me out sometimes (but it doesn’t ever make me lose the drive to continue working on myself thankfully).

I listen to mainly metal music (lots of different types) and recently went to a concert by myself. Prior to losing weight, when I was at my heaviest at a concert by myself, I would usually hang in the back of the crowd and watch the bands, usually just keeping to myself due to not only being self conscious about my size, but also feeling like staying in the low energy area of shows was better for me physically. This time, I ended up smack in the middle of the mosh pit for basically the entire night, and actually felt like I fit in with everyone else. I just had a blast, talked with people around me, and just really got into the show. I would have been concerned to be in the pit when I was heavier, thinking “oh everyone will be annoyed by the big guy bashing his body into them!” But this time it was just good fun. What would have probably physically had me down for the count as well (mosh pits require a good amount of stamina lol) just felt like a different type of workout for me. I had a blast and wasn’t at all concerned about how I looked and felt great the whole night. All the progress I’ve made really helped me open up and just enjoy the night.

I can also buy all the band T-shirts I want now because they always have my size now. =]

Anyone else have moments where you would normally be self conscious or upset but end up just feeling great because of the progress you’ve made?

submitted by /u/Jgray19
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from loseit - Lose the Fat