Saturday, January 18, 2020

I need help supporting my husbands weight loss

My husband topped out at 325 lbs and we had a serious discussion about his weight. I told him that he had to start taking care of himself because I did not want to stick around and watch him die. He took it to heart and initially lost 30 lbs but he’s been stagnant for the past two years. In the meantime, he’s been dealing with anxiety and depression and after a LOT of back and forth he has reached out to friends and professionals and has a support network that isn’t just me for the first time. He’s been steadily losing weight now and he’s at 290 lbs.

I am very proud of him, I tell him every day how proud I am. But now I have a problem that I’m hoping you can help me with. He keeps talking about how certain foods or situations “trigger” him and I’m struggling to empathize and it’s causing tension that he cant handle.

For example, this morning we woke up and he offered to get us all bagels (we have three small children). He got back and was panicking because bagels are a trigger food so he went to the grocery store to get himself fruit and vegetables to eat and was gone for almost two hours. Normally, that wouldn’t bother me but me and the baby are sick and the other two kids were fighting and making a mess of the house and I needed my husband to be home already. I yelled at him over the phone, which I shouldn’t have done, I let my temper get the best of me, and now he’s hurt and even more anxious and it’s my fault.

Reddit, could you help me out? Is there any advice you can give me as the spouse of a man who needs to lose over 100 lbs and is battling his demons at the same time? We have kids that need their father, I need my husband, and I don’t know how to approach this situation anymore. When I was being gentle with him, he got extremely overweight. When I finally put my foot down, and I wasn’t very nice about it, it finally motivated him to make some positive changes. But now that he’s on an upward trajectory, what do I do? I hope someone out there can help. Thank you for reading all this.

TLDR: my husband has to lose a lot of weight and I don’t know how best to support him.

submitted by /u/anon5912
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Concerns for the sub and alternate Weight Loss communities.

I am rather disturbed by the advertisements masked as posts now present on /r/loseit. I greatly fear that the quality of advice and support within the community can only suffer if we have to start discerning real advice from restaurant and plan/supplement ads.

After discussing it with the mods, they've said such posts will not be removed. I can understand the tightrope they walk, but false information with an intent to profit seems legitimately dangerous on health-conscious subreddit. I'd take this opportunity to remind everyone that, should they find themselves no longer feeling at home in /r/loseit that there are always communities of people who genuinely want to help each other become healthier.

/r/fitness and /r/bodyweightfitness are good exercise focused subs. /r/progresspics is pretty self explanatory. r/eatcheapandhealthy as well as /r/1200isplenty and /r/1500isplenty depending on your calorie needs are great for helping eat less or healthier. There's always people who want to help.

submitted by /u/Kitsunami
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I think I'm done.

First one is my starting weight, the last three are today (sorry about the dirty mirror).

I started my weight loss journey weighing in at 312 pounds (the heaviest I've ever weighed), and hads finally said that enough was enough. I spent months and months of dieting, exercising religiously (a combination of free weights, machines, and a liberal amount of cardio using both the treadmill and running around the neighborhood), and have finally got down to 185 pounds. My original goal was 180 (since I used to weigh around 180-190 back in the day), however now at 185 I feel like this is as good a place as any. I have what I thought was still a small gut that I wanted to get rid of first, but now I'm thinking that it's just loose skin, as I never used to have that "gut" when I was this weight originally, all those years ago. So, I think I'm going to switch to maintenance for a while, at least unless I feel like I want to go ahead and lose a few extra pounds down the line, or if I want to start to bulk up a bit. I think 185 pounds for 5'11" is decent, don't you? Certainly better than 312.

submitted by /u/TheNuckiestNucky
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I know when I've lost enough weight to get skin removal surgery?

6ft male, currently sitting at about 200lbs. For weight loss I have 70lbs that I can prove but I was much larger than that and had already lost a fair amount of weight before I stepped on the scale at 270lbs. I estimate my total weight loss is only between 80-90lbs. My chest and butt are really baggy and the areas that bother me most but my stomach also seems like maybe is loose as well. I'm afraid if I go to my doctor and mention skin removal I'll just be told I haven't lost enough and that if i lose more it'll tighten up. Most of the time when I hear of people getting skin removal its after losing like double what I have.

submitted by /u/MusicIsMyOutlet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

If I hate working out, am I doomed to fail my major weight loss?

Whenever I read stories about people who lost a bunch of weight (like 100 pounds and over), they've all become exercise nuts who just love lifting and running, cycling, competing in races... I've never heard one person go "You know, I actually hate working out but I have to do it if I don't want to get fat again".

Me. I'm that person. I lost close to 20 lbs and need to lose 140 more to be in an almost-healthy BMI range. But I'm a total couch potato. My personality is made for sitting and reading books and gaming and talking with my friends for hours over coffee. I'm the poster child for "sedentary life style".

Sure, I can work out if I absolutely need to or if it's the only healthy way to lose weight and/or maintain it, but I can never, ever in a million years, imagine myself actually liking it. And I would do it for the bare minimum needed for it to have health benefits. Think of it like eating something you really don't like, but you have to because it's good for you. I would never take the treadmill, or a bike, or a zumba class over a good book and tea coffee. Ever.

So, does this means I'm doomed to fail?

P.S. Hi, I'm new to Reddit. If I'm doing something wrong, please correct me.

submitted by /u/BriefCaterpillar0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My weight loss (nearing -60 pounds!!) was positively noticed by a coworker for the first time last night!!

Not sure if this directly applies to the sub, but I felt like sharing a positive interaction as a result of my weight loss. Mods, I’m sorry if this isn’t a valid post for the sub.

I’ve been bussing tables at a restaurant in my hometown since I got home from my first year at college back in May, when I weighed roughly 245 pounds (19M 5’11”), and it was just before then that I had my “oh shit I can’t keep treating my body like this” moment when I stepped on a friend’s scale and saw 247.8 pounds pop up. Ever since that moment, I decided to start making small lifestyle changes over time in hopes of getting down to a healthier weight and living a healthier life as a whole. I started with simply snacking less, dining out less, being aware of healthier options when I did go out to eat, and beginning to form a regular workout routine. Fast forward to last night, and I am all the way down to 188.6 pounds over the past 8 months. I walk into work at 4:45 just before the dinner shift, and the first thing that happens (no more than 20 seconds after I walked into work), I see my coworker, Jen (a lovely server of ours who I’ve gotten to get along well with in my time working with her), and she immediately goes “dkwhatimdoingwmylife, you look like you’ve lost some weight lately, you look great!!” I was a little thrown off guard at first since the only people I really hear it from are my parents (who, while I am immensely appreciative of their support, have made it the focal point of any and all conversations lately, so it’s been a little repetitive hearing it from only them, and making me doubt that there have been noticeable physical changes lately), but it just instantly made me so happy seeing someone I’m not close with in my personal life notice changes that I don’t talk about with them. It was such a self-confidence booster/motivation keeper for me and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since.

Shoutout Jen, you the best. Thanks for making my day less than a minute after I walked into work :-)

Sidenote: To everyone, whether you are preparing to start your wellness journey, in the middle of it, or many weeks/months/years into it, don’t give up. I know this post is about my appreciation for my coworker’s kind words, but the increased appreciation you gain over time for your hard work and for yourself so far outweighs the doubts you come across along the way.

TL:DR - One of my coworkers took the time out of their busy double shift to compliment me on my weight loss, and I haven’t been this happy about my progress in a while.

submitted by /u/dkwhatimdoingwmylife
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm stuck in a plateau and need some advice

I'm a 6ft male currently at 190 lbs and have been fluctuating a pound above and below that since January 1st. It's very annoying because when I started my weight loss journey back in October I was at 256 lbs, so I've made a lot of progress but I'm not where I want to be yet. The thing is, I don't know what to do to get over this plateau. I only eat one meal a day and I do a lot of walking and this past week I've been lifting at the gym for a few hours for 3-4 days. I'm only eating around 1200-1600 calories a day lately, so I honestly don't see how it's physically possible that I'm not losing weight. I don't want to cut calories any more because I feel like that's getting dangerously low, I'm just confused on how I'm not losing weight at all.

submitted by /u/spark8000
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from loseit - Lose the Fat