Saturday, January 18, 2020

My weight loss (nearing -60 pounds!!) was positively noticed by a coworker for the first time last night!!

Not sure if this directly applies to the sub, but I felt like sharing a positive interaction as a result of my weight loss. Mods, I’m sorry if this isn’t a valid post for the sub.

I’ve been bussing tables at a restaurant in my hometown since I got home from my first year at college back in May, when I weighed roughly 245 pounds (19M 5’11”), and it was just before then that I had my “oh shit I can’t keep treating my body like this” moment when I stepped on a friend’s scale and saw 247.8 pounds pop up. Ever since that moment, I decided to start making small lifestyle changes over time in hopes of getting down to a healthier weight and living a healthier life as a whole. I started with simply snacking less, dining out less, being aware of healthier options when I did go out to eat, and beginning to form a regular workout routine. Fast forward to last night, and I am all the way down to 188.6 pounds over the past 8 months. I walk into work at 4:45 just before the dinner shift, and the first thing that happens (no more than 20 seconds after I walked into work), I see my coworker, Jen (a lovely server of ours who I’ve gotten to get along well with in my time working with her), and she immediately goes “dkwhatimdoingwmylife, you look like you’ve lost some weight lately, you look great!!” I was a little thrown off guard at first since the only people I really hear it from are my parents (who, while I am immensely appreciative of their support, have made it the focal point of any and all conversations lately, so it’s been a little repetitive hearing it from only them, and making me doubt that there have been noticeable physical changes lately), but it just instantly made me so happy seeing someone I’m not close with in my personal life notice changes that I don’t talk about with them. It was such a self-confidence booster/motivation keeper for me and I haven’t stopped thinking about it since.

Shoutout Jen, you the best. Thanks for making my day less than a minute after I walked into work :-)

Sidenote: To everyone, whether you are preparing to start your wellness journey, in the middle of it, or many weeks/months/years into it, don’t give up. I know this post is about my appreciation for my coworker’s kind words, but the increased appreciation you gain over time for your hard work and for yourself so far outweighs the doubts you come across along the way.

TL:DR - One of my coworkers took the time out of their busy double shift to compliment me on my weight loss, and I haven’t been this happy about my progress in a while.

submitted by /u/dkwhatimdoingwmylife
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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