Saturday, October 10, 2020

starting my journey! again :-)

hello, f20/5’4” here. sometime back in march i had successfully gotten to my first goal weight, 170lbs, from a starting point of 200lbs. i won’t get in to how long it took me to lose a 30lbs because it took me way longer than i’m proud to admit, but the physical changes were really noticeable for me. i felt more energetic, and my face was slimmer and more structured. my neck didn’t feel/look as thick, and i could see a jawline. my thighs didn’t touch as much, and my belly wasn’t as round. i was a size 8 and could fit into M/L tops. boys noticed me more. some of these things might be kinda weird to notice, but those little things did wonders to my confidence that i didn’t feel so much pressure to drop quickly to my second goal weight at 150lbs. this sub, as well as IF, 1200isplenty, and progresspics were the main contributors to losing weight this time around.

however, when quarantine hit, i began gaining weight again (like many others). i first got up to 175lbs, thinking it was the bloating from the extra rice i was eating since i was now back at home and not at university. then 180lbs, and i thought, “losing the 10lbs will be super easy! i’ll take my time.” and now, weighing it at 190lbs, i just feel so sad. the clothes that i bought when i hit 170lbs to celebrate my weight loss don’t fit anymore. i look back at old pictures that were from mere months ago, and notice how i look completely different. i can’t see the lines on my neck anymore, my face looks constantly bloated, and i can feel the rolls in my back again. i want to visit a boy i was talking to before the pandemic, but now i don’t want him to see me until i lose the weight again. i wonder if my friends can notice through facetime, or if my colleagues notice over zoom that i’m looking round.

but like many before me who have gained back what they lost, if we can do it once, we can do it again. i’m posting this to vent and also to keep myself accountable to start today and not tomorrow. here’s to the second time around!

submitted by /u/sweetpjm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My Dad being my hero, even though I’m 40

My Dad just had emergency surgery to fix a mighty big blockage in his heart. I came in from out of state to make sure he had someone and help him recover. I haven’t seen my Dad in 3 years. We aren’t particularly close, though we love each other tons. I’ve been working on my weight loss for about 4 months, and I’m not near my goal yet, but I’ve made quite a bit of progress. Dad is literally being my cheerleader. “You look so great”. “That dress is adorable” “Yes, I’ll give that Chia Pudding a try!” I was worried he may judge my food scale and me counting calories. Nope. He’s counting his along with me. Worried that the last 25 years of him relying on fast food would stifle my plans of cooking healthy at home. Nope, again. He’s eating everything I make, including chocolate avocados balls. He HATES avocados. Man, that protein fluff “ice cream” is pretty awful, but he ate it instead of the ice cream in his freezer. I go walking as he’s winding down for bed, and he asks how many steps I have, how many to go, and in the morning asks about my walk and tells me “good job” regardless of if I hit my goals.
I know most definitely that he will go right back to hotdogs every day when I leave, but oh my god, it is an awesome feeling for your dad to not only cheer you on, but enthusiastically join in with you so you don’t cheat yourself. So for the dads out there, regardless of how old your kids are, or how estranged you may be; You’re Dad. Dads a super hero and him saying good job never loses the magic.

submitted by /u/theOGpoorsquirrel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Life is too short.

This will most likely get lost or buried under other posts but I figured I would spill my thoughts while they're still fresh on my mind.

In the midst of another binging episode earlier today, a particular thought came to mind that really made me pause and reflect on my weight loss journey. This last week has been very rough, multiple binges despite the loads of encouragement and inspiration I've received from this subreddit alone. Despite it stalling my weight loss, it's also taken a huge hit to my mental and emotional health which directly affects my success on this journey. Laying back in the seat of my car, 3000-4000 calories in, on the verge of another mental breakdown, a simple, yet profound thought rose from the ashes:

Life is simply too short.

I think on this journey of losing weight whether it be 15, 50, or even 100+ pounds, we forget that we have an obligation to ourselves to enjoy life. People tend to sacrifice or even give up their sense of happiness and joy on the quest to losing x amount of pounds. As if weight loss has to be this grueling, strict, and straight-shot victory on the scale. Whether your morbidly obese or the most shredded guy in the gym, one thing we all share in common as human beings is the prospect of death. I say that as a matter of perspective, and not to discourage anyone. That being the case I feel as if everyone should find different ways to maintain their happiness and fulfilling lifestyle with a healthy weight simply being the by-product. This is something I've failed to do within the last 2 years of losing and putting weight back on, which I believe is the cause of me being stuck at square one. Every "day 1" I feel as if I'm giving up something, or attempting to become someone I'm not mentally when in reality I'm the same exact person with feelings and emotions.

Please take care of your mental well-being as much as your physical on this life changing journey. It is more than possible to be just as happy on day 1 as is on day 1000. Life is too short to waste your time letting your emotions win and keeping you in this constant loop of misery. I know it's not easy just speaking from experience, but it's at least something I'm willing to try starting tomorrow morning.

Everyone deserves to be happy regardless of their size and journey.

You deserve to be happy.

submitted by /u/theboyteezy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Out of obese BMI range!

I feel a bit embarrassed to tell anyone I know and I don’t really know of any other weight loss communities, so I figured I’d post here about it. Sorry if this is kinda lame compared to the other awesome weight loss journey posts here!

For the past month, I’ve been keeping track of what I eat and exercising. I’ve honestly never been very physically active so the exercise has been the biggest change for me. But it seems to be working! I’ve lost 15 pounds so far (even though I know a lot of the beginning was water weight, because my eating habits before this were terrible).

This morning I weighed myself and I’d lost an additional two pounds since last weighing myself. I have a smart scale, so it loads my BMI every time. I’ve been waiting with bated breath during my weight loss for me to lose enough to be out of obese range, and it finally happened!

I’m in the overweight range now - next stop, healthy BMI! Only 50 pounds to go. I’ve got this! And so do you.

submitted by /u/emsgoingtogetfit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, October 9, 2020

24M - 5’ 9” - SW: 274 - CW: 201 - GW: 180 (progress AND advice)


In Spring 2016 I started my weight loss journey. My freshman year of college I put on some weight cause I didn’t work out regularly. Heart problems run in my family and I decided I’d beat it to the punch by doing some running regularly to help my heart health. I have lost family members due to it.

I have always been bigger, but I was fairly athletic in high school doing swimming classes, marching band and sports. I was “fit but fat” and could keep up with some of the skinnier guys.

Fast forward to now. I’ve been up and down, back up to as high as 218 and as low as 194 at one point. I’m very proud of where I’m at but I’m looking to keep going.

Current routine: 45 minute endurance run 2x a week, 1 day of HIIT sprints (45s on, 1:15 off), 1 day of a 1800ft elevation over 2 mile hike in 50 minutes. Push ups and sit ups between Call of Duty games on off days. Sunday totally off to watch football (other than sometimes a walk). Working to get the runs longer and fit in another sprinting day. Work an office job but walk around the office and spent this last summer biking to work regularly.

5 days a week IF (aiming for 8:16 but ends up being more like 6:18 due to work schedule). Weekends I do light meals. Try to avoid carbs but not completely cut it out. (Lettuce wraps, open face instead of sandwich, etc). IF has changed my appetite and I’m honestly not nearly as hungry as I used to be anymore, and can portion way better.

I’d like some advice:

The last 20 pounds seems nigh unconquerable to me. I’ve got down as low as 194 but that is when I was broke in my masters eating maybe a tuna sandwich and a salad and protein shake, and working out HARD 5x a week. It didn’t feel good and I had very little energy.

The only hole in my diet is that I have a sweet tooth but I’m pretty conscious of limiting the candy I eat around the office, and I NEVER buy sweets for myself cause I WILL eat it all. I know a diet is the majority of where weight loss comes from but it feels to me like no matter how perfectly I run my diet, I will put the weight back on if I stop exercising. Body type?

Also, my chest is big. I am kind of self conscious of it and wonder if it makes me seem bigger than I actually am. It almost seems disproportionate and makes me want to collapse to hide it which leads to bad posture (ouch back).

Anyone got any ideas/suggestions as to maximize my efforts a little more? Would love to head the hive mind’s thoughts.

submitted by /u/Flamingrain231
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Today is the first time in a long time I've enjoyed something "unhealthy" without the guilt.

To start off, binging has been and is still a struggle for me, even though I'm able to manage it better than before, I still have my moments. But, last year I started off at 225lbs and went down to 194 so 31 pounds lost! Unfortunately, I've gained a little bit of that back this year as I weigh 204lbs right now.

As for the binging, when I started my weight loss journey and was losing weight, I was also very harsh on myself. Every encounter with food would start a war in my mind. Even if I had eaten healthy for the majority of the day and helped myself for let's say, one oreo cookie, or a very tiny slice of cake, even without the frosting! I would feel like my life and day was ruined, that I was a failure, that I was worthless, and would feel extremely guilty and ashamed.

It didn't matter if it was one cookie, or a small scoop of my favorite Ben & Jerry's ice cream. I would punish myself by either starving myself the next day, forcing myself to complete a 1000 calorie burn workout, which made me feel even more worthless because I couldn't finish the whole workout, and would talk down on myself, calling myself names such as a fat pig.

Like I said though, the pounds were falling off, but at this time, I didn't know that losing weight and enjoying your favorite foods in moderation was even possible! Even though technically, that was what I was doing all along, I thought I just had to stick to eating baked chicken breast, salads, and other vegetables and anything other than that was WRONG.

But anyways, fast forward to today, something just clicked, I said to myself, "You know what? It's a fucking Friday, you've lost 30 pounds, and you've came so far, cut yourself some damn slack".

So that's exactly what I did! My dad ordered some Domino's pizza, and I enjoyed every single last bite of that delicious chicken alfredo pizza without a single feeling of guilt! And not only that but I had two slices! It may not seem like a big deal to others, but losing those 30 pounds was a struggle, not physically but emotionally.

And the best part about it is yeah I enjoyed those two slices of pizza, but guess what? I'll be back on track tommorow and will continue on with my journey 😊.

submitted by /u/CoffeeandOreos
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Questions about changing your body shape

I’m (30f) trying to build muscle and lose weight. I know that you can’t really change your body type or “target lose,” but I’m wondering if anyone has any advice about making slight changes like increasing muscle in certain areas to maybe just a little bit alter your shape.

I’m female, 5’5, 165 and extremely hourglass shaped and I’ve always hated it. When I’ve been heavier, like now, all my weight goes my chest and arms some, but mostly my thighs and butt, and when I’m thinner or losing weight my figure just becomes more exaggerated or stays the same proportions. I’m never going to be happy like this and I want to know if anyone’s had success bulking up muscles in certain areas or not working out certain areas to make any difference in body shape. I know it’s a long shot but I’m desperate. As I continue my weight loss journey it’s going to get worse and I’m trying to avoid that pain.

submitted by /u/jasmine-blossom
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