Friday, October 9, 2020

Today is the first time in a long time I've enjoyed something "unhealthy" without the guilt.

To start off, binging has been and is still a struggle for me, even though I'm able to manage it better than before, I still have my moments. But, last year I started off at 225lbs and went down to 194 so 31 pounds lost! Unfortunately, I've gained a little bit of that back this year as I weigh 204lbs right now.

As for the binging, when I started my weight loss journey and was losing weight, I was also very harsh on myself. Every encounter with food would start a war in my mind. Even if I had eaten healthy for the majority of the day and helped myself for let's say, one oreo cookie, or a very tiny slice of cake, even without the frosting! I would feel like my life and day was ruined, that I was a failure, that I was worthless, and would feel extremely guilty and ashamed.

It didn't matter if it was one cookie, or a small scoop of my favorite Ben & Jerry's ice cream. I would punish myself by either starving myself the next day, forcing myself to complete a 1000 calorie burn workout, which made me feel even more worthless because I couldn't finish the whole workout, and would talk down on myself, calling myself names such as a fat pig.

Like I said though, the pounds were falling off, but at this time, I didn't know that losing weight and enjoying your favorite foods in moderation was even possible! Even though technically, that was what I was doing all along, I thought I just had to stick to eating baked chicken breast, salads, and other vegetables and anything other than that was WRONG.

But anyways, fast forward to today, something just clicked, I said to myself, "You know what? It's a fucking Friday, you've lost 30 pounds, and you've came so far, cut yourself some damn slack".

So that's exactly what I did! My dad ordered some Domino's pizza, and I enjoyed every single last bite of that delicious chicken alfredo pizza without a single feeling of guilt! And not only that but I had two slices! It may not seem like a big deal to others, but losing those 30 pounds was a struggle, not physically but emotionally.

And the best part about it is yeah I enjoyed those two slices of pizza, but guess what? I'll be back on track tommorow and will continue on with my journey 😊.

submitted by /u/CoffeeandOreos
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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