Tuesday, March 28, 2023

I'm so excited, I've never felt this Before

I am so proud of myself! My weight has fluctuated my whole life, and the only time I was at a healthy weight was because of dr*gs and an ED. I have never lost weight the "correct"/healthy way, but I have finally found something that works. My cardiologist prescribed me an exercise regimen not with the purpose of weight loss, but to strengthen my body and heart so that it functions as best as it can with my heart condition...there's very little pressure on me with this premise, imo.

It's been two weeks and I feel so good. I've been sleeping better, I haven't been binge eating or restricting, my head feels much more clear, and all grogginess is gone. I haven't been thinking about my weight since I've started, but this morning I weighed myself and it turns out that I've lost 6 pounds! It's so small but it means so much to me. I have support in my life, though I don't feel like the people I've told truly understood where I was coming from, so I wanted to share with y'all!

submitted by /u/Cleo-Bittercup
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/DgSa6dP

How do you manage during super busy periods?

I started my weight loss journey around 17-18 days ago . Everything's been good for the first two weeks , i was tracking my calories and macros , hitting the gym and walking 10k steps each day . But for past three to four days i have been super busy as work , pulling over 12hrs , missed gym , max 4k steps a day and ordering food almost always.

I am sure i am not the first person to come across this situation. So how do you folks manage when things get really stressful.

submitted by /u/Abhishek0023c
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/R7ZDaUS

Am I underestimating my activity level?

Female, 28, 167cm. SW: 147 CW: 135 GW: Whatever

Using the above stats I worked out that my TDEE is about 1850 cals per day, so I cut to about 1300 - 1400 per day with a goal to lose 1lb a week for 10 weeks. In 7 weeks I have dropped 12lb, so about 1.7lb a week. This seems very fast for someone my size.

I feel like I'm "lightly active" as I have a sedentary office job. However, I walk at least 30 minutes across hills each day during the week and about 2 hours at the weekend (dog owner), I run about 5k twice a week, and a do an hour of pilates once a week.

Is this enough to account for the extra weight loss, or must I just be under eating/losing water weight? I know you can't "outrun the fork" so I didn't think my exercise would factor in much.

submitted by /u/Emaphine12
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/qvYkZ47

Sick of yoyo-ing

Ok, Ive been lurking here a bit cause im usually pretty shy about posting but, its now gotten to the point where I really want/need to do something about my weight and Idk where to start so, hoping to get some advice?

Currently I weight 169Kg (372lbs for Americans) and whilst ive tried things in the past (fasting, weight loss shakes, calorie counting, trainer, dietitian) ot usually seems to devolve into a bit of a yo-yo dieting which im getting pretty sick of doing and having so real impact or change on my situation. I'll be homest that I havent been exercising for a bit due to life circumstances but, im trying to get back to walking everyday (which I use to do but, still didnt feel like much change occured)

Idk if keeping a sugar/food diary should be where I start? Or do I go back to calorie counting? I know the principles (cal in/out etc) but, I dont feel like im actually eating all that unhealthy other then maybe soda/alcohol? So, that feels like what I should address first but, it seems like its too small a change to have caused me to be where I am.

I also dont know how to maintain motivation and drive to keep going for extended periods of time? Like, I want to weigh under 120kg so, thats nearly 50kg and Idk how long itll take to lose that. And whilst I know the promose of better health should be a good motivator, ive been spoiled by the internet and the whole 'instant results'.type shit (not just with weightloss too).

So, tl;dr, what do I change and how do I keep myswlf on track?

Thank you ❤️

submitted by /u/Sgt_Peppers_A2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/A7gwIfk

Monday, March 27, 2023

Weight loss update

Hello all, I am a girl who is very insecure about my body. Starting in November, I have lost about 30 pounds. 220 pounds to 190 (and maybe even lower now.) Today has not been a good day when it comes to eating. Tomorrow will be better though. My mental health has honestly made it a struggle to do exercise, so it’s hard and I rarely do, but I figure some movement is better than no movement so I try even if it’s very little. I have not noticed any changes in my body but this weekend my mom asked me if My pants are becoming bigger and it looks like I’m getting smaller.

I hope now that it is spring the weather clears up and I can exercise outside more, and when I get a job that means I can walk more afterwards. Thank you for reading, I’m quite proud of my progress even though it is tough and I do have bad days like today, every day is a chance for me to be better.

submitted by /u/EmotionalDig2745
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/msR1lQk

Lost some weight (13 pounds) for the first time in my life - these are the things that helped me the most.

Don't overcomplicate things, just be consistent.

I combine very low-carb/keto (I eat bananas/apples daily and rice/potatoes once a week) and intermittent fasting (mostly 16:8, sometimes 18:6) with increased physical activity (8k or more steps, strength exercises at home when my energy levels allow) - and that's it.

Being simple and consistent is a winning combo, far more important than coming up with an elaborate meal plan, at least at the beginning of your weight loss journey when you still have plenty of weight to lose.

Know yourself and be honest about what works for you.

I've tried calorie counting, and it made me obsessive and miserable. "Everything in moderation" is for people who have impulse control, so... not for me. Cheat days scare the sh*t out of me because they always turn into binge sessions, cheat weeks, and failed diets.

So, I just won't do that anymore, or at least not until my mental state and relationship with food improve. It may work for other people, but NOT for me. I feel good with a strict regimen knowing that I did everything by the book. It gives me peace, confidence, and results.

Improve your overall health and routine.

In addition to the diet changes and being more active, I stick to Huberman's advice and have a good sleeping schedule, followed by sunlight exposure. Sun makes me feel wonderful!

When I don't do my tasks on time, I get vicious panic attacks - so completing them comes before anything else. Otherwise, I lose my mind and spiral. Procrastination is my biggest enemy.

I take my medications regularly, and engage in positive self talk filled with gentleness, praise, and encouragement. It only felt forced in the beginning, now it helps me get through days. I battle cravings every day, it still doesn't get any easier, and manage to stay on course by "debating" with myself.

Adapt your surroundings.

I eliminated triggering foods from my house, and bf keeps his sweets and snacks in his home office (my dignity would never allow me to rummage through his stuff lol).

Wherever I go, I keep a big handful of tasty mixed nuts in my bag to keep me busy until I get home and fix myself something to eat.

When ordering, I stick to meats, cheeses, fish, veggies, and salads. I specifically ask people not to serve breads, buns, potatoes, etc with my orders. I found that 99% of the restaurants have perfectly good keto options.

Most importantly: I ALWAYS have appropriate food ready to eat without cooking! Nuts, fruit, avocados, cheese, deli meat, canned fish, or yesterday's lunch to reheat.

As far as intermittent fasting goes, I set it up so I spend most of the fasting time sleeping.

(I) don't do replacements.

Let's be real, nothing can replace sugar and carbs, so I gave up pretending replacements work. Cauliflower rice is DISGUSTING, don't @ me! There's one decent keto bread with almond flour I occasionally make (less than I would want to, food prices are killing me), and that's it.

If they help you, good for you! I'd rather sit it out until I can comfortably enjoy pasta and pizza in moderation, on special occasions.

(I feel I should share that I have Hashimoto, PCOS, and pre-diabetis, all diagnosed and medicated.)

That's about it! It's all very simple and non-impressive, but I'm so happy about what I've accomplished in only a month by being consistent. I can't wait to see what future holds for me in terms of weightloss and there's no way I'm giving up this time! I wish all of you the best of luck and health. <3

submitted by /u/Relative-Yak-2726
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/A3vMo6Z

a doctor asked me if I had had bariatric surgery

I consult myself with a doctor (urologist) for a checkup, I've been going there monthly for at least 3 months,

he was examining me and looked at my belly and asked if I had had gastric surgery I opened a smile and said no

I was morbidly obese so I'm used to people praising my weight loss

but this time it was different I was so emotional that I almost cried inside the doctor's office

I think the fact that he is a doctor and examines me monthly and asks if I had had gastric surgery made this all special, I literally almost cried, that was the best compliment I have received since June 2022 when I started eating in a healthy way

submitted by /u/Dabmspcpape
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/y21T4BJ